Get approval for a project subject to the Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program

Last updated April 25, 2024

Are you planning renovation work? Do you have a construction or landscaping project? You may have to comply with additional qualitative criteria and provide a plan according to the Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program (SPAIP).

For certain projects, SPAIP review is mandatory to obtain a construction or renovation permit. This procedure requires additional fees, that vary by borough, and mean longer review periods.

Definition of the SPAIP

The Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program (SPAIP) requires a set of documents provided by the architect or general contractor in charge of the project. The documents must demonstrate that the project respects the quality criteria that have been added to the usual urban planning standards.

Cases where a SPAIP may be required

  • Your building or your lot has heritage value
  • It is located in a heritage area or specified zone
  • The nature of the work requires compliance with additional criteria


The process ensures compliance with certain orientations of the borough, for example:

  • Preserve architectural and landscape harmony
  • Reduce the heat island effect
  • Increase vegetation and augment the sustainable management of stormwater
  • Encourage safe and accessible landscape design

Project evaluation

Two municipal bodies will review your file.

  • The urban planning advisory committee: It reviews the project and makes recommendations, positive or negative, to the borough council.
  • The borough council: It approves or refuses the project. It may also include additional conditions.

If your project is approved, you must then apply for the permits required by the work.

View the borough fees, according to the type of work and the district where it is located.

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Here are the key elements to know for approval under a SPAIP.


  • Submission of your project at the permit counter
  • Review by the permit and urban planning teams
  • Presentation to the urban advisory committee (UAC) for recommendation to the borough council
  • Signature of the delegated decision
  • Issuance of the permit

Processing time

Please allow for two to four months for a SPAIP application to be processed, as of the date on which the completed application is submitted at the permit counter.


The following SPAIP processing fees are added to the permit fee, based on the nature of the application. They are neither taxable nor refundable.

  • For work on the appearance of the building: $307
  • For a building construction or expansion project, based on the floor area: 
    • Less than 10 m²: $307
    • 10 to 250 m²: $604 
    • 250 to 500 m²: $909 
    • 500 to 2,500 m²: $1,813 
    • 2,500 m² or more: $3,626

Required documents

The following documents must be included with your application:

  • Certificate of location
  • Project plans
  • Technical specifications or details on the components of the building’s exterior envelope (doors, windows, siding, cornices, etc.)
  • Drawings, photos, photomontages or visual perspectives
  • Samples of exterior siding materials
  • Any other document deemed useful in support of the application


By phone

Permit counter


In which cases should I apply?

These projects must be submitted for approval under a site planning and architectural integration program in certain areas of the borough:

  • Construction and expansion
  • Exterior modification of the main façade of an existing building 
  • Modification to parking areas or loading/unloading zones 
  • Building an exterior terrace

Evaluation criteria

Projects are evaluated according to the following criteria: 

  • The project’s architectural value
  • Harmonious integration of the project into its surroundings
  • Contribution to a safe, structured and attractive environment for pedestrians


By phone

Permit counter – Anjou



Types of projects requiring a SPAIP

Here are some examples.

By area

  • Projects to transform a building located in a heritage area
  • Projects to be done in the Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine district

By project category

  • Construction of a building, enlargement or reduction of a building size
  • Construction of an accessory building 15 sq. m. and greater
  • Project for which a resolution was adopted by the borough council in connection with a special construction, alteration or occupancy project (abbreviated in French as PPCMOI)


The amounts indicated here are for the analysis of the SPAIP file. They are in addition to the fees for a permit application. Taxes are included, fees are not refundable.

  • Exterior work to transform or replace an architectural characteristic of a significant property or a property located in a significant area: $236
  • Construction, extension or transformation project that will add or remove floor area:   
    • Of less than 10 sq. m: $537
    • From 10 sq. m. to less than 250 sq. m: $1074
    • From 250 sq. m. to less than 500 sq. m.: $2147
    • From 500 sq. m. to less than 2,500 sq. m.: $3221
    • From 2,500 sq. m. to less than 10,000 sq. m.: $5369
    • 10,000 sq. m. and greater: $11,160
  • All other cases subject to the SPAIP: $590

If more than one fee applies, only the highest fee will be charged.

