Renew a permit to build a commercial terrace on public property

Last updated March 18, 2024

Do you want to renew your permit to build a commercial terrace on the sidewalk, road or any other part of public property? Learn what you need to do to renew your permit.

In Montréal, you must hold a valid permit in order to operate a commercial terrace on public property.

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A permit to build a commercial terrace remains valid year after year. It is renewed automatically, except if :

  • the permit is revoked by the city, in which case a new permit application must be submitted
  • you have submitted a request to stop using the terrace and the terrace has been dismantled
  • the location of the terrace or its area changes
  • there is a change of operator in the establishment, in which case you must go directly to the permit counter to request a change of operator for a nominal fee

Annual rent

You will continue to pay the rent (or seasonal public property occupancy fee) annually, calculated based on the area occupied by the terrace and the assessment roll in force. 

You must pay the rent in a single instalment. The rent is calculated from May 1 to October 31. You will receive an invoice at the beginning of the season.

You may be asked to provide proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the occupancy period.

Information coming soon

You must renew your permit annually, before the beginning of the season. In order to do so, you must:

  • Apply for a renewal by e-mail.

  • Complete the renewal form and provide the necessary documentation.

  • Pay the permit fee and the rent.


You are required to have met all the regulatory requirements during the previous year.

The proposed terrace must be identical to the terrace described in the plans submitted the previous year. 

If there are changes, you must submit a new application, regardless of what those changes are.

Annual rent

You will continue to pay a rent (or annual seasonal public property occupancy fee).

The payment must be made in a single instalment. It is calculated from May 1 to October 31. You will receive an invoice in the mail at the beginning of the season.


Permit: $104

Rent: 7.5 per cent of the value of the area occupied by the terrace

The invoice will include the sum total of these two amounts.

Required documents

  • proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. 
  • letter of commitment certifying that there will be no changes in relation to the previous year (name of the establishment, name of owner or operator, building plans)
  • authorization from the building owner 

If applicable:

  • power of attorney signed by the operator

Communication channels

Direction des travaux publics

Division des études techniques
2140 Madison Ave, 3rd floor
Montréal, QC H4B 2T4

The permit cannot be renewed. You must submit a new application for a permit each year.

The permit to build a commercial terrace remains valid year after year, except if:

  • the permit is revoked by the city, in which case a new permit application must be submitted
  • you have submitted a request to stop using the terrace and the terrace has been dismantled
  • you intend to change the terrace in relation to the plan authorized at the time of issuance of the permit, or you are a new operator, in which case you must submit a new application

Annual rent

You will continue to pay a rent (or annual seasonal public property occupancy fee), calculated based on the area occupied by the terrace and the assessment roll in force, as well as the number of days of occupancy.

You must pay the rent at the permit counter in a single instalment, before the terrace is built.

Required documents

  • Upon request, proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. 
  • letter of commitment certifying that there will be no changes in relation to the previous year (name of the establishment, name of owner or operator, building plans)
  • authorization from the building owner

If applicable:

  • power of attorney signed by the operator

Communication channels

Point of service

55 Avenue Dupras
Montréal, QC H8R 4A8

You must renew your permit annually.

In order to do so, you must complete the form online and submit it with the required documents.

Due to the high number of applications, you are advised to submit your application at least two month before the start of the period of operation of the terrace.

Please note that establishments located on Rue Prince-Arthur Est or Rue Saint-Denis must renew their sidewalk café permit before March 1, for the occupancy period starting on April 15.

The renewal is free of charge.

In the event of a change of operator or major changes that are not the result of a regulatory amendment, you must submit a new application and pay the technical review fees.

Operating period

In the case of a renewal, three occupancy periods are possible:

– April 15 to November 15 

– May 15 to November 15

– June 14 to November 15

The permit must be displayed in the window of the establishment and the layout plan must be available for viewing on site.


Taxes not included.

Type of fees


Public property occupancy fees

7.15 per cent of the value of the public property, multiplied by the number of days of the occupancy period. The minimum fee is $1015.75

Occupancy fees are invoiced after the end of the season. The value of public property is set at $1,300 x area in square metres, except for sidewalk cafés located on the following sections, where the calculation is $1,300 x area in square metres x 2.

