Apply to have a sewer connection repaired
Is your sewer pipe blocked? Do you think it might be broken? If it is located beneath the street, we can help you. Learn how you can apply to have the borough repair a sewer connection.
The sewer connection is the conduit or duct that connects a building to the public sewer line. The duct is used to discharge wastewater and rainwater from the building into the municipal sewer system. There are three types of sewer connection:
- Sanitary: Wastewater from household use
- Pluvial: Rainwater
- Combined sewer: Both wastewater and rainwater
Who is responsible for the sewer connection?
Building owners have an obligation to ensure that sewer connections are in good working condition. They are responsible for maintaining, replacing and repairing all the sewer connections in their building, including beyond their property limits, or up to the point of connection with the municipal sewer beneath the street.
For example, the owner is responsible for cutting roots that are blocking the drain and for unblocking the sewer connection even under public property, as stipulated in the by-law.
In the event of a structural problem with the sewer, the city takes action only on the part of the sewer connection that is under public property. These repairs are carried out between the months of May and November, except for an emergency.
Eligibility criteria
- The work concerns a problem on public property.
- The sewer connection is:
- not greater than 225 mm in diameter for a pluvial sewer or combined sewe
- not greater than 150 mm in diameter for a sanitary sewer
- The defect concerns the structure: breakage, punctures, staggered joints, etc
- The problem was not caused by work or the disposal of products, such as oil, grease or acid, or rags.
A plumbing expert, by performing an inspection, will be able to identify the problem and tell you what the diameter of the sewer connection is.
If you meet all eligibility criteria, you must file an application that meets the requirements set out by your borough.
If there is no justification for the city to perform work on the sewer, the building owner will be billed for all fees incurred.
My borough
No borough selected.
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense (non-refundable by the City).
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must show the entire sewer, up to the public sewer, and the chainage. The chainage that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. The drain must be cleaned, the roots and other elements inside of it removed, if applicable, before the video recording is made.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must contain the following elements:
- The company’s RBQ licence number
- Inspection date
- Observations recorded in the video
- Sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- Drain characteristics: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the public portion
- Signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit to carry out work on private property that requires excavation near public property.
For more information
Write to us at
No information will be given at the borough office counter.
Suite 600
Montréal, QC H2N 2H8
Bring your documents and the video (USB drive).
- Include your mailing address in your e-mail.
- If the video file is large, use a transfer service to send it to us.
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- Company’s RBQ licence number
- Inspection date
- Observations recorded in the video
- Sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- Characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- Signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
Texte important
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
Bring your documents
In person
Montréal, QC H1K 4B9
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- Company’s RBQ licence number
- Inspection date
- Observations recorded in the video
- Sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- Characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- Signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311
Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Montréal, QC H3X 2H9
Please submit all your documents and the video recording in person.
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- Company’s RBQ licence number
- Inspection date
- Observations recorded in the video
- Sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- Characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- Signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property
Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311
Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Montréal, QC H8S 2N4
Please submit your documents and the video recording in person.
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- Company’s RBQ licence number
- Inspection date
- Observations recorded in the video
- Sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- Characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- Signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
To schedule a phone or in-person meeting with someone from the Direction de l’aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises team, reserve your time now online.
Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311
Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Submit an application (by email only)
Please view the inspection guide to learn about the procedure to follow.
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Include the following documents:
- Standard sketch (see example)
- Inspection report with detailed sketch
- Checklist
- Recording of the camera inspection
You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Give the checklist to the company you hire and make sure all the boxes are checked before you submit it with your documents.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video must be recorded to a digital file. CDs and USB flash drives will not be accepted. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- Company’s RBQ licence number
- Inspection date
- Observations recorded in the video
- Sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- Characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- Signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
Before submitting your application
Please write to us to make sure that your application includes all the required information.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
- PDF file Repair Work Request Form - PMR (in French) [PDF 18 KB]
- PDF file Sample sketch for corrective work - PMR (in French) [PDF 74 KB]
- PDF file Inspection Report - PMR (in French) [PDF 288 KB]
- PDF file Corrective work checklist - PMR (in French) [PDF 349 KB]
- PDF file Inspection guide for corrective work - PMR (in French) [PDF 765 KB]
Information and Application
By e-mail
- Add your address to the subject line before sending.
- Please do not go in person, and send all the documents by e-mail.
- If the video file is too big, use a file transfer service.
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- Company’s RBQ licence number
- Inspection date
- Observations recorded in the video
- Sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- Characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- Signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311
Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
First floor
Montréal, QC H4C 2K4
Please submit all your documents with the video recording.
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- company’s RBQ licence number
- inspection date
- observations recorded in the video
- sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311
Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Montréal, QC H9C 1G9
Montréal, QC H9H 1C5
Please submit your documents with the video recording.
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- company’s RBQ licence number
- inspection date
- observations recorded in the video
- sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311
Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Montréal, QC H1N 1E1
Please submit your documents with the video recording
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
- Submit the documents to the borough. You can start the work after you receive authorization from the borough.