Required documents

Contact the permit counter to learn about the additional documents to submit for your project.

Learn more

In person

5160 Boulevard Décarie
Montréal, QC H3X 2H9

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.


In which cases should I apply?

Approval under a site planning and architectural integration program in certain areas of the borough is required prior to undertaking the following types of work:

  • Construction or exterior modifications of a building
  • Installing a sign or parabolic antenna in Old Lachine
  • Subdivision

In all areas of the borough, approval under a site planning and architectural integration program is required before undertaking work on the following types of buildings: 

  • Commercial 
  • Industrial
  • Mixed-use (both residential and commercial portions) 
  • Residential with four or more dwellings
  • Buildings that are part of a residential project with at least two side-by-side lots 
  • Public and institutional


  • Your application is submitted for evaluation to the urban planning advisory committee, which meets every three months. 
  • The committee will send its opinion to the borough council within 15 days following its evaluation. The committee may suggest changes to the project.
  • The borough council will approve or refuse the application after it considers the committee’s opinion.
  • You will be informed of the committee’s opinion and the borough council’s decision. 


Fees to evaluate your application depend on the estimated cost of the work. 

  • Work valued at less than $10,000: $100
  • Work valued at $10,000 or less than $30,000: $300
  • Work valued at $30,000 or more: $500
  • If the project involves cadastral operations: $100

Modification to a site planning and architectural integration program that has already been approved:

  • Work valued at less than $10,000: $50
  • Work valued at $10,000 or less than $30,000: $150
  • Work valued at $30,000 or more: $250


In person

1800 Boulevard Saint-Joseph
Montréal, QC H8S 2N4


Approval under a site planning and architectural integration program is required in certain areas of the borough before undertaking several types of work.


Review of a new application or changes to a SPAIP that has already been approved:

Residential building with one to four dwellings: $250
Residential building with five or more dwellings: $500
Commercial, industrial, community or mixed-use building: $500


By phone


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

In all areas of the borough, the project must be approved under a site planning and architectural integration program before undertaking construction and expansion work.The site planning and architectural integration program also applies to work involving the appearance of a building or buildings with historic interest.



In which cases should I apply?

Approval under a site planning and architectural integration program is required in all areas of the borough for the following types of work: 

  • New construction
  • Work on a building visible from the Lachine Canal or from the street adjacent to the property
  • An addition that is 50% or more of the area of the existing building and is more than one storey in height
  • Most work on the exterior envelope of heritage buildings
  • Most work done on the exterior envelope of a significant building, whether or not it is visible from the street or the Lachine Canal, as well as on the land surrounding it: 
    • Replacement, addition, removal or conversion of an architectural component 
    • Installation, alteration, replacement or demolition of a sign  
    • Installation of an antenna or mechanical equipment 
    • Replacement, conversion, extension or construction of a fence, gate, wall, low wall, path, deck, planting or earthworks.
  • Work performed in the front yard of a building located in an area of exceptional value. 

Determine the landscape unit of a building

A landscape unit is a collection of streets, lots and buildings that are relatively uniform in architectural type, whether along major thoroughfares, in residential blocks or around parks and public spaces. Each landscape unit forms a coherent and homogeneous whole as perceived by a passer-by. It is similar to the notion of a neighbourhood. Certain types of landscape units may restrict approval under an SPAIP (French: PIIA)

To determine the unit, use the interactive map: select the “Zonage et PIIA” layer and click on the desired location to view the landscape unit and the fact sheets.


