Apply for a permit to build a commercial terrace on public property

Last updated May 31, 2024

Do you want to build a commercial terrace on the sidewalk, road or any other part of public property in front of your establishment? Before doing so, you must get a seasonal public property occupancy permit. Find out how to apply for a permit.

Before submitting your application, please make sure that you have all the required documents.

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If you operate a bar or a restaurant and you want to build a commercial terrace (also called “sidewalk café”) on public property, you must get a permit.

In order to get a permit, you must:

  1. Go to the permit counter to check if your establishment is located in a zone where building a commercial terrace is authorized.
  2. Discuss the feasibility of your project with an agent at the permit counter.
  3. Submit an application for a permit online or at the permit counter.
  4. If your application is accepted, sign a letter of agreement and pay the fee for the first year of the seasonal public property occupancy permit (rent) at the permit counter.

Operating period

From May 1 to October 31


Taxes are included.

Type of fee


Engineering study fee


Change of ownership fee


Public property occupancy fees

Area of the terrace multiplied by 7.5% of the assessed value of the land.

Billing method

In the first financial year, you must pay the rent in a single instalment, at the time of issuance of the permit.

For all subsequent financial years, you must also pay the rent in a single instalment. The rent will be calculated from May 1 to October 31.

Required documents

  • Certificate of location or land survey report (a copy if you go to the permit counter)
  • Commercial occupancy certificate (a copy if you go to the permit counter)
  • Professional-quality floor plan to scale, indicating the terrace dimensions and occupancy perimeter,and the location of adjoining street furniture (benches, fire hydrants, drains, traffic lights, etc.) and publicly-owned trees
  • Photo of the premises
  • Authorization from the building owner 
  • Proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. You will be asked to provide it when your application is reviewed, before the permit is issued
  • Power of attorney that authorizes you to sign the permit on behalf of the company

Communication channels

You can submit your application online, but the fees must be paid at the counter.


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Point de service

555 Rue Chabanel Ouest
Suite 600
Montréal, QC H2N 2H8

If you operate a bar or a restaurant and you want to build a commercial terrace (also called “sidewalk café”) on public property, you must get a permit.

In order to get a permit, you must:

  1. Check if your establishment is located in a zone where building a commercial terrace is authorized.
  2. Discuss the feasibility of your project with an inspector.
  3. Submit an application at the permit counter, and pay the processing fee.
  4. If your application is accepted, pay the fee for the first year of the seasonal public property occupancy permit (rent).

Make an appointment or get informed

By phone

Permit counter


If you operate a café, bistro, bar, restaurant or retail food business (bakery, grocery store, etc.) and you want to build a commercial terrace on public property (a classic “sidewalk café” or a terrace with six tables and 12 chairs), you must get a permit.

Please take the following steps to get your permit:

  1. Submit a request to the Division des études techniques by mail or e-mail and pay the evaluation fee.

  2. If your request is accepted, an agent will contact you by e-mail and will tell you how much more you need to pay (issue of permit and annual rent);

  3. When we receive payment, we will send you the permit by email and you will be authorized to install your patio (terrace) on public property.

Terrace operating period

From May 1 to October 31

Annual rent

Each year, you must pay the seasonal public property occupancy fee to operate the commercial terrace.

This fee is calculated by multiplying 7.5% of the area occupied by the terrace on the public domain by the land value per m², depending on the number of days of occupation.


Taxes are included.

Type of fee


Processing fee





Required documents

To submit a request

  • Plans and technical description of the proposed terrace in its setting, including: 
    • The front and side limits of the property located between the front line and the front wall of the building concerned. 
    • The position of the front wall of the building concerned and the width of the commercial establishment concerned. 
    • All the private installations and equipment in the front yard.
    • All the infrastructures, furniture and equipment on public property, in front of the establishment concerned and up to the road (lampposts, sidewalks,fire hydrants, road signage, mailboxes and water service valves) as well as the publicly-owned trees. 
  • Detailed implementation plan for the installations proposed, including the type, number and arrangement of furniture on the terrace, as well as elevation drawings showing existing ground levels and the levels of the proposed installations. 
  • Proof that the applicant is the owner of the building housing the establishment to which the terrace is attached or that he or she operates the establishment and is authorized by the building owner to submit the application. The operator must also provide the building owner’s name and contact information.
  • Cheque for the application processing fee.
  • Proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million.

