Get an occupancy permit for commercial, industrial or professional activity

Last updated March 3, 2025

Want to operate a bar, a restaurant, or a tourist or industrial establishment? Want to start a commercial or professional activity? You are required to get an occupancy permit.

Find out the steps you need to take to get a permit.

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You must get an occupancy permit, also called a certificate of occupancy, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

If you operate a bar or a restaurant, you must get an occupancy permit before you apply for a liquor permit.

To operate a short-term rental establishment, you must obtain an occupancy permit for a commercial activity

Types of activities and dimensions permitted in a dwelling

You may use a portion of your dwelling as an office, artist’s studio, artisan’s studio or to provide personal care services. This section of your dwelling must have its own, separate exterior entrance. 

The area occupied by this section must not exceed the smaller of the following: 

  1. 50 sq. m.
  2. One third of the total area of the dwelling.

For example, if your dwelling measures 90 sq. m., the section must not be larger than 30 sq. m. 

If your dwelling measures 180 sq. m., the section must be no larger than 50 sq. m. 

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises.

A new permit is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activities conducted, or if activities are added.

Before renting or purchasing a premises in order to conduct a commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.


Taxes are included.

Type of fee


Processing fee


Replacement of a lost permit


Required documents

  • Proof of property ownership
  • Authorization from the building owner or co-ownership syndicate
  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name)
  • Layout plan for the premises

If applicable

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for an NPO
  • Renovation/alteration permit:
    • If you plan to carry out work
    • If the premises have been changed since the last occupancy permit was issued
    • If the activity (use) has changed since the last occupancy permit was issued

Apply for the permit

You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

555 Rue Chabanel Ouest
Suite 600
Montréal, QC H2N 2H8

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

Go in person to the permit counter to get the form.

Send the completed form by postal mail, with your payment and the required documents.


You must obtain an occupancy permit, also called a “certificate of authorization to use”, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit issued is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

Individuals who work from home also need an occupancy certificate if they carry on activities such as a business office, hair salon or personal service salon, and artist or artisan studio.

Validity of the permit 

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities described in the attached document are practiced on the premises under the same conditions cited in the permit applications. A new permit is required if there is a change of operator, if the floor area of the premises is altered, if the activities are changed or if new activities are added.

Before renting or purchasing property in order to conduct commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.


Examination fee (taxes included): $250


Required documents

  • Completed form
  • Power of attorney from property owner, if applicable

Communication channels

In person

Point of service

7171 Rue Bombardier
Second floor
Montréal, QC H1J 2E9

You must get a certificate of occupancy to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.). 

The certificate is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

If you operate a bar or restaurant, you must get a certificate of occupancy before you apply for a liquor permit.

Validity of the permit

The certificate remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises.

A new certificate is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activities conducted, or if activities are added.

Before renting or purchasing a premises in order to conduct a commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.


Taxes are included. Fees are non-refundable.

Type of fee


Processing fee


Required documents

  • Proof of property ownership
  • Authorization from the building owner or co-ownership syndicate
  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name)

If applicable:

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for a non-profit

Other documents may be required to process your application.

Apply for the permit

You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

5160 Boulevard Décarie
Montréal, QC H3X 2H9

You must get an occupancy permit, also called a certificate of occupancy, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

Before renting or purchasing a premises in order to conduct a commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises.

A new permit is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activity conducted, or if activities are added.

Please make sure it is possible to conduct the activity of your choice before you rent or purchase a premises.


Taxes are included.

Type of fee


New business establishments, home-based professional and business offices


Copy of the existing permit for a business establishment



Required documents

  • Proof of property ownership
  • Authorization from the building owner or co-ownership syndicate
  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name)
  • Plans to upgrade the premises, signed and sealed by an architect, or certificate of compliance for the premises (construction plans)

If applicable:

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for an NPO
  • Renovation permit is you plan to carry out work or if changes have been made since the last occupancy permit was issued

Apply for the permit


You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

If you have any questions, please write to [email protected].

You must get an occupancy permit, also called a certificate of occupancy, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.)

