Submit a special construction, modification or occupancy project for a building

Last updated November 19, 2024

Special construction, modification or occupancy projects are designed to allow for work that fall outside urban planning by-laws. They are particularly useful for large or complex projects.

Special construction, modification or occupancy projects are exceptional measures. This procedure aims to allow a project to be carried out, under certain conditions, despite the fact that the work falls outside urban planning by-laws, for example regarding surface area, building height, number of units, or zoning.

In all cases, standards that are set for an area or the whole city must be met. The project must follow the objectives of the city’s Urban Plan and all conditions that the borough council may set out.

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The planning advisory committee (abbreviated as CCU in French) is mandated to review special construction, alteration or occupancy projects (abbreviated in French as PPCMOI) and make recommendations to the borough council.

Applications for such projects can be submitted at the permit counter.


  • Presentation to the planning advisory committee (CCU)
  • Adoption of the first draft resolution by the borough council
  • Publication of the public notice and posting on the property
  • Public meeting
  • Adoption of the second draft resolution by the borough council. If referendum approval is not required: adoption of the resolution by the borough council.
  • Publication of a public notice and referendum approval procedure, if applicable
  • Adoption of the resolution by the borough council

Evaluation criteria

An application for authorization of a special project requires an evaluation of several types of criteria:

  • Conformity with the Montréal Urban Plan.
  • Compatibility of the land uses proposed in the project with the setting in which they will occur
  • The project’s quality of integration with regard to the siting, volumetry, density and site design.
  • The benefits of proposals to integrate or demolish existing structures and of proposals to conserve or enhance original architectural elements
  • The benefits of proposed enhancement of exterior spaces and vegetation
  • Environmental impacts of the project, including shading, wind, noise, emissions and traffic
  • Quality of the functional organization of the project, in particular with regard to parking, access and safety
  • The benefits of the project’s cultural and social components
  • Feasibility of the project according to its planned completion schedule

Time frame

Once you have submitted all documents to the borough, it will take four to six months to receive authorization to implement a special construction, alteration or occupancy project.

This procedure is usually a precondition for submittal of an application for a permit for transformation or construction.


Review fees must be paid when the application for a special project is submitted. They are calculated according to the type of application and the size of the existing or projected building. Contact the permit and inspection counter to verify the fee amount.

Amounts are not taxable.

Building footprint (floor) of project


499 sq. m. or less


From 500 sq. m. to 4,999 sq. m.


From 5,000 sq. m. to 9,999 sq. m.


From 10,000 sq. m. to 24,999 sq. m.


From 25,000 sq. m. to 49,999 sq. m.


Greater than or equal to 50,000 sq. m.


Type of application


Building occupancy


Modification of an existing special project


Modification of an architectural element of an existing special project


Required documents

You must submit your request in writing, on the form provided by the permit counter. Attach the following documents:

  • A true copy of any property title establishing that you are the owner of the land in question, or a document establishing that you have an option to purchase the lot. If the property belongs to the Ville de Montréal, please provide proof of a purchase intention authorized by the director of a municipal department.
  • The certificate of location and technical description for the property
  • Presentation documents, including plans, sketches, visual perspectives and/or photomontages needed to understand the project
  • Any other document deemed useful to support the application

If applicable:

  • A proxy document establishing the mandate of persons authorized to act in the name of the owner


In person

555 Rue Chabanel Ouest
Suite 600
Montréal, QC H2N 2H8

The urban planning advisory committee is in charge of evaluating special construction, modification or occupancy projects and making recommendations to borough council.

The borough council, as advised by its CCU (planning committee), may authorize a PPCMOI (specific construction, alteration or occupancy proposal for an immovable property) that deviates from any of the regulations provided for in the Act respecting Land Use Planning and Development, provided that the objectives of the Planning Program and the conditions of the borough’s by-law concerning PPCMOIs are respected. Thereafter, the project must comply with any conditions that may be imposed by the borough council.


  • Filing the PPCMOI application
  • Project analysis by the Direction de l’aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises
  • Notice issued by the planning advisory committee
  • Adoption of the draft resolution by the borough council
  • Posting on the building and publication of a public notice
  • Public consultation meeting
  • Adoption of a second draft resolution by the borough council (when subject to referendum approval, which is usually the case)
  • Notice of the opportunity for qualified voters to request a referendum (if required)
  • Adoption of the resolution by the borough council or referendum approval procedure (if required).
  • Issuance of the permit or certificate.