  • An agent at the permit counter will make sure that your project is compliant with all borough by-laws. He or she will provide you with information about the site planning and architectural integration program.
  • To prepare your application, we suggest you work with an architectural specialist at your own expense. 
  • Once the permit counter receives your application, the staff will evaluate it before submitting it to the urban planning advisory committee.
  • The urban planning advisory committee submits its opinion.
  • Depending on the cost of the work to be performed, your file may be submitted to the borough council. 
  • Permit processing times are one month minimum


Non taxable

Review of a site planning and architectural integration program: 

  • Construction, one to five dwellings:  $919
  • Construction, six to 19 dwellings: $1,263
  • Construction, 20 to 99 dwellings: $1,868
  • Construction, 100 dwellings or more: $3,131
  • Non-residential construction or conversion project: $1,868
  • Other: Signs, architectural components, mural art, etc.: $203

In addition to the cost of the permit, you must pay a file review fee.

Required documents

You must attach these documents to your application:

  • A description of the project, its architectural qualities and its advantages in terms of integration with existing buildings
  • A site plan showing the cadastre and specifying the distance of the lot line from the sidewalk and the location of neighbouring buildings
  • Preliminary plans, sections and elevations of the project
  • Colour elevation to scale of street frontage showing adjacent buildings or photographic montage to demonstrate the quality of integration; a colour perspective may be required.
  • Material selections; material sample documents or panels specifying the following details:
    • Pattern, colour and size of exterior cladding materials (brick, mortar, sills, lintels, etc.)
    • Type of doors and windows (casement, double-hung), colour and material
    • Staircase, balcony or terrace railing model (material, colour, setback from the facade if it is a roof terrace).
  • Landscaping plan
  • For a rooftop structure: longitudinal section showing a projected line between the parapet, the rooftop structure and the view of a pedestrian acrossthe street on the sidewalk
  • Photos of your building and neighbouring buildings may be requested


Get informed


In which cases should I apply?

Some projects require approval under a site planning and architectural integration program.


By phone

Comptoir des permis – L'Île-Bizard–Sainte-Geneviève



When you apply for a permit for your building, your project may require approval of a site planning and architectural integration plan (SPAIP). 

Our team at the permit counter will then send your file to the urban planning division, who will contact you to begin the approval process.

Communication channels

In person

6854 Rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal, QC H1N 1E1

In which cases should I apply?

The following types of work require approval under a site planning and architectural integration program: 

  • Replacing doors and windows:
    • On buildings along Boulevard Gouin Est, in the area known as “La voie panoramique et patrimoniale”
    • If you add doors and windows or replace them by models of different dimensions


  • Submit your project to the permit counter
  • Analysis by the permits team and the urban planning team
  • Presentation to the Advisory Committee on Planning (ACP) for a recommendation
  • Adoption by the borough council of a resolution (or delegated decision)
  • Issuance of permit

Response time

Three to five months from the time you submit a complete application to the permit counter.


Fees to study the SPAIP are added to the permit fee as a function of the type of application (obtain information from the counter staff).


Required documents

  • Certificate of location 
  • Project plans 
  • Technical specifications or details about the components of the exterior building envelope (doors, windows, cladding, cornices, etc.) 
  • Drawings, photographs, photomontages or visual perspectives 
  • Architectural plans for the project (elevation, colour) 
  • Exterior cladding material samples 
  • Any other document considered useful as requested by the permits counter


In person

4241 Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville
Montréal, QC H1H 1S4

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.


In which cases should I apply?

  • Antenna may require approval under a site planning and architectural integration program .
  • In some zones, all subdivision permit applications first require approval under a site planning and architectural integration program.


By phone

Comptoir des permis – Outremont


Check to find out whether your permit or authorization certificate application must be approved under an architectural integration and implementation plan. Before you apply, contact your permit counter to find out what you need to do.

Communication channels

13665 Boulevard de Pierrefonds
Montréal, QC H9A 2Z4

In which cases should I apply?

In the borough, some projects, such as land development, new buildings or projects that affect the architectural appearance of an existing building may require approval under a site planning and architectural integration program.