The permit is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

In certain cases, an interior design permit may be required as well.

If you operate a bar or restaurant, you must get an occupancy permit before you apply for a liquor permit.

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises.

A new permit is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activity conducted, or if activities are added.

A certificate of occupancy becomes invalid if the occupancy does not take place within three months of the permit issue date.

Before renting or purchasing a premises in order to conduct a commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.

Fees (taxes included)

Types of permits


Certificate of occupancy


Certificate of compliance


Required documents

  • Proof of property ownership
  • Authorization from the building owner or co-ownership syndicate
  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name)
  • Copy of the NEQ file held by the Registre des entreprises du Québec
  • Accurate description of the use or nature of the activities conducted on the premises

If applicable:

  • Power of attorney signed by a director or the board of directors of the company authorizing you to submit the application
  • Renovation/alteration permit if you plan to carry out work or if the premises have been changed since the last occupancy permit was issued
  • Layout plan for the dwelling (2 copies) if the activity is conducted in an apartment building

Apply for the permit

You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

55 Avenue Dupras
Montréal, QC H8R 4A8

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

You must get an occupancy permit, also called a certificate of occupancy, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

If you operate a bar or a restaurant, you must get an occupancy permit before you apply for a liquor permit.

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises.

A new permit is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activity conducted, or if activities are added.

Before renting or purchasing a premises in order to conduct a commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted. Please contact the permit counter for further information about zoning.

Quotas for restaurants, bars and artisanal breweries

In accordance with borough by-laws, a maximum number of bars and restaurants is permitted per street segment. Before you apply for a permit, please make sure that the quota still allows for it in the area that you are interested in.

Quotas for restaurants, bars and artisanal breweries  (in French)

Map of restaurants zones (in French)

Map of bars zones (in French)

Map of artisanal brewery zones(in French)


Taxes are included.

If more than one use is requested under the same occupancy permit, the highest of the use fees will apply.

Type of fee


Use as a bar, restaurant, craft brewer, commercial tourist residence, hotel or bed and breakfast


Any other use



Required documents

  • Authorization from the building owner or co-ownership syndicate

If applicable:

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for an NPO
  • Renovation/alteration permit:
    • If you plan to carry out work
    • If the premises have been changed since the last occupancy permit was issued
    • If there is a change in use within the meaning of Quebec’s Construction Code (CCQ)

Apply for the permit

You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Please note: When you submit your permit application online, you must pay a fixed amount. Once your application has been reviewed, you will be contacted by e-mail if you are required to pay an additional fee or entitled to a reimbursement.

The person responsible for processing your application will contact you within a maximum of 14 days of submission. The time required to issue a permit depends on the nature of the application, its complexity and the season.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

201 Avenue Laurier Est
Fifth floor
Montréal, QC H2T 3E6

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

Please visit the permit counter with your completed form, your documents and your payment.

You must get an occupancy permit, also called a certificate of occupancy, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

If you conduct an activity involving the sale of liquor (bar, restaurant, grocery store, etc.), you must get an occupancy permit before you apply for a certificate of compliance or a liquor permit from the Régie des alcools, des courses et des jeux (RACJ).

New premises, change of use or construction 

A conversion permit may be required prior to issuance of a certificate of commercial occupancy in the following cases: 

  • You’re moving into a new location, or your current location has no history of activity.
  • Your commercial activity constitutes a change of use under the Construction Code.
  • You are undertaking conversion work.

To find out what types of renovation and conversion work require a conversion permit, please see this page on renovating the interior of a building

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises. It cannot be transferred or refunded.

A new permit is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activity conducted, or if activities are added (uses).

The permit must be prominently displayed in the occupied establishment.

Before renting or purchasing a premises in order to conduct a commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted. For further information about zoning, or for general information about this permit, please contact the permit counter.


Taxes are included.

Type of fee


Use as a restaurant
(food service required if liquor is sold)


Use as a bar
(food service optional)


Use for a community activity


Use as a bed and breakfast, hotel or commercial tourist residence


Any other use (office, personal care, fitness training, etc.)


