Reserve a room or space to organize an activity

Last updated February 11, 2025

Looking for a space where you can hold a one-time activity? Rent rooms, sports facilities and other venues on a short-term basis.

Search by borough to see where you can rent a space to hold a one-time community, cultural or sporting activity.

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The option to rent these premises is offered to Montréal residents, non-profit organizations (NPO) and businesses.


  • Choose the room you would like to rent.
  • Contact the site by telephone or by e-mail for details on fees and availability.

Rooms and sports facilities

Residents and NPO can rent rooms for events and activities at the following sites:

These rooms and spaces can only be rented by NPO:

Reserve now

By e-mail

To reserve a room at the Centre culturel et communautaire de Cartierville:

This service is not offered in this borough.


  • Decide which type of space you’d like to rent.
  • Contact the site for information about fees.
  • Complete the form below (only if you want to rent an arena or outdoor rink).

Recreational spaces

Arenas, sports/fitness centres, swimming pools

School gymnasiums

Please send your rental application to the English Montreal School Board or to the Centre de services scolaire de Montréal.

Rooms in community centres

You must contact the community centre directly to reserve a space, whether you are representing a non-profit organization or a company.

In Côte-des-Neiges:

In Notre-Dame-de-Grâce:

Rent an arena or outdoor rink

To find out more about renting rooms at the Complexe culturel Guy-Descary, please view this article.

The following places are available for rent:

Aréna Pierre « Pete » Morin skating rink and Salon rouge
Baseball fields in parks
Soccer fields in parks

Contact: By telephone at 514-639-2248 or by e-mail at 

Bibliothèque Saul-Bellow

The Grande Salle multipurpose room is also available for rent.

Contact: By telephone at 514-872-5080 or by e-mail at

Only organizations recognized by the borough can reserve a room or space to organize an activity.

To reserve the space, contact the organization that manages it:

Learn more

By phone


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Contact the site you want to rent for rental fees:

Rooms are rented for a minimum of three hours.


Required documents

Show one form of proof of address from among the following options:

  • School or municipal tax account
  • Driver’s license

Communication channels

By e-mail

Transmit your documents and your rental application by e-mail.

Sports facilities

To reserve an arena, baseball field or soccer field, contact the reservations office (see below).

Space at the Maison culturelle et communautaire

To reserve a space in this facility, please contact:

Salle de spectacle Oliver-Jones

To reserve this performance hall, please contact:

Learn more and reserve

Reservations office

Extension number 4267

Contact the site you want to rent for rental fees:

Rental conditions

You must present a recreation card.

Communication channels

By phone

Direction de la culture, des sports, des loisirs et du développement social


Room or sport facility rentals are reserved to non-profit organizations (NPOs) recognized by the Borough.

Consult the NPO recognition policy

Examples of venues open for rental by recognized NPOs:

  • Centre culturel de Pierrefonds
  • Centre communautaire Gerry-Robertson
  • Centre communautaire Marcel-Morin
  • Centre communautaire de l’ouest
  • Chalets de parc

No rooms or sport facilities may be rented by the general public.

Learn more

Contact the site you want to rent for rental fees:

Dance floors can be reserved at the following parks:

Rental conditions for dance floors

  • You must contact the Accès Montréal offices at 311.
  • You must provide proof of third-party liability insurance valued at $2 million, in which the city is named as the additional insured.
  • You must bring your own stereo system.
  • People ages 18 and older must be present during the presentation of the activity and must act as the people responsible for its conduct.

School gymnasiums

Please send your rental application to the Centre de services scolaires de la Pointe de l’Île.

For more information

For all reservation requests, the borough requires a minimum of 21 working days’ notice. However, if the application requires a liquor license, the borough requires a minimum of 30 working days.

No requests for rental of sports or recreational activities offered by private organizations or individuals will be accepted. In this case, you must contact one of the partner organizations and present your proposed service to them.

Required documents

  • Certificate of general liability insurance of at least $2 million. When the occupant is a resident who holds household insurance, the liability insurance coverage included in his or her home insurance is sufficient for occupying the premises. 
  • Authorization from the borough for liquor and alcoholic beverage permits, to be attached to the application for a reunion permit that the proposed occupant must submit to the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (RACJ).


By phone


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

To reserve a room, a hall or a space at the following facilities or outdoor locations, please contact the borough by e-mail.

Learn more and reserve

This service is not offered in Saint-Léonard.

Fees apply for renting a sports space or hall. You must use our online form to make a reservation.

Reserve a gymnasium

You can rent a gymnasium in a Verdun school for your sports activities. School gyms have equipment for soccer, basketball, cosom hockey, handball, volleyball, pickleball and badminton.

Reserve the Auditorium de Verdun indoor basketball court

During the summer season, you can rent the basketball court at the Auditorium for informal games among friends.

Reserve the Auditorium de Verdun indoor skating rinks

You can rent one of our 2 indoor skating rinks.

Reserve a room

You can rent rooms for recreational activities, meetings, and receptions in the Centre Communautaire Elgar and the Centre Communautaire Marcel-Giroux.

Reserve the Parc de l’Honorable-George-O’Reilly dance floor

Located in the Parc de l’Honorable-George-O’Reilly, the external dance floor can be rented for your dance activities.

Other places

Reservation required for Quai 5160 - Maison de la culture de Verdun 

Please contact:

514 872-4995

Communication channels

Space to rent at Espace pour la vie:

Centre Jean-Claude Malépart 

Centre communautaire et de loisirs Sainte-Catherine d’Alexandrie 

Carrefour Saint-Eusèbe community hall and chalet of parcs Olivier-Robert and Walter-Stewart :

Parc Jean Drapeau

Contact the site you want to rent for rental fees:

School gymnasiums

Please send your rental application to the Centre de services scolaires de Montréal.

Learn more

By phone


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.