By phone

Comptoir des permis – Rivière-des-Prairies–Pointe-aux-Trembles



When should I apply?

Some projects, such as the construction of new buildings, additions to existing buildings and work that affects the architectural appearance of a building or building of heritage interest, require approval under a site planning and architectural integration program.

The complete list of work subject to the site planning and architectural integration program can be found in section 671 and following of Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie’s urban planning by-law (01-279).

Evaluation criteria

Depending on the nature of the work being done and the sector of the borough, projects are evaluated based on various criteria, such as:

  • Project’s architectural integration 
  • Degree of homogeneity of the immediate surroundings 
  • How well the building contributes to strengthening, maintaining or evolving the built environment
  • Ability to enhance, protect or enrich the architectural, natural and landscape heritage

The complete objectives and analysis criteria for each category of project are available upon request at the permit counter, by consulting a building officer.


  1. Meet with a building officer to gather preliminary information
  2. File the complete permit application at the permit counter
  3. Building officer analyzes the application
  4. Direction du territoire et des études techniques issues an opinion
  5. Urban planning advisory committee makes a recommendation
  6. Project reviewed, based on the conditions set by the urban planning advisory committee (if required) and decision summary produced
  7. Direction endorses and signs the decision summary
  8. Building officer completes the analysis
  9. Permit issued


Required documents

Submit your application with the following documents:

  • Proof of ownership or power of attorney
  • Copy of certificate of location and plan
  • Estimated value of the work (taxes included)
  • Completed and signed building specification sheet
  • Payment of review fees
  • Photos of façades of the building and the neighbouring buildings  
  • Text describing the architectural design, justifying the choice of materials and explaining how the objectives and criteria of the architectural integration and implementation plan were met
  • Summary of compliance with the standards set out in the by-law
  • Plan of the project (existing and proposed situation, dimensioned and scaled)
  • Scaled elevation of the project façade and adjacent buildings showing floor, ground, roof levels, etc.
  • Samples and data sheets of proposed materials
  • Perspective or colour elevation of the project and neighbouring buildings
  • Sun study illustrating existing and proposed conditions at equinoxes. Readings should be taken every two hours, between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. Include a text summarizing the impact of sunlight on neighboring properties and public property.
  • Any other document that can support the application

Communication channels

In person

5650 Rue D'Iberville
Second floor
Montréal, QC H2G 2B3


In which cases should I apply?

Some types of work that have an effect on the visible facade of an existing building or affect land development may require approval under a site planning and architectural integration program.



In which cases should I apply?

The following types of work require approval under a site planning and architectural integration program: 

  • Construction or expansion of a building with more than three floors and an area of more than 925 m² (except in certain commercial zones)
  • Construction or expansion of the front yard of a single-family building if the lot is located inside or outside a curve  
  • Construction or expansion of a single-family building on an angular lot if there is at least one building on the neighbouring lot 
  • Construction or expansion of a main building or its expansion, if the area is increased by more than 50 per cent (in some areas) 
  • Construction, expansion or modification of a building’s exterior in the COOP area 
  • Modification of the facade of a single-family residential building or multiplex, except in the COOP area, except if it involves replacing a window, door or a balcony and its staircase 
  • Modification of the facade of a commercial, industrial or mixed-use building, if it is semi-detached or adjacent
  • Demolition or modification of a building located in an area with exceptional historic value or in an urban area of interest
  • Installation of a new sign on a building on Rue Jean-Talon Est

Evaluation criteria

Projects are evaluated according to the following criteria: 

  • Construction or modification of a building does not alter the character of an area of the borough or a group of buildings 
  • Architectural consistency
  • Harmony with the adjacent building or buildings in the neighbourhood 
  • The nature of siding or cladding materials
  • Location of entrance doors on a facade


  • Projects that are subject to approval under a site planning and architectural integration program are reviewed when the permit application is submitted and evaluated. An review fee for the architectural integration and implementation plan is charged in addition to the permit fee. 
  • Once all documents and payment have been received, processing time is around three months. This is in addition to the time required to process a permit application.