Required documents

You must complete the application form for a specific construction, alteration or occupancy project and attach it to the other documents required by the by-law.

Please refer to the borough of Anjou’s Règlement sur les projets particuliers de construction, de modification ou d’occupation d’un immeuble (the PPCMOI by-law) for the complete list of documents to be provided. 


Once all your documents are filed with the borough, it takes a minimum of six months to obtain authorization for a PPCMOI project.


Please refer to the tariff by-law for the current fiscal year.


Communication channels

In person

By appointment only.

7171 Rue Bombardier
Second floor
Montréal, QC H1J 2E9

Any questions?

For information or to take an appointment, contact us:

  1. By phone: 514 493-5115
  2. By email:


Information coming soon.


  1. Rencontre au comptoir des permis, auprès d’un agent du cadre bâti
  2. Dépôt et analyse de la demande d’autorisation par l’Arrondissement
  3. Présentation et avis du comité consultatif d’urbanisme (CCU)
  4. Adoption du 1er projet de résolution par le conseil d’arrondissement
  5. Publication d’un avis public et affichage sur l’immeuble
  6. Consultation publique
  7. Adoption du 2e projet de résolution par le conseil d’arrondissement*
  8. Publication d’un avis public pour l’approbation référendaire*
  9. Procédure d’approbation référendaire*
  10. Adoption d’une résolution accordant ou refusant la demande par le conseil d’arrondissement

*Si sujet à approbation référendaire


Il faut compter entre 6 à 9 mois pour obtenir l’autorisation de mettre en œuvre un projet particulier de construction, de modification ou d’occupation d’un immeuble une fois que tous vos documents sont déposés à l’arrondissement.


Required documents

Déposez votre demande avec les documents suivants :

  • Formulaire dûment rempli et signé
  • Paiement des frais exigibles
  • Preuve de résidence de chacun des propriétaires
  • Procuration signée du propriétaire (si le requérant diffère du propriétaire et si le propriétaire n’a pas signé la demande)
  • Copie du certificat de localisation préparé par un arpenteur-géomètre
  • Plan d’implantation préparé par un professionnel pour une construction projetée un écrit exposant les motifs de la demande et une description de l’usage projeté
  • Élévations des façades ou des constructions à ériger ou à modifier montrant le voisinage (bâtiment, terrain, etc.)
  • Photomontages ou perspectives illustrant la relation des constructions projetées avec les constructions voisines
  • Dans le cas d’une occupation d’un bâtiment existant, un plan indiquant les travaux prévus pour rendre le bâtiment conforme à l’usage projeté ainsi qu’un rapport d’un professionnel certifiant que le bâtiment une fois modifié sera conforme aux exigences du code de construction en vigueur
  • Dans le cas où une occupation à des fins d’habitation, de manière locative, est déclarée : liste des locataires des 12 derniers mois, le montant des loyers, l’échéance des baux et une déclaration des mesures prévues pour reloger et indemniser les locataires, conformément à la loi
  • Occupations du domaine public illustrées sur un plan s’il y a lieu un plan démontrant les accès véhiculaires et piétonniers (accès universels également), les espaces de stationnement et les rampes d’accès ainsi que les plates-formes élévatrices pour fauteuils roulants s’il y a lieu
  • Propositions de mise en valeur d’éléments architecturaux d’origine
  • Études nécessaires à l’évaluation du projet relativement à l’ensoleillement, au vent (facteur éolien), au bruit, aux émanations et au patrimoine
  • Indication des risques de contamination du sol
  • Plans du projet : 2 copies papier format 11 po x 17 po et 1 copie format électronique

Communication channels

In person

Direction de l’aménagement urbain et des services aux entreprises - Division des permis et des inspections

5160 Boulevard Décarie
Montréal, QC H3X 2H9


Information coming soon.

For more information or to submit a project, please contact our Permit counter team.

For more information

In person

55 Avenue Dupras
Montréal, QC H8R 4A8

By appointment only.

The mandate of the planning advisory committee( in French) includes the review of specific construction, alteration or occupancy projects and the submission of recommendations to the borough council.