When the permit is issued

  1. Official site plan signed and sealed by a land surveyor

Communication channels


If you operate a bar, restaurant or grocery store and you want to build a commercial terrace (also called a “sidewalk café”) on public property, you must get a permit. 

To get a permit, you must:

  1. submit an application and pay the processing fee at the permit counter 
  2. make the security deposit of $1,000. This deposit must be made in order for the permit to be issued. It will be cashed in if you do not dismantle the terrace at the end of the season.
  3. pay the permit fee and the seasonal public property occupancy fee (rent), if your application is accepted.

Terrace operating period

From April 1 to October 31.


The amounts are not taxable.

Engineering fees


Permit issuance fee


Type of terrace


Commercial terrace located in part or in full on the sidewalk or road and not exceeding 15 m² in size


Commercial terrace located in part or in full on the sidewalk or road and exceeding 15 m² in size

$25 per m²

Required documents

  • certificate of location
  • professional-quality floor plan to scale, indicating the terrace dimensions and occupancy perimeter, and the location of adjoining street furniture (benches, fire hydrants, drains, traffic lights, etc.) and publicly-owned trees
  • authorization from the building owner 
  • proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. You will be asked to provide it when your application is reviewed, before the permit is issued

If applicable:

  • power of attorney signed by the operator
  • construction plans

Communication channels

Permis counter


Point de service

1800 Boulevard Saint-Joseph
Montréal, QC H8S 2N4

You can find out about the process at the permit counter or by email.

If you operate a bar or a restaurant and you want to build a commercial terrace (also called “sidewalk café”) on public property, you must get a permit. 

In order to get a permit, you must:

  1. go to the permit counter to check if your establishment is located in a zone where building a commercial terrace is authorized 
  2. submit an application for a permit online or at the permit counter, and pay the processing fee
  3. if your application is accepted, pay the seasonal public property occupancy fee (rent) for the first year at the Accès LaSalle office

Annual rent

The owner of the establishment must pay the public property occupancy fee annually in order to operate the terrace.

This rent, set at a maximum of $100, is calculated by multiplying 15 per cent of the area occupied by the terrace on public property by the municipal assessment value per m2, based on the number of days of the occupancy.


The annual rent is established prior to signing the letter of agreement.

Billing method

In the first financial year, you must pay the rent in a single instalment, at the time of issuance of the permit. The amount will be calculated from the first day of occupancy until October 31.

For all subsequent financial years, you must also pay the rent in a single instalment. The rent will be calculated from May 1 to October 31. You will receive an invoice in the mail.


Taxes are included.

Type of fees


Engineering study fee


Occupancy permit fee


15% per year of the value of the occupied area in proportion to the number of days of occupation

Subject to a minimum annual fee of $100

The annual rent must be added to these costs.


Required documents

  • Two copies of a professional quality plan showing the proposed occupancy
  • Proof of liability insurance
  • Proof that the applicant is the operator of the establishment for the requested occupancy
  • Proof that the operator is authorized by the owner to operate on public property
  • Certificate of occupancy from the establishment to which the parklet will be attached

Communication channels

You can submit your application online, but the fees must be paid at the counter.

55 Avenue Dupras
Montréal, QC H8R 4A8


A permit is required to install a commercial terrace on public property, whether it is a standard sidewalk café, a terrace with three tables and 12 chairs, or a shared terrace.

To get it, you must:

  1. Send us an e-mail to check whether your establishment is located in a zone where building a commercial terrace is authorized. 
  2. If the terrace is authorized, submit an application online and provide the required documents.

Who can submit an application?

Any person who holds a valid occupancy certificate to operate a restaurant, sidewalk café, bar or microbrewery on a ground floor or, under certain conditions, on an upper floor, can apply for a permit to install a terrace on public property.