Review of a new application or changes to a SPAIP that has already been approved:

  • Residential building with one to eight dwellings: $210
  • Residential building with six or more dwellings: $1,055
  • Commercial, industrial, community or mixed-use building: $1,055
  • Display: $210


Required documents

Depending on your case, you may need to submit documents: 

  • Recent photographs of existing buildings near the project 
  • Plans of the project that show the landscape of the lot or the height, in floors, of neighbouring buildings 
  • Certificate of location, material samples or colour elevations


By phone


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Which types of projects require a site planning and architectural integration plan?

Here are some examples.

  • Erecting a building
  • Expanding a building
  • Adding a penthouse
  • Addition, removal or alteration of architectural components on the main façade, such as a protruding element, opening or crown
  • Installing a sign or display
  • Reconfiguration or alteration of a commercial alcove to allow universal access


Below are the review fees for applications with a site planning and architectural integration plan: 

  • Antenna installation: $614 
  • Architectural modification: $537 
  • Parking space: $752
  • All other : $537
  • For applications that involve erecting, converting or expanding a building, the review fees are calculated according to floor area:
    • Up to 200 m2: $805 
    • Between 201 m2 and 500 m2: $1,074 
    • Between 501 m2 and 2,500 m2: $2,147
    • Over 2,500 m2: $5,369

Make an appointment at the permit counter


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

4555 Rue de Verdun
Suite 109
Montréal, QC H4G 1M4


Information coming soon.

In which cases should I apply?

Site planning and architectural integration program (SPAIP) is an authorization procedure required to obtain several kinds of conversion and construction permits. Depending on the zone in which your property is located and the type of work you are planning, whether it is a facade repair, an addition or installation of a sign, you may have to apply for SPAIP approval to obtain your permit. This requirement applies even if your project has already required another type of authorization, such as for a demolition, a minor variance, a conditional use or a special project. 

In addition, certain types of work are subject to SPAIP approval regardless of the zone in which the property is located. For example, all new construction and additions visible from the street are subject to the SPAIP, except for industrial buildings.

To find out if your project is covered by the SPAIP approval procedure, contact your local permit counter.


  • Submission of your application at the permit counter
  • Analysis of the project by the permits team and the urban planning team
  • A presentation is made to the Comité consultatif d’urbanisme (CCU - the planning advisory committee) for recommendation
  • Adoption of a resolution by the borough council (or a delegated decision)
  • Delivery of the permit


The processing of an SPAIP application takes approximately 2 to 4 months from the time the complete application is received at the permit counter.

The time frame is slightly shorter for certain applications that do not have to be submitted to borough council, such as signs and rooftop structures


An SPAIP analysis fee, which depends on the nature of the application, is added to the permit fee. To determine the costs, ask at the permit counter.

  • For a building-related project, based on floor area: 
    • less than 10 m²: $470
    • from 10 to 249 m²: $750
    • from 250 to 499 m²: $1170
    • from 500 to 2499 m²: $2,070
    • 2500 m² or more: $3,665
  • Tree, walkway, fence, gate or wall of heritage interest: $310
  • Certificate of occupancy, subdivision permit, parking area or loading zone: : $310
  • Putting up a sign: $310
  • Parking area with 20 or more spaces, multi-level parking: $470

Modification of a SPAIP :

  • If the project is not compliant:  $1,000
  • If the project is compliant but has not yet begun: $470


Required documents

You must attach these documents to your application:

  • Certificate of location
  • Project plans
  • Technical specifications or details of the building’s exterior envelope components (doors, windows, siding, cornices, etc.)
  • Drawings, photographs, photo montages and visual perspectives
  • Samples of exterior cladding materials
  • Any other document deemed useful in support of the application.


By phone

Permit counter – Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc Extension