Assessment criteria

General criteria

  • Compatibility of the proposed land uses with the setting in which they will occur
  • Quality of integration with regard to the siting, volumetry, density and design of the sites
  • Evaluation of the integration or demolition of existing structures
  • Preservation or enhancement of original architectural elements
  • Enhancement of exterior spaces and vegetation
  • Environmental impacts, including shading, wind, noise, emissions and traffic
  • Quality of the organization of parking, access and safety
  • Cultural and social components
  • Feasibility of the planned completion schedule
  • Preservation, maintenance or enhancement of interesting vistas from and toward Mount Royal
  • Universal access

In addition to the applicable general criteria, an application regarding signage will be evaluated according to the following specific criteria:

  • Limitation of damage to exterior facing
  • Visual quality and contribution to urban life
  • Compliance with pedestrian scale
  • Balance of sign proportions with the architecture of the property
  • Avoidance of obscuring architectural and decorative elements of a wall
  • Protection and preservation of a sign of heritage or historical importance
  • Consideration of the immediate environment and the urban context
  • Proposal offering quality materials and imagination
  • Creativity, providing a benefit to the local area
  • Limitation of lighting to the sign, without glare or other harm

In addition to the applicable general criteria, an application regarding signage will be evaluated according to the following specific criteria:

  • Quality of landscape and architectural integration with the dominant typomorphological characteristics of the landscape unit
  • Project allows the building typology to evolve due to a contemporary intervention that integrates into the architectural composition of the building ensemble
  • Visual improvements (quality of materials, integration of mechanical equipment)
  • Enhancement of exterior spaces (preservation of landscape elements of interest, production of integrated designs)
  • Minimization of the ecological footprint (limitation of construction debris, use of recycled materials, preservation of original architectural elements)

Time frame

Once all documents have been submitted to the borough, it will take four to ten months to receive authorization to implement a Specific Construction, Alteration or Occupancy Proposal for an Immovable.


Not taxable

Type of Fee




Temporary occupation



$4,690 / establishment

Transformation of an architectural component


Exterior parking area, vegetation and ground covering materials


With modification to the Urban Plan

Additional $ 3,752

Construction or transformation of one floor area (floor):


Less than 500 sq. m.


500 sq. m. to less than 5,000 sq. m.


5000 sq. m. to less than 10,000 sq. m.


10,000 sq. m. to less than 25,000 sq. m.


25,000 sq. m. and greater

$ 86,094


Required documents

Submit your application with the following documents:

  • Form, duly filled out and signed
  • Payment for review fees
  • Certificate of location, including technical description
  • Property title, copy of property tax bill or proof of intent to purchase
  • Proxy document (if the applicant is not the property owner)
  • Project presentation document
  • If a residential building, statement of measures required by law for the relocation and compensation of tenants (if tenants must be moved)
  • Copy of any previous variance authorization

Communication channels

By mail

Division urbanisme, patrimoine et services aux entreprises - Direction du développement du territoire et des travaux publics

201 Avenue Laurier Est
Fifth floor
Montréal, QC H2T 3E6


Borough council can authorize an SCMOP that falls outside one or more of the urban planning regulations set out in the Act respecting land use planning and development, provided that it complies with the conditions in the borough’s by-law.

Evaluation criteria

In addition to the objectives of the Urban Plan, projects are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Compatibility with occupancies that are planned in the same area 
  • Value of the projects integration with respect to implementation, volumetry, density and development of the premises
  • Evaluation of the integration or demolition of existing buildings
  • Preservation or enhancement of original architectural elements 
  • Enhancement of outdoor spaces and planting trees/shrubs 
  • Environmental impacts, particularly with respect to sun, wind, noise, traffic and emissions
  • How parking is organized; access and safety 
  • Social or cultural components
  • Feasibility according to the planned schedule of work.

Review of the application

The urban advisory committee (UAC) has a mandate to issue recommendations to borough council concerning special building construction, alteration or occupancy projects.