Replacement of a lost permit


Reduced rate

If you own the dwelling you live in and you are 65 years of age or older, you will receive a 50% reduction upon presentation of documentary proof.

Required documents

  • Proof of property ownership
  • Authorization from the building owner or co-ownership syndicate
  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name)
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for an NPO
  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application
  • Floor plan and occupied space
  • Renovation/alteration permit:
    • If you plan to carry out work
    • If the premises have been changed since the last occupancy permit was issued
    • If there is an increase in occupancy
    • If there are changes to the establishment’s work plan or if there is a change in use
  • If you are 65 or over and own the home in which you perform the activity:
    • A proof of identity (driver’s licence, health insurance card)
    • A proof of address (electricity bill, tax bill)

Apply for the permit

You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Please note: When you submit your permit application online, you must pay a fixed amount. Once your application has been reviewed, you will be contacted by e-mail if you are required to pay an additional fee or entitled to a reimbursement.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

815 Rue Bel-Air
First floor
Montréal, QC H4C 2K4

Déposez votre demande en nous transmettant vos documents par courriel. Aucune demande ne pourra être prise en charge sans tous les documents nécessaires.

You must get an occupancy permit, also called a certificate of occupancy, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises.

A new permit is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activity conducted, or if activities are added.

The permit will expire if the premises are not occupied within three months of the permit issue date or if the premises are unoccupied for more than six months. If that’s the case, you will be required to submit a new permit application.

Before renting or purchasing a premises, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.


Processing fee: $301.40 (non-taxable)

Required documents

  • Proof of property ownership
  • Authorization from the building owner or co-ownership syndicate
  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name)
  • Letter describing the activity and specifying the number of employees
  • Plans signed and sealed by an architect, including the Quebec Construction Code final sketch in force if the premises are located in an apartment building
  • Layout plan for the premises
  • Parking lot plan

If applicable:

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for a non-profit
  • Renovation permit (also called a transformation/alteration permit) if you plan to carry out work or if the premises have been changed since the last occupancy permit was issued

Apply for the permit

You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

Division de l’urbanisme, permis et inspections

15795, boulevard Gouin Ouest
(on the 2nd floor, rear door of the citizen reception and public safety office)
Montréal, QC H9H 1C5

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

Please bring your completed form, your documents and your payment.

You must get an occupancy permit, also called a certificate of occupancy, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

If you operate a bar or a restaurant, you must get an occupancy permit before you apply for a liquor permit

A permit is not required to operate a home childcare service that accepts nine or fewer children or to rent out three or fewer rooms.

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises.

A new permit is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activity conducted, or if activities are added.

Before renting or purchasing a space, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.


Taxes are included.

Type of fee


Processing fee


Replacement of a lost permit


Required documents

  • Certificate of occupancy application form
  • Documents certifying the legal existence of the trade or business (company charter, declaration of corporate name) if you are applying for a business
  • Document certifying non-profit status if you are applying for a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.)
  • Layout plans, if applicable
  • Renovation permit if you are planning to carry out work or if the premises have been modified since the last occupancy permit
  • Owner’s authorization for use, in the case of home occupancy

Learn more

If you have questions, contact our permit counter.

Apply for the permit


You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

You must get an occupancy permit, also called a certificate of occupancy, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

Before renting or purchasing a premises in order to conduct a commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises.

The permit will be cancelled and a new application must be submitted:

  • If the occupancy does not begin within six months of the permit issue date.
  • If the use of the premises does not comply with urban planning by-law or the permit conditions.
  • If there is a change of operator.
  • If there is a change in the area spanned by the premises.
  • If there is a change in the activities or if activities are added.
  • If the information provided to get the permit is incorrect.

Before renting or purchasing a space, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.


Processing fee and issuance of the permit: $257 (taxes included)

Required documents

  • Proof of property ownership
  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name)
  • Layout plan for the premises

If applicable:

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application
  • Authorization from the owner if you are not the owner
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for a non-profit
  • Renovation permit if you plan to carry out work or change the use, or if the premises have been changed since the last occupancy permit was issued

Apply for the permit

You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

4241 Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville
Montréal, QC H1H 1S4

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

Please bring your documents and your payment.