Please note that establishments located on Rue Prince-Arthur Est or Rue Saint-Denis must apply for their sidewalk café permit before March 1, for the occupancy period starting on April 15. 

Terrace operating period

From April 15 to November 15


Type of fees

Amount (taxes not included)

Engineering study fee for the first application


Public property occupancy fees

7.15 per cent of the value of the public property, multiplied by the number of days of the occupancy period. The minimum fee is $1015.75, plus taxes.

Occupancy fees are invoiced after the end of the season. The value of public property is set at $1,300 x area in square metres, except for sidewalk cafés located on the following sections, where the calculation is $1,300 x area in square metres x 2.

  • Avenue du Parc, between Avenue Van Horne and Rue Sherbrooke Ouest
  • Boulevard Saint-Laurent, between Avenue Van Horne and Rue Sherbrooke Est
  • Rue Saint-Denis, between Avenue Laurier Est and Rue Sherbrooke Est
  • Avenue du Mont-Royal, between Rues Hutchison and Frontenac
  • Avenue Laurier Ouest, between Rue Hutchison and Rue boulevard Saint-Laurent


Required documents

  • Professional-quality layout and elevation plan, to scale, showing the dimensions, the occupancy perimeter, and the location of the adjacent street infrastructure (trees, benches, garbage cans, bike stands, fire hydrants, catch basins, traffic lights, etc.) as well as the equipment owned by public utility companies.
  • Proof of $2 million civil liability insurance rider, (one to two pages) that indicates the terrace is covered for the duration of the operating period and that designates the city as co-insured. The rider must also mention that the coverage cannot be canceled or reduced without 30 days notice to the relevant authority.
    • Full insurance policies will not be accepted. Only proof of insurance not exceeding 2 pages should be submitted.
    • Insurance policies that do not cover the entire period of occupancy and renewals during occupancy will be refused.

To view the complete list of documents to provide, please see the Guide to installing a sidewalk café on public property. (in French)

Communication channels


You must submit your application online.

If you operate a bar, café or restaurant and you want to build a commercial terrace on the sidewalk or the road, you must get a permit. 

To get it, you must:

  • Verify that your establishment is located in a zone where installing a commercial patio is authorized, by consulting the interactive map of the Sud-Ouest. Need help? Contact our mobility team
  • Submit an application for a permit online
  • Pay the application processing fee.
  • If your request is accepted, pay for the permit.

Terrace operating period

From April 1 to November 15.


Fees below :

Type of fees

Amount (taxes included)

New application


Occupancy permit applied to a sidewalk

$39 per m²

Occupancy permit applied to a road + sidewalk

$146 per m²

Occupancy permit applied to a road + sidewalk

$96 per m²

Installation of a common terrace

Free of charge

Required documents

  • Copy of a 3-dimensional plan of the sidewalk café drawn to scale that shows its layout and location in relation to public property. No hand-drawn plans will be accepted
  • Authorization from the building owner 
  • Proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. You will be asked to provide it when your application is reviewed, before the permit is issued

If applicable:

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator
  • Commercial occupancy permit if you are a new operator

Get informed

Send us an e-mail.



When completing the form, select the “café-terrace” option for a standard terrace, a common terrace or a terrace with three tables and 12 chairs.

You should receive your permit in about 30 days.


This borough does not authorize commercial terraces on public property.

If you operate a bar, café or restaurant and you want to build a commercial terrace on the sidewalk or the road, you must get a permit.

In order to get a permit, you must:

  1. go to the permit counter to check if your establishment is located in an authorized zone
  2. schedule an appointment to submit an application for a certificate of authorization to operate a terrace, and pay the processing fee
  3. submit an application for a seasonal public property occupancy permit online or at the engineering and design office (onsite, by e-mail or telephone), attach the required documents, and pay the processing fee
  4. if your application is accepted, please sign a letter of agreement and pay the permit fee and the rent for the first year at the permit counter in order to receive your permit

Operating period

From April 1 to October 31 

Annual rent

Each year, the owner of the establishment must pay the seasonal public property occupancy fee in order to operate the terrace.