  1. Presentation to the urban advisory committee (UAC)
  2. Adoption of a draft resolution
  3. Signage posted on the building and publication of a public notice
  4. Holding of a written public consultation 
  5. Adoption of a second draft resolution
  6. Public notice announcing a possible referendum (if required) 
  7. Referendum approval process (if required)
  8. Adoption of a resolution by borough council

Required documents

You must complete the form transmitted by the permit counter and attach the following documents:

  • Plan of survey of land targeted under the special project
  • Copy of any title establishing that the applicant is the owner of this property, or power of attorney (if the applicant is not the owner or if the property is a condominium)
  • Certificate of location (including all structures on the land)
  • Declaration signed by the owner or representative, describing the type of occupancy specific to all the buildings subject to the special project
  • Document justifying the application with the description of the project
  • Preliminary project plans
  • Layout plan for existing and projected structures
  • Density (floor area index for existing or projected structures)
  • Planned occupancies of public property
  • Proposed integration or demolition of existing structures, and proposed conservation and enhancement of original architectural elements
  • Declaration of measures planned for the relocation and compensation of tenants (if applicable)
  • Vehicle access, signage modes for pedestrians and vehicles, parking spaces and universal access
  • Evaluation of the impacts of the project in regards to sunlighting, wind, traffic, noise and fumes
  • Indication of the risks of soil contamination, with supporting maps
  • Any other document relevant to the analysis of the application


Non taxable.

The fee is calculated according to the floor area


250 m² and under


Between 251 m² and 500 m²


Between 501 m² and 4,999 m²


Between 5,000 m² and 9,999 m²


Between 10,000 m² and 24,999 m²


Between 25,000 m² and 49,999 m²


50,000 m² or more


Alteration of a special project already authorized


Occupancy project


Construction or alteration project on an area measuring 500 m² or less


Construction or alteration project on an area measuring between 501 m² and 4,999 m²


Construction or alteration project on an area measuring between 5,000 m² and 9,999 m²


Construction or alteration project on an area measuring between 10,000 m² and 24,999 m²


Construction or alteration project on an area measuring between 25,000 m² and 49,999 m²


Construction or alteration project on an area measuring more than 50,000 m²


Learn more

815 Rue Bel-Air
First floor
Montréal, QC H4C 2K4


The borough’s urban advisory committee is tasked with evaluating special construction, modification or occupancy projects and making recommendations to borough council.

You must apply in writing using the form provided by the permit counter and attach the required documents.


In addition to compliance with the objectives of the city’s Urban Plan, projects are evaluated according to the following objectives: 

  • Compatibility with the surroundings
  • Architectural quality of surrounding buildings
  • How well buildings and parking areas will fit into the existing urban landscape 
  • Preservation or enhancement of original and recognized architectural elements 
  • New buildings that are ecologically sound and sustainable 
  • Enhancement of outdoor spaces, landscape development, greening and the environment 
  • Reduction of environmental impacts, particularly with respect to sun, wind, noise, emissions and traffic 
  • How well the project can be integrated into the existing infrastructure network
  • Enhancement of public transportation


Plan on between three and six months to get authorization to begin your special construction, modification or occupancy project once all of your documents have been submitted to the borough.


Your application will be evaluated by members of the urban advisory committee, who will make their recommendations concerning approval to the borough council.

Review fees are payable when you submit your application. They are not reimbursable or transferable

Required documents

  • Property deed or rental contract, or proof of intent to purchase or rent the building
  • Description of the special project and reasons for applying
  • Description of occupancy types of all buildings targeted by the project 
  • Plan of survey and topography for the lot, certificate of location or implementation plan drafted by a land surveyor that shows existing buildings or buildings that will be built, including technical designation and insertion into the urban fabric
  • Plans showing volumetry, density, elevations and the height of existing buildings and buildings that will be built 
  • Drawing, photographs, photomontages and perspectives showing the affected buildings and their relationship with existing buildings and the architecture and buildings of the neighbourhood
  • Proposals for integrating or demolishing existing buildings as well as preservation and enhancement of original architectural features
  • Projected street plans with their features (width of right of way) and vehicle access, as well as all pedestrian and bike paths or other similar networks, loading zones, and unobstructed access
  • Proposals for designing outdoor spaces and enhancement/protection of new and existing vegetation
  • Studies needed to evaluate environmental impacts with respect to sun, wind and traffic as well as, if applicable, noise, emissions, surface water drainage and erosion control 
  • Soil contamination risks based on previous occupancies of the lot where the project will take place, based on available cartographic documents
  • Delivery phases and deadlines
  • Feasibility study that includes car traffic, the built environment and building use

Communication channels

In person

15795, boulevard Gouin Ouest
(on the 2nd floor, rear door of the citizen reception and public safety office)
Montréal, QC H9H 1C5


Please contact the permit counter. 

First, our team will forward a preliminary notice on your behalf to the urban planning division, who will then guide you through the official submission of the project.