  • Avenue du Parc, between Avenue Van Horne and Rue Sherbrooke Ouest
  • Boulevard Saint-Laurent, between avenue Van Horne and Rue Sherbrooke Est
  • Rue Saint-Denis, between avenue Laurier Est and Rue Sherbrooke Est
  • Avenue du Mont-Royal, between Rue Hutchison and Rue Frontenac
  • Avenue Laurier Ouest, between Rue Hutchison and Boulevard Saint-Laurent


Required documents

  • Proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, that states that the terrace is covered for its entire period of operation and designating the city as a co-insured party. Your policy will be required in order for us to process your file and before the permit is issued.
    • Full insurance policies will not be accepted. Only proof of insurance not exceeding 2 pages should be submitted.
    • Insurance policies that do not cover the entire period of occupancy and renewals during occupancy will be refused.
  • Letter of commitment certifying that there will be no changes in relation to the previous year (name of the establishment, name of owner or operator)
  • Previous year’s development plan.
  • Letter of authorization from neighboring business, if an encroachment of more than 50% is being requested.

Communication channels


You must apply online.

You must renew your permit annually. In order to do so, you must:

  • complete the form online with the required documents.
  • send a cheque by mail to pay the fees.

Taxes are included.

The occupancy fees are fixed for entire seasonal period. In the event of an occupancy during only part of this period, the fee amounts are prorated to the number of days of occupancy during the 200-day seasonal period.

The fees are non-refundable.

Type of fee




Sidewalk occupancy permit

$37.50 per m²

Road occupancy permit

$141.50 per m²

Required documents

  • Copy of a 3-dimensional plan of the sidewalk café drawn to scale that shows its layout and location in relation to public property. No hand-drawn plans will be accepted. 
  • proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. 
  • letter of commitment certifying that there will be no changes in relation to the previous year (name of the establishment, name of owner or operator, building plans).
  • authorization from the building owner 

If applicable:

  • power of attorney signed by the operator

Communication channels


This borough does not authorize commercial terraces on public property.

You must renew your permit annually and confirm that no changes have been made.

The permit renewal is free of charge.

If changes in area or materials are made, you must submit a new application.

If only the name of operator changes, you must submit an application to change the identity of the permit holder.

If you do not want to renew your permit and the terrace has been dismantled, you must advise the counter before the beginning of the season.

Annual rent

You must pay the annual seasonal public property occupancy fee (rent) in a single instalment. The fee will be calculated from April 1 to October 31. You will receive an invoice in the mail at the beginning of the season.

Required documents

  • proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. 
  • letter of commitment certifying that there will be no changes in relation to the previous year (name of the establishment, name of owner or operator, building plans)
  • authorization from the building owner 

If applicable:

  • power of attorney signed by the operator

Communication channels

You can submit your application online, but the fees must be paid at the counter.

Point of service

6854 Rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal, QC H1N 1E1

You must renew your permit annually.

How to apply

To get your permit, you must: 

  1. Have an account and an organizational profile 
  2. Apply online or at the permit counter 
  3. Provide all required documents. 


The periodic occupation permit for the public domain: $87.

You must renew it annually.

Required documents

  • proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. 
  • letter of commitment certifying that there will be no changes in relation to the previous year (name of the establishment, name of owner or operator, building plans)
  • authorization from the building owner 

If applicable:

  • power of attorney signed by the operator


You need an account and an organizational profile in order to use this service (in French).

4241 Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville
Montréal, QC H1H 1S4

The permit cannot be renewed. You must submit a new application for a permit each year.

This borough does not authorize commercial terraces on public property.

You must renew your permit annually and confirm that no changes have been made.

If changes in area or materials are made, you must submit a new application.

If only the name of operator changes, you must submit an application to change the identity of the permit holder.

If you do not want to renew your permit and the terrace has been dismantled, you must advise the counter before the beginning of the season.