You must get an occupancy permit, also called a certificate of occupancy, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

In order to apply for your permit, please go in person to the permit counter in your borough. Open a file and make your payment, then send your electronic documents to the e-mail address provided by the customer service agent. You can also save the documents to a USB key and bring the key to the permit counter.

The permit is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

If you operate a restaurant, you must get an occupancy permit before you apply for a liquor permit.

Home childcare services with a maximum of six children do not require a permit.

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises.

A new permit is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activity conducted, or if activities are added.

Before renting or purchasing a premises, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.


Taxes are included.

Type of fee


For any use


For non-domestic use


Required documents

The documents must be in electronic format.

  • Copy of the lease or proof of property ownership
  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name)
  • Authorization from the building owner or co-ownership syndicate
  • Layout plan for the premises

If applicable:

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for a non-profit
  • Renovation permit if you plan to carry out work or if the premises have been changed since the last occupancy permit was issued
  • Repair permit if you have carried out repairs

Apply for the permit

You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Please note: When you submit your permit application online, you must pay a fixed amount. Once your application has been reviewed, you will be contacted by e-mail if you are required to pay an additional fee or entitled to a reimbursement.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

Direction de l’aménagement urbain et du patrimoine

1431 Avenue Van Horne, 2nd floor
Montréal, QC H2V 1K9

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

Bring your documents and your payment.

You must get an occupancy permit if you plan to conduct a commercial or industrial activity, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit issued is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

If you operate a bar or a restaurant, you must get an occupancy permit before you apply for a liquor permit.

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises.

A new permit is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activity conducted, or if activities are added.

Before renting or purchasing a business premises, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.


Taxes are included.

Type of fee


Commercial, industrial and institutional use


Use of intermediate resources and business offices in a dwelling


Required documents

  • Quebec enterprise number (NEQ)
  • Proof of property ownership
  • Authorization from the building owner or co-ownership syndicate
  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name)
  • Layout plan for the premises

If applicable:

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for a non-profit
  • Renovation/alteration permit if there is an increase in occupancy, if there is a change in the establishment’s work plan, or if there is a change of use
  • Other documents may be requested in order to review your application

Apply for the permit

You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Please note: When you submit your permit application online, you must pay a fixed amount. Once your application has been reviewed, you will be contacted by e-mail if you are required to pay an additional fee or entitled to a reimbursement.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

13665 Boulevard de Pierrefonds
Montréal, QC H9A 2Z4

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

You must obtain an occupancy permit for a commercial or professional activity to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit issued is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

If you operate a bar or a restaurant, you must obtain an occupancy permit before you apply for a liquor permit.

Validity of the permit 

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities described in the attached document are practiced on the premises under the same conditions cited in the permit applications. A new permit is required if there is a change of operator, if the floor area of the premises is altered, if the activities are changed, or if new activities are added.

Before renting or purchasing a premises in order to conduct a commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.


Type of fee

Non taxable

Examination fee


Replacement of lost permit


Required documents

  • Alteration permit, if there is an increase in occupancy, if the work plan in the establishment changes, or if there is a change of use

Other document, if applicable:

  • Commercial signs permit

Communication channels

You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

Direction du développement du territoire et des études techniques - Division des permis et de l’inspection

12090 Rue Notre-Dame Est
Montréal, QC H1B 2Z1

Bring along your documents and payment.

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit card or credit card (Mastercard, Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

You must get an occupancy permit, also called a certificate of occupancy, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

If you operate a bar or a restaurant, you must get an occupancy permit before you apply for a liquor permit. 

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which it was issued are conducted under the same conditions, on the same premises, and without interruption for more than 12 months.

A new permit is required if there is a change of operator, a change in the area spanned by the premises, a change in the activity conducted, or if activities are added.

Before renting or purchasing a premises, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.


Review fees vary according to the type of occupancy.