Learn more

In person

6854 Rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal, QC H1N 1E1

The special projects by-law (Règlement sur les projets particuliers de construction, de modification ou d’occupation d’un immeuble, N° RGCA11-10-0007, in French) allows deviations from the planning by-laws and the execution of a Special construction, modification or occupancy project (known in French as a PPCMOI). It offers more flexibility and can be adapted to a particular neighbourhood.

In order for a special project to be authorized by the borough, it must comply with the objectives of the city’s Planning program.

The process of adopting a special project also requires the participation and intervention of citizens through a public consultation, the possible opening of a register and the organization of a referendum if necessary.


  • Your request will be studied by the Comité consultatif d’urbanisme (CCU).
  • The CCU’s recommendations are then presented to the borough council.
  • The borough council makes a decision. 
  • If the council’s decision is favourable, the 1st draft resolution is adopted.
  • A public notice is published and posted on the property.
  • A public meeting takes place.
  • The 2nd draft resolution is adopted. 
    • If referendum approval is not required, the resolution is adopted by the council, otherwise
  • A public notice is published and the referendum approval process takes place.
  • If approved, the resolution is then adopted by the borough council.


Count on the process taking four to six months. Plan your work carefully.


You must pay an application fee when you file your application. It varies depending on the nature of the request and the size of the building. You can get more information at the permit counter.

Submit an application

The application form (below) must be fully completed and signed by the owner of the building or his or her agent.



In person

4241 Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville
Montréal, QC H1H 1S4


Information coming soon.

Information coming soon.

The planning advisory committee (abbreviated as CCU in French) is mandated to review special construction, alteration or occupancy projects (abbreviated in French as PPCMOI) and make recommendations to the borough council.

Applications for such projects can be submitted at the permit counter.


  • Presentation to the planning advisory committee (CCU)
  • Adoption of the first draft resolution by the borough council
  • Publication of the public notice and posting on the property
  • Public meeting
  • Adoption of the second draft resolution by the borough council. If referendum approval is not required: adoption of the resolution by the borough council.
  • Publication of a public notice and referendum approval procedure, if applicable
  • Adoption of the resolution by the borough council

Evaluation criteria

An application for authorization of a special project requires an evaluation of several types of criteria:

  • Conformity with the Montréal Urban Plan.
  • Compatibility of the land uses proposed in the project with the setting in which they will occur
  • The project’s quality of integration with regard to the siting, volumetry, density and site design.
  • The benefits of proposals to integrate or demolish existing structures and of proposals to conserve or enhance original architectural elements
  • The benefits of proposed enhancement of exterior spaces and vegetation
  • Environmental impacts of the project, including shading, wind, noise, emissions and traffic
  • Quality of the functional organization of the project, in particular with regard to parking, access and safety
  • The benefits of the project’s cultural and social components
  • Feasibility of the project according to its planned completion schedule

Time frame

Once you have submitted all documents to the borough, it will take four to six months to receive authorization to implement a special construction, alteration or occupancy project.

This procedure is usually a precondition for submittal of an application for a permit for transformation or construction.


Review fees must be paid when the application for a special project is submitted. They are calculated according to the type of application and the size of the existing or projected building. Contact the permit and inspection counter to verify the fee amount.

Amounts are not taxable.

Preliminary analysis


Review fees


These fees will be deducted from application fees if an application for a special construction, modification or occupancy project is submitted within 6 months of the notice of admissibility.

Building occupancy


Review fees


Construction or transformation
(per floor area)


500 sq. m. or less


From 501 sq. m. to 9999 sq. m.


From 10 000 sq. m. to 49 999 sq. m.


Greater than or equal to 50,000 sq. m.


Special projects for day-care centres and homes for people in need of assistance or care


Review fees


Modification of a special project




Construction or modification, 500 sq. m. or less


Construction or modification, greater than 500 sq. m.


Required documents

You must submit your request in writing, on the form provided by the permit counter. Attach the following documents:

  • A true copy of any property title establishing that you are the owner of the land in question, or a document establishing that you have an option to purchase the lot. If the property belongs to the Ville de Montréal, please provide proof of a purchase intention authorized by the director of a municipal department.
  • The certificate of location and technical description for the property
  • Presentation documents, including plans, sketches, visual perspectives and/or photomontages needed to understand the project
  • Any other document deemed useful to support the application

If applicable:

  • A proxy document establishing the mandate of persons authorized to act in the name of the owner


In person

12090 Rue Notre-Dame Est
Montréal, QC H1B 2Z1

Submit your application with the required documents.