- If there is a malfunction on the public side, repair work will be performed by the borough at no cost.
- If the issue involves a clogged drain or a malfunction on the private side, repairs are your responsibility.
Video inspection of of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- company’s RBQ licence number
- inspection date
- observations recorded in the video
- sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- signature of the company representative
Please contact us to plan the steps involved in your application.
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311
Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Montréal, QC H1H 5R5
To submit the completed documents and the video (USB key or CD).
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- company’s RBQ licence number
- inspection date
- observations recorded in the video
- sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311
Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Direction des travaux publics
Montréal, QC H2V 0A8
Opening hours
- Monday to Thursday from 7 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.
- Friday from 7 a.m. to 11:45 a.m.
Please submit your documents with the video recording.
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- company’s RBQ licence number
- inspection date
- observations recorded in the video
- sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
Sewer back-up inside a home
A city crew will not take action in the event of a sewer back-up.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
Obtenir un rendez-vous
By phone
Travaux publics
Please schedule an appointment before going in person to submit your documents with the video recording.
Submit an application
- If you own the building, use the application form for corrective work. If you are a tenant, contact your landlord.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
- Contact the permit counter to find out how to submit your documents.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video must be saved to a USB flash drive. The recording must:
- provide a full view of the sewer, from the building to the junction with the public portion;
- show the chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera, the date of the recording, and the property address;
- show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy. We may ask you to send the recording by email.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- company’s RBQ licence number
- inspection date
- observations recorded in the video
- sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- signature of the company representative
The work performed by the city is determined by the documents that your plumbing contractor provides, so be sure that these documents fully meet all requirements in detail. Otherwise, you will be responsible for all costs if the work is deemed unjustifiable.
Once your application is accepted, work will begin two to three weeks later. Your sewer may not be usable during that time and you must take steps to protect your building.
You can choose to have the work performed by a private contractor without involving the city. The work will then be billable entirely to you, and you must have all required permits before work begins. Contact the permits office for more information.
You do not need to apply for an excavation permit if repair work on the sewer line is performed by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
Schedule an appointment
Division des permis et de l’inspection
Please make an appointment before going the permit counter with your documents and video recording.
Submit an application
- Submit your application by e-mail. Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive, or can be sent by e-mail. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- company’s RBQ licence number
- inspection date
- observations recorded in the video
- sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
By e-mail
You can also schedule an appointment to submit your documents in person.
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- company’s RBQ licence number
- inspection date
- observations recorded in the video
- sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311
Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Montréal, QC H4M 2M7
Please submit your documents with the video recording.
Submit an application
- Use the Repair Work Request Form.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- company’s RBQ licence number
- inspection date
- observations recorded in the video
- sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311
Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Montréal, QC H1R 3B1
Please submit your documents with the video recording.
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
- Send it all by email to or drop it off at the borough town hall
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- company’s RBQ licence number
- inspection date
- observations recorded in the video
- sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
Sewer back-up inside a home
In all cases, please contact 311.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, for construction on private property that requires excavation, the depth with respect to the distance from public property determines whether you need to apply for a permit.
Find out more about how to get an excavation permit.
By phone
Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311
Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Please schedule an appointment before you submit your documents with the video recording.
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Attach the inspection report, along with the video recording of the sewer inspection. You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video can be saved to a CD or a USB flash drive. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- company’s RBQ licence number
- inspection date
- observations recorded in the video
- sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property
Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311
Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Ground floor
Montréal, QC H2L 4L8
Please submit your documents with the video recording.
Submit an application
- Use the application form for corrective work.
- Please send the inspection report and a video recording of the sewer inspection by e-mail. If you don’t have access to an e-mail address, you can submit the video to an Accès Montréal office on a USB flash drive.
You must contact a plumbing company accredited by the Corporation des Maîtres Mécaniciens et Tuyauteurs du Québec (CMMTQ) and licenced by the Régie du bâtiment du Québec (RBQ) to record the video, at your own expense.
Video inspection of the sewer
The video must be recorded to a digital file. The video can be saved to a DVD or USB flash drives. The recording must provide a full view of the sewer, up to the public portion, and the chainage. The chainage (measured in feet) that shows the progression of the camera must be clearly visible. In addition, it must show that the problem was not caused by misuse. Please have the drain cleaned and remove the roots or other elements that are present, if applicable.
The video recording is kept by the city. Please keep a copy.
Inspection report
The report must include the following elements:
- Company’s RBQ licence number or Québec entreprise number (NEQ)
- Inspection date
- Observations recorded in the video
- Sketch showing the position of the drain, with approximate measurements
- Characteristics of the drain: dimensions and materials for the private portion and the municipal portion
- Signature of the company representative
Please make sure that the street marking clearly shows the location where digging is required. Costs will be charged to the owner in the event that the marking is inaccurate.
You are not required to apply for an excavation permit if the work is carried out by the city. However, you must get a permit for work on private property that requires excavation on public property.
Suite 100
Montréal, QC H3N 1M3
Please submit your documents with the video recording.
Transmettez tous vos documents avec l’enregistrement vidéo.
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