This rent is calculated by multiplying 2.5 per cent of the area occupied by the terrace on public property by the municipal assessment value per m2, based on the number of days of occupancy between April 1 and October 31.

Billing method

In the first financial year, you must pay the rent in a single instalment, at the time of issuance of the permit. The amount will be calculated from the first day of occupancy until October 31.

For all subsequent financial years, you will receive the invoice by mail, and you must pay the rent in a single instalment.


Certificate of authorization

Type of fee

Amount (no tax)

Processing fee


Seasonal public property occupancy permit

Type of fee

Amount (taxes not included)

Processing fee




Required documents

  • professional-quality floor plan to scale, indicating the terrace dimensions and occupancy perimeter,and the location of adjoining street furniture (benches, fire hydrants, drains, traffic lights, etc.) and publicly-owned trees
  • authorization from the building owner 
  • proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. You will be asked to provide it when your application is reviewed, before the permit is issued

If applicable:

  • power of attorney signed by the operator

Communication channels

You can submit your application online, but the fees must be paid at the counter.

6854 Rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal, QC H1N 1E1

If you operate a café, bistro, bar, restaurant or retail food business (bakery, grocery store, etc.) and you want to build a commercial terrace on public property, you must get a permit.

How to apply 

To get your permit, you must: 

  1. Have an account and an organizational profile
  2. Apply online or at the permit counter 
  3. Provide all required documents in digital format. 


The periodic occupation permit for the public domain: $88.

You must renew it annually.

Billing method

You’ll receive an invoice in the mail about two weeks after you’ve obtained your permit. It must be paid in a single instalment.

Terrace operating period

From April 15 to October 30.

Required documents

  • professional-quality floor plan to scale*, indicating the terrace dimensions and occupancy perimeter, and the location of adjoining street furniture (benches, fire hydrants, drains, traffic lights, etc.) and publicly-owned trees
  • authorization from the building owner 
  • proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. You will be asked to provide it when your application is reviewed, before the permit is issued

If applicable:

  • power of attorney signed by the operator

* If the terrace may block the access to an entrance or exit of a building, your borough will request that you provide a plan signed and sealed by an architect.

Communication channels

You need an account and an organizational profile in order to use this service (in French).

4241 Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville
Montréal, QC H1H 1S4

If you operate a restaurant, snack bar, lunch counter or grocery store and you want to build a commercial terrace on public property, you must get a permit. 

To get it, you must:

  1. submit an application at the permit counter and provide the required documents
  2. pay the fee at the permit counter

Terrace operating period

From March 15 to November 15


Taxes are included.

Type of fees


Permit issuance fee


Seasonal public property occupancy (rent)

$104 per m2 (annual fee)

Permanent installation of a terrace café by means of a permanent concrete or other type of covering

15% of the land value of the occupied public property

Required documents

  • Certificate of location
  • Commercial occupancy permit
  • Professional-quality scale plan showing:
    • the dimensions and location of the proposed terrace
    • the location of the tables, chairs and pedestrian/customer traffic areas 
    • the location of the railing, flower boxes, access ramp, awnings and umbrellas, including details related to dimensions, materials, colours, anchoring and projection
    • details on the flooring and its installation
  • authorization from the building owner 
  • proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. You will be asked to provide it when your application is reviewed, before the permit is issued

If applicable:

  • permit issued by the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux du Québec

Apply for the permit

This borough does not authorize commercial terraces on public property.

If you operate a bar or a restaurant and you want to build a commercial terrace (also called “sidewalk café”) on public property, you must get a permit.

In order to get a permit, you must:

  1. go to the permit counter to check if your establishment is located in an authorized zone
  2. schedule an appointment to submit an application for a certificate of authorization to operate a terrace, and pay the processing fee
  3. once you have the certificate, submit an application for a seasonal public property occupancy permit at the permit counter, attach the required documents, and pay the processing fee
  4. if your application is accepted, please sign a letter of agreement and pay the permit fee and the rent for the first year at the permit counter in order to receive your permit

Terrace operating period

From May 1 to October 31

Annual rent

Each year, the owner of the establishment must pay the seasonal public property occupancy fee in order to operate the terrace.