The urban planning advisory committee is in charge of evaluating special construction, modification or occupancy projects and making recommendations to borough council.

Evaluation criteria

Applications for special projects are evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Compliance with the city’s urban plan
  • Compatibility with occupancies planned in the same area
  • Project’s integration in terms of implementation, volumetry, density and development of the site
  • Benefits related to the integration or demolition of existing buildings and to the preservation or enhancement of original architectural elements
  • Enhancements of indoor spaces and planting of trees/shrubs
  • Environmental impacts of the project, related particularly to sunlight, wind, noise, fumes and traffic
  • How well the project is organized, particularly regarding parking, access and safety
  • Benefits of the cultural or social components of the project
  • Feasibility of the project according to the planned schedule of work
  • Impacts on the existing commercial structure in the surrounding neighbourhoods


  1. Meet with a building officer and gather preliminary information 
  2. File the preliminary study application
  3. Direction du territoire et des études techniques (Direction) performs preliminary analysis
  4. File the application with the borough office
  5. Direction issues an opinion
  6. Urban planning advisory committee makes a recommendation
  7. Direction prepares a summary of its decision
  8. First draft resolution adopted by the borough council
  9. Public notice published and posted on the building
  10. Public consultation 
  11. Second draft resolution adopted by the borough council*
  12. Public notice published for approval by referendum, if applicable*
  13. Referendum held on approval of the project*
  14. Borough council adopts resolution approving or denying the application 
  15. Certificate of conformity issued (if required)

* If project is subject to approval by referendum


Required documents

Submit your application with the following documents:

  • Completed form
  • Payment of the fee set out in the by-law
  • Plan of survey for the lot where the project will be located
  • Certificate of location of any construction already erected on this lot, including technical description
  • A true copy of a title deed establishing the applicant’s ownership of the land in question or a document establishing that the applicant holds an option to purchase the land
  • If applicable, a power of attorney from any person authorized to act on the owner’s behalf
  • A statement signed by the owner or owner’s agent describing the types of occupancy of any building affected by the special project
  • In the case of residential rental occupancy: A list of tenants for the past 12 months, the amount of rent, the expiry date of the leases and a statement of the measures planned to rehouse and compensate the tenants, in accordance with the law
  • Written statement of reasons for the request and an abbreviated description of the special project

Communication channels

In person

5650 Rue D'Iberville
Second floor
Montréal, QC H2G 2B3


Information coming soon.

The urban planning advisory committee is in charge of reviewing special construction, modification or occupancy projects and making recommendations to borough council.


Communication channels


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Verdun’s urban planning advisory committee is in charge of evaluating special construction, modification and occupancy projects with a view to making recommendations to borough council.

The borough council may authorize a special construction, modification and occupancy project that derogates from the Act respecting land use planning and development as long as it meets the conditions of the borough’s by-law. 

Preliminary review

You can apply for a preliminary review to ensure that your project is compliant with the key orientations, plans and strategies of the city and the borough. 

First, you’ll need to complete the preliminary review application provided by the borough, include all required documents and pay applicable fees. 


Your application will be reviewed by urban planning advisory committee members, who will make their recommendations for approval to borough council.

  • Adoption of the first reading
  • Public consultation
  • Adoption of the first reading
  • Opening an inquiry
  • Adoption of the project
  • Keeping a registry (if applicable)


In order to plan your project, count on the process taking at least 4 to 6 months and may require additional time.


The approval form provided by the borough must be completed in full and signed by the building owner or his or her representative. Evaluation fees must be paid when the application is submitted.


The fees for a preliminary review are deducted from the application processing fee, if applicable. 

Preliminary review: $2,150

Building footprint (floor) of project


499 sq. m. or less


From 500 sq. m. to 4,999 sq. m.


From 5,000 sq. m. to 9,999 sq. m.


From 10,000 sq. m. to 24,999 sq. m.


From 25,000 sq. m. to 49,999 sq. m.


Greater than or equal to 50,000 sq. m.


These fees are not refundable.

The review fees for the notice of admissibility will be deducted from the fee for the study of the request, if applicable.