If the occupancy requires more than one use type, the applicable fee is the highest amount. For example, if an occupancy certificate application includes the uses “grocery store” and “restaurant,” the review fees will be $617.

Taxes are included.

Type of fee


Use as a restaurant


Use as a bar


Use as a commercial tourist home, apartment hotel or hotel


Any other use



Required documents

  • Proof of property ownership
  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name)
  • Temporary classification certificate from the CITQ

If applicable:

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application
  • Authorization from the building owner or co-ownership syndicate if you are not the owner
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for a non-profit
  • Renovation/alteration permit:
    • If you plan to carry out work
    • If there has been a change in the layout of the premises since the last occupancy permit was issued
    • If there is an increase in occupancy or a change of use

Attention: If the renovation permit is required, you must provide plans drafted by a certified engineer. You must get a renovation permit before you apply for an occupancy permit.

Apply for the permit

You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

5650 Rue D'Iberville
Second floor
Montréal, QC H2G 2B3

Division de l’urbanisme, des permis et des inspections

5650 Rue D'Iberville
Second floor
Montréal, QC H2G 2B3

Methods of payment

  • Postal money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”
  • Cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Send your completed form, with your documents and your payment.

You must get an occupancy permit, also called a “certificate of authorization to use”, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

If you operate a bar or a restaurant, you must get an occupancy permit before you apply for a liquor permit.

Home childcare services with a maximum of nine children do not require a permit.

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises.

A new permit is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activity conducted, or if activities are added.

Before renting or purchasing a premises in order to conduct a commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted. Please contact the permit counter for further information about zoning.


Processing fee and issuance of the permit: $304 (non-taxable)

Required documents

  • Authorization from the building owner or co-ownership syndicate
  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name)
  • Layout plan for the premises

If applicable:

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application.
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for a non-profit
  • Renovation permit application if you plan to carry out work or if the layout of the premises have changed since the last occupancy permit was issued
  • Application for a display authorization certificate, if the new sign or the existing sign has been changed

Apply for the permit

Direction de l’aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises - Division des permis et des inspections

777, boulevard Marcel-Laurin
Saint-Laurent, QC H4M 2M7

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

Bring your completed form, your documents and your payment.

Direction de l’aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises - Division des permis et des inspections

777, boulevard Marcel-Laurin
Saint-Laurent, QC H4M 2M7

Methods of payment

  • Postal money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”
  • Cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Send your completed form with your documents and your payment.

You must get an occupancy permit, also called a certificate of occupancy, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

Before renting or purchasing a premises in order to conduct a commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.

An occupancy permit is required to operate a home childcare service.

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises.

A new permit is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activity conducted, or if activities are added.

The permit must be used within six months of its issue date. Otherwise, it becomes invalid and you must submit a new permit application.

Before renting or purchasing a premises, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.


Issuance of the permit: $185 (taxes included)

Required documents

  • Proof of property ownership
  • Authorization from the building owner or co-ownership syndicate
  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name)
  • Layout plan for the premises

If applicable:

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for a non-profit
  • Renovation permit is you plan to carry out work or if changes have been made since the last occupancy permit was issued

Apply for the permit

You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

8400 Boulevard Lacordaire
Montréal, QC H1R 3B1

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

Bring your documents and your payment.

You must get an occupancy permit, also called a certificate of occupancy, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, B&B, massage therapy services, etc.), under certain conditions.

The permit is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

Before renting or purchasing a premises in order to conduct a commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.

Home childcare services with a maximum of six children are not required to get a permit.

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises. A new permit is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activity conducted, or if activities are added (uses).

Before renting or purchasing a space in order to conduct a commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted. Please contact the permit counter for further information about zoning.


Taxes are included.

Type of fee


New business


Change of ownership


Additional use in a residential zone


Change of company name


Copy of occupancy permit



Required documents

  • Proof of property ownership (certificate of location)
  • Authorization from the building owner or co-ownership syndicate
  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name, NEQ statement)
  • Layout plan for the premises

If applicable:

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for a non-profit
  • Renovation permit (also called an alteration permit):
    • If you plan to carry out work
    • If the premises have been changed since the last occupancy permit was issued
    • If the use of the premises has changed within the meaning of Quebec’s Construction Code. In this case, please apply for the renovation permit simultaneously.