Annual rent

You will continue to pay the annual rent (or seasonal public property occupancy fee). 

You must pay the rent in a single instalment. The rent is calculated from May 1 to October 31. You will receive an invoice at the beginning of the season.


Taxes are included.

Type of fee




Additional fees may apply if the terrace occupies part of a private property.


Required documents

  • letter certifying that no changes have been made to the terrace
  • proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace.

If applicable:

  • power of attorney signed by the operator

Communication channels

In person

Point of service

12090 Rue Notre-Dame Est
Montréal, QC H1B 2Z1

You must renew your permit annually.

How to apply 

To get your permit, you must: 

  1. Have an account and an organizational profile 
  2. Apply online or at the permit counter 
  3. Provide all required documents 
  4. Pay the review fee online or at the permit counter, depending on the method you choose to complete your application 
  5. If your application is accepted, pay rent for the operating period upon receipt of your invoice.

Your permit will only be renewed if, in the previous year, you met all the requirements established by the borough.

In addition, every aspect of your terrace layout must resemble the plan that was authorized in the previous year.

If you are a new operator and you intend to keep the terrace as is, you can simply submit an application with a change of operator.

If there are changes (new arrangement, area, materials), you must submit a new application for a permit.

Please view the page entitled Build a commercial terrace on public property to check the applicable standard.


Taxes are included. No amount is refundable.

Type of fee


Technical study fees for the occupation of the public domain for terrace purposes


Periodic charges for occupying the public domain

$121 per m²

Additional fees may apply if the terrace occupies part of a private property.

Billing method

You’ll receive an invoice in the mail about two weeks after you’ve obtained your permit. It must be paid in a single instalment.

Operating period

Seasonal terrace

From April 15 to November 15. 

Pop-up terrace

Throughout the year, with certain conditions.

Required documents

  • Upon request, proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. 
  • letter of commitment certifying that there will be no changes in relation to the previous year (name of the establishment, name of owner or operator, building plans)
  • authorization from the building owner 

If applicable:

  • power of attorney signed by the operator

Renew your permit

5650 Rue D'Iberville
Second floor
Montréal, QC H2G 2B3

This service is not offered in this borough.

This borough does not authorize commercial terraces on public property.

The permit cannot be renewed. You must submit a new application for a permit each year.

A commercial terrace permit is only valid for a specific period of time and renewal must be applied for at the beginning of each year.

The layout must be identical to that of the previous year.


Taxes are included.

Type of fee


Processing fee


Annual rent

You will continue to pay the rent (or seasonal public property occupancy fee) annually, calculated based on the area occupied by the terrace and the assessment roll in force.

Communication channels

You can submit your application online, but the fees must be paid at the counter.

800 Boulevard De Maisonneuve Est
Ground floor
Montréal, QC H2L 4L8

You must renew your permit annually, online or at the counter, and confirm that no changes have been made. 

If there have been changes, you must submit a new application for a permit, regardless of what those changes are.

How to apply 

To get your permit, you must: 

  1. Have an account and an organizational profile 
  2. Apply online or at the permit counter 
  3. Provide all required documents 
  4. Pay the review fee online or at the permit counter, depending on the method you choose to complete your application 
  5. If your application is accepted, pay rent for the operating period upon receipt of your invoice. 

If you do not want to renew your permit and the terrace has been dismantled, you must advise the counter before the beginning of the season.

Annual rent

Each year, applicants must pay a fee for periodic occupancy of public property in order to operate their terrace. 

Your rent is calculated by multiplying the surface area of public property that the terrace occupies by the periodic occupancy fees. This amount is then prorated according to the number of days of occupancy during the operating season.

Billing method

You’ll receive an invoice in the mail about two weeks after you’ve obtained your permit. It must be paid in a single instalment.

Required documents

  • letter certifying that no changes have been made to the terrace
  • proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace.
  • authorization from the building owner 

If applicable:

  • power of attorney signed by the operator

Communication channels

You need an account and an organizational profile in order to use this service (in French).

405 Avenue Ogilvy
Suite 111
Montréal, QC H3N 1M3