Required documents

You must submit your application along with the following documents:

  • A plan of survey for the lot
  • A true copy of any deed that proves that you are the owner of the lot or any document that proves that you hold an option to purchase the lot
  • Certificate of location that shows all buildings on the lot with their technical designation
  • Authorization from the owner, if you are not the owner
  • Declaration signed by the owner or his or her representative that describes the type of occupancy for all buildings that will be part of the special project
  • In the case of a residential rental building, a list of tenants for the 12 months prior to the application, amounts charged for rent, deadlines of leases and a declaration of measures to relocate and financially compensate tenants, in accordance with the law
  • A written explanation of the reasons for the application and a short description of the special project (plans, studies, materials used).



Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

4555 Rue de Verdun
Suite 109
Montréal, QC H4G 1M4


How to apply

Your application must be preceded by a meeting with an urban planning advisor in order to identify which legislative exemptions are necessary for the project and target the impacts so that studies can be undertaken to evaluate the project. 

You can submit your application at the permit counter or by e-mail with all required documents. 

Evaluation criteria

Projects are evaluated according to general criteria. The project must have added value with respect to one or more of the following aspects: 

  • Contribution to the quality of public space
  • Improving the urban landscape
  • Reducing environmental impacts
  • Contribution to the enhancement of the built heritage
  • Any other contribution that the project makes to the objectives set out in Montréal’s Urban Plan and in municipal policies

Processing times

Review and processing times range from four to 10 months once a complete application has been submitted. To learn more about the stages of the process, see the approval procedures (in French).


Fees are calculated according to floor surface


Less than 500 m²


Between 500 m² and 9,999 m²


Between 10,000 m² and 24,999 m²


25,000 m² and more


Modification of a pre-authorized special project


Area less than 500 m²


Area of 500 m² or more





Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

800 Boulevard De Maisonneuve Est
ground floor
Montréal, QC H2L 4L8


The urban planning advisory committee is in charge of evaluating special construction, modification or occupancy projects and making recommendations to borough council.

All applications for a special project must be submitted to the Villeray-Saint-Michel-Parc-Extension permit counter. A preliminary study must be requested beforehand.


  • Project presented to the urban planning advisory committee 
  • First draft resolution adopted by the borough council
  • Public notice published and posted on the building
  • Public meeting
  • Second draft resolution adopted by the borough council - If approval by referendum is not required, the borough council adopts the resolution 
  • Public notice for approval by referendum, if applicable
  • Resolution adopted by the borough council

Evaluation criteria

An application for authorization of a special project requires an evaluation of several types of criteria:

  • General criteria, in particular related to the Urban Plan, the project’s compatibility with its surroundings, project benefits for the community and its ecological footprint
  • Criteria regarding project siting and volumes, in order to evaluate its integration in the area, mobility management, and universal access design elements
  • Criteria related to the exterior design of the site, e.g. protection of existing trees, in-ground plantings, creation of connections to the public way and the integrated management of residual materials
  • A criterion related to signage so that any installation of commercial signs takes into account the characteristics of the building and its setting


Plan on four to six months to receive authorization for a special construction, modification or occupancy project once you have submitted all documents to the borough.

This procedure generally takes place prior to the filing of an application for a conversion or construction permit.


Review fees are payable when you submit your application for a special project. These fees vary according to the nature of the application or the size of the building in question. Consult the borough’s permit and inspection desk for more information.

Floor area of a building

Price (non taxable)

500 m² and less


Between 501 m² and 4,999 m²


Between 5,000 m² and 9,999 m²


Between 10,000 m² and 24,999 m²


Between 25,000 m² and 49,999 m²


50,000 m² and over


Type of application

Price (non taxable)

Occupancy of a building


Construction or expansion of a parking lot or loading area


Installation of a sign


Modification of a subdivision



Required documents

You must apply in writing using the form provided by the permit counter and attach the following documents:

  • A true copy of a title deed establishing the applicant’s ownership of the land in question or a document establishing that the applicant holds an option to purchase the land or, in the case of land owned by Montréal, proof of intent to purchase approved by the director of a city department
  • If applicable, a power of attorney from any person authorized to act on the owner’s behalf
  • Certificate of location and its technical description of the property in question 
  • Presentation documents including plans, sketches, perspectives and/or photomontages necessary to understand the project
  • Any other document that can support the application

Communication channels

Permit counter – Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc Extension


405 Avenue Ogilvy
Suite 111
Montréal, QC H3N 1M3