Bars and restaurants

Please go directly to the permit counter.

Residential board and care occupancies (senior homes, hospitals, etc.)

Please go directly to the permit counter.

Home childcare services

  • Letter from the owner attesting to the use and authorizing the operation of the service
  • Letter from the co-ownership syndicate
  • Quebec enterprise number or contents from an enterprise register file

Apply for the permit

You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Please note: When you submit your permit application online, you must pay a fixed amount. Once your application has been reviewed, you will be contacted by e-mail if you are required to pay an additional fee or entitled to a reimbursement.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

Direction de l’aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises - Division des permis et des inspections

4555 Rue de Verdun
Suite 109
Montréal, QC H4G 1M4

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

Bring your completed form, your documents and your payment.

4555 Rue de Verdun
Suite 109
Montréal, QC H4G 1M4

Methods of payment

  • Postal money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”
  • Cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Please send in the above form, completed, with a copy of the required documents and your cheque.

You must get an occupancy permit, also called a certificate of occupancy, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

If you operate a tourist home, you must get an occupancy permit before you request authorization from the Corporation de l’industrie touristique du Québec (CITQ).

If you operate a bar or a restaurant, you must get an occupancy permit before you apply for a liquor permit.

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises.

A new permit is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activity conducted, or if activities are added.

Before renting or purchasing a premises, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.


$276 (taxes included)

Additional fees may apply if a conditional use application is necessary.


Required documents

  • Above form, completed
  • Authorization from the building owner or co-ownership syndicate

If applicable:

  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name)
  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for a non-profit
  • Renovation/alteration permit if you plan to carry out work or if the premises have been changed has since the last occupancy permit was issued
  • Layout plan for the premises

Apply for the permit

You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Please note: When you submit your permit application online, you must pay a fixed amount. Once your application has been reviewed, you will be contacted by e-mail if you are required to pay an additional fee or entitled to a reimbursement.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)

Division des permis et des inspections

800 Boulevard De Maisonneuve Est
ground floor
Montréal, QC H2L 4L8

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

Bring your completed form, your documents and your payment.

Direction de l'aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises

800 Boulevard De Maisonneuve Est
ground floor
Montréal, QC H2L 4L8

Methods of payment

  • Postal money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”
  • Cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Please send your completed form with your documents and your payment.

You must get an occupancy permit, also called a “certificate of occupancy”, to conduct a commercial or industrial activity in a building for purposes other than housing, or use part of your home for professional purposes (home office, etc.).

The permit issued is attached to both the occupied establishment and its operator.

Before renting or purchasing a premises in order to conduct a commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.

Validity of the permit

The permit remains valid for as long as there is no change of operator and the activities for which the permit was issued are conducted under the same conditions and on the same premises.

A new permit is required if there is a change of operator or a change in the area spanned by the premises, if there is a change in the activity conducted, or if activities are added.

The permit must be used within six month of its issue date. Otherwise, you must submit a new application.

Before renting or purchasing a premises in order to conduct a commercial or professional activity, first make sure that the activity of your choice is permitted.


Taxes are included.

Type of fee


Processing fee


Replacement of a lost permit (copy)


Required documents

  • Quebec enterprise number (NEQ)
  • Written authorization from the building owner or the co-ownership syndicate
  • Document certifying the legal existence of the business (company charter and declaration of company name)
  • Layout plan for the premises

If applicable

  • Power of attorney signed by the operator authorizing you to submit the application
  • Document certifying the organization’s status as a non-profit organization (letters patent, etc.) if you are submitting the application for an NPO
  • Renovation/alteration permit if you plan to carry out work or if the premises have been changed since the last occupancy permit was issued

Apply for the permit


You need an account to use this service. 

As you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must also have an organization profile.

Payment method

  • Credit card (MasterCard, Visa)