The rent is calculated by multiplying 15 per cent of the area occupied by the terrace on public property by the municipal assessment value per m2, based on the number of days of occupancy between May 1 and October 31.

Billing method

In the first financial year, you must pay the rent in a single instalment, at the time of issuance of the permit. 

For all subsequent financial years, please go to the permit counter in your borough to make your payment.


Amounts are not taxable.

Certificate of authorization to operate a commercial terrace

Type of fee


Processing fee


Seasonal public property occupancy permit

Type of fee


Processing fee







Required documents

  • copy of the certificate of occupancy
  • professional-quality floor plan to scale (three copies) showing the dimensions, occupancy perimeter and location of the nearby municipal infrastructures (benches, fire hydrants, drains, traffic lights, etc.) and publicly-owned trees
  • authorization from the building owner 
  • photo of the premises (façade and sidewalks)
  • proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. You will be asked to provide it when your application is reviewed, before the permit is issued

If applicable:

  • power of attorney signed by the operator

Communication channels

Point de service

12090 Rue Notre-Dame Est
Montréal, QC H1B 2Z1

Bring your completed form (in French) and your documents.

Point de service

12090 Rue Notre-Dame Est
Montréal, QC H1B 2Z1

Send your completed form (in French) and your documents.

You can apply for a permit to build a commercial terrace (also called a “sidewalk café”) on public property only if your establishment’s commercial occupancy certificate mentions food service or the sale of alcoholic beverages as its activity.

Prior to installing a terrace, please make sure that you hold civil liability insurance. You will be required to provide proof of insurance in order for your permit to be issued.

How to apply 

To get your permit, you must: 

  1. Have an account and an organizational profile
  2. Apply online or at the permit counter 
  3. Provide all required documents in digital format
  4. Pay the review fee online or at the permit counter, depending on the method you choose to complete your application
  5. If your application is accepted, pay rent for the operating period upon receipt of your invoice.

The permit must be renewed annually.

Please view the page entitled Build a commercial terrace on public property to learn about the applicable standards


Type of fee


Technical study fees for the occupation of the public domain for terrace purposes


Permit to occupy the public domain


Public property occupancy fees

$121 per m²

Additional fees may apply if your installation occupies part of private property or requires moving street furniture.

Billing method

You’ll receive an invoice in the mail about two weeks after you’ve obtained your permit. It must be paid in a single instalment.

Annual rent

Each year, the owner of the establishment must pay the seasonal public property occupancy fee in order to operate the terrace. This rent is calculated based on the area occupied.

Terrace operating period

From April 15 to November 15.

Required documents

  • Professional-quality floor plan to scale, indicating the terrace dimensions and occupancy perimeter, and the location of adjoining street furniture (benches, fire hydrants, drains, traffic lights, etc.) and publicly-owned trees
  • Photos of the premises (façade et and sidewalk) and illustrations of the furniture, railings and planters
  • Authorization from the building owner 
  • Proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. You will be asked to provide it when your application is reviewed, before the permit is issued

If applicable:

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator

Communication channels

You need an account and an organizational profile in order to use this service (in French).

5650 Rue D'Iberville
Second floor
Montréal, QC H2G 2B3

This service is not offered in this borough.

This borough does not authorize commercial terraces on public property.

If you operate a bar or a restaurant and you want to build a commercial terrace (also called “sidewalk café”) on public property, you must get a permit.

This permit application must be submitted each year.

How to apply 

To get your permit, you must: 

  1. Go to the permit counter to check if the location of your establishment is conducive to building a terrace on public property 
  2. Have an account and an organizational profile
  3. Apply online
  4. Provide all required documents in digital format
  5. Pay the review fee online
  6. If your application is accepted, pay rent for the operating period upon receipt of your invoice.


Taxes are included.

Type of fee




Occupancy of public property (rent)

$31.60 per square meter

Billing method

You’ll receive an invoice in the mail after you’ve obtained your permit. It must be paid in a single instalment.

Annual rent

Each year, the owner of the establishment must pay the seasonal public property occupancy fee in order to operate the terrace. This rent is calculated based on the area occupied.

Terrace operating period

From April 15 to November 15.


Required documents

  • updated certificate of location 
  • floor plan to scale showing the dimensions of the terrace and its location in relation to the main building, the street and any obstacle on the sidewalk
  • a photo of the façade from the street
  • authorization from the building owner
  • list of materials that will be used to build the terrace
  • proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million. You will be asked to provide it when your application is reviewed, before the permit is issued. The form is embedded in the PDF document.

Communication channels


You need an account and an organizational profile in order to use this service (in French).

If you operate a café, bistro, bar, restaurant or grocery store and want to set up a commercial terrace on public property, whether it is a classic sidewalk café or a 3-table/12-chair setup, you will need a permit. 

To apply for a permit renewal for a sidewalk café you installed the previous year, please see this How-To.


Taxes are included. The payment must be made at the counter.

Type of fee


Processing fee (new application)


Annual rent

You will have pay a rent (or seasonal public property occupancy fee) annually, calculated based on the area occupied by the terrace and the assessment roll in force.

Terrace operating period

From March 15 to November 15.

Required documents

  • professional-quality floor plan to scale, indicating the terrace dimensions and occupancy perimeter,and the location of adjoining street furniture (benches, fire hydrants, drains, traffic lights, etc.) and publicly-owned trees
  • authorization from the building owner 
  • proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, that indicates the terrace is covered for the duration of the operating period and that designates the city as co-insured. You will be asked to provide it when your application is reviewed, before the permit is issued

If applicable:

  • power of attorney signed by the operator
  • resolution from the company submitting the application
  • authorization from the neighbour if the terrace encroaches on the facade of the adjoining building


Communication channels

You can apply online, but you must pay the fee at the counter.

Point de service

800 Boulevard De Maisonneuve Est
Ground floor
Montréal, QC H2L 4L8

Bring your form (in French) with you.

Division de la mobilité et de la planification

800 Boulevard De Maisonneuve Est
Ground floor
Montréal, QC H2L 4L8

Fill out the form, attach the necessary documents and a cheque for the analysis of the file.

You can apply for a permit to build a terrace on public property only if your establishment’s commercial occupancy certificate mentions food service or the sale of alcoholic beverages as its activity, or if you operate an ice cream shop.

How to apply

To get your permit, you must: 

  1. Have an account and an organizational profile
  2. Apply online or at the permit counter 
  3. Provide all required documents in digital format
  4. Pay the review fee online or at the permit counter, depending on the method you choose to complete your application 
  5. If your application is accepted, pay rent for the operating period upon receipt of your invoice. 

Your permit must be renewed every year. 


Taxes not included.

Type of fees


Technical study fees for the occupation of the public domain for terrace purposes


Permit to occupy the public domain


Public property occupancy fees

$72.25 per m²

Billing method

You’ll receive an invoice in the mail about two weeks after you’ve obtained your permit. It must be paid in a single instalment.

Annual rent

Each year, the owner of the establishment must pay the seasonal public property occupancy fee in order to operate the terrace.

Terrace operating period

From April 15 to Novembre 15.

Required documents

  • professional-quality floor plan to scale, indicating the terrace dimensions and occupancy perimeter,and the location of adjoining street furniture (benches, fire hydrants, drains, traffic lights, etc.) and publicly-owned trees
  • Letter from the building owner authorizing the operation of the commercial terrace according to the conditions established by the borough
  • proof of third-party liability insurance coverage of $2 million, valid for the entire operating period of the terrace. You will be asked to provide it when your application is reviewed, before the permit is issued
  • certificate of location
  • copy of the operator’s occupancy certificate

If applicable:

  • power of attorney signed by the operator

Communication channels

You need an account and an organizational profile in order to use this service (in French).

405 Avenue Ogilvy
Suite 111
Montréal, QC H3N 1M3