Get a brown bin repaired
Has your brown bin been damaged? You can either have it repaired or, if it is not repairable, you can replace it.
We only repair bins that we have supplied. We do not repair store-bought bins.
Countertop bins, also called mini bins, are not repairable.
My borough
No borough selected.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
Building | Bin provided |
Single-family home | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with four to eight dwellings | Small 45-litre bin or large 120-litre bin |
Residential building with nine or more dwellings* | Large 120- or 240-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to buildings with nine or more dwellings will begin in fall 2023 and continue on a gradual basis until 2025. |
You are entitled to one bin per address or building. Requests for more than one bin will be reviewed.
Organization | Bin provided |
Non-profit organizations (NPO), schools, businesses, companies* | Small 45-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to non-profit organizations (NPO), schools, businesses and companies will begin in fall 2023 and continue on a gradual basis until 2025. |
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, small or large, please call 311.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 45-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Place the bin upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Repaired bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
To get another bin, small or large, please contact 311.
We will take your contact information and the replacement bin will be delivered to your address.
For large bins, please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
If you want to have your broken bin collected when the new bin is delivered, be sure to make a request to that effect when you call.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
You are entitled to one bin per address or building.
Building | Bin provided |
Single-family home | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with two to eight dwellings | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with nine dwellings and more | Small 45-litre bin / 240-litre |
You are entitled to one bin per address or building.
Organization | Bin provided |
Non-profit organizations (NPO), schools, businesses, companies | 45-litre bin / 240-litre |
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, please call 311.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to get your bin repaired
Place the bin upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily, freeze your food waste, or place it in the household garbage.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
To get another bin, please contact 311.
We will take your contact information and the replacement bin will be delivered to your address.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily, freeze your food waste, or place it in the household garbage.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
You are entitled to one bin per address or building.
Building | Bin provided |
Single-family home | Small 45-litre bin |
Building with two to eight dwellings | Small 45-litre bin |
Building with nine or more dwellings* | Large 240-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to buildings with nine or more dwellings is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2025. |
Organization | Bin provided |
Non-profit organizations (NPO), schools, hospitals, businesses and companies | Large 240-litre bin |
2. Have a bin repaired
Small bin
In order to have a 45-litre bin repaired, please call 311.
Large bin
In order to have a 240-litre bin repaired, please call 311.
For large bins, provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 45-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Place the bin upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily, or, as a last resort, place your food waste in the household garbage.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
Small bin
To get another bin quickly, please contact your éco-quartier to find out if the bins are available, then go there in person with a proof of residence (hydro bill, tax account):
Large bin
To replace a large bin, please contact 311.
For large bins, please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily or, as a last resort, place your food waste in the household garbage.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
You are entitled to one bin per address or building. The bin is used to collect kitchen scraps and green waste.
Building | Bin provided |
Single-family home | Small 47- or 80-litre bin |
Residential building with two to eight dwellings | Small 47- or 80-litre bin |
Different types of bins are supplied on demand to organizations. They are used for the collection of kitchen scraps and green waste.
Organization | Bin provided |
Non-profit organizations (NPO), schools, businesses, companies | Small 47- or 80-litre bin |
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, small or large, please call 311.
For large bins, please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call, except for 47-litre bins, which do not have a serial number.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 47-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Place the bin upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Compostable paper bags can be used temporarily for kitchen scraps. Green waste surplus will be collected in paper bags, cardboard boxes or rigid containers.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
To get another bin, small or large, please contact 311.
We will take your contact information and the replacement bin will be delivered to your address a few weeks later.
For large bins, please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling when the new bin will be delivered.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Compostable paper bags can be used temporarily for kitchen scraps. Green waste surplus will be collected in paper bags, cardboard boxes or rigid containers.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
You are entitled to one bin per address or building.
Building | Bin provided |
All types of residential buildings : single-family homme, two dwellings or more | Small 45-litre bin or large 120- or 240-litre bin |
You are entitled to at least one bin per address or building.
Organization | Bin provided |
Non-profit organizations (NPO), schools, hospitals, businesses, companies | Small 45-litre bin or large 120- or 240-litre bin |
2. Have a bin repaired
Please call 311.
For the 120- or 240-litre bin, provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 45-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Completely empty your broken bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Repaired bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
To request another bin, please contact 311.
For the 120- or 240-litre bin, please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
We will take your contact information and the replacement bin will be delivered to your address.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Completely empty your broken bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
You are entitled to one bin per address or building.When there are nine to 20 dwellings in a building, a small bin is provided for each dwelling and a large bin is provided for the building.
Building | Bin provided |
Single-family home | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with two to eight dwellings | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with nine to 20 dwellings | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with 21 or more dwellings* | Sector 2: Large 240-litre bin |
*In sector 2, food waste is collected.
*In sectors 1, 3 and 4, you can use the community composting sites until there is a collection.
Sector 2: Large 240-litre bin
Sectors 1, 3 and 4: No bin provided.
Until there is a collection, daycare centres, schools and small businesses can use community composting sites.
Small businesses that generate little food waste (bookstores, pharmacies, hair salons, etc.) can also use these sites.
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, small or large, please call 311.
For large bins, please provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days, on Thursdays between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m., if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 45-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Completely empty your bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
To get another bin, small or large, please contact 311.
We will take your personal information and the bin will be delivered to your address.
For large bins, please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Clean your old bin, place it upside down and stick on a piece of paper marked “for collection”.
Place it close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
You are entitled to one bin per address or building.
Building | Bin provided |
Single-family home | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with two to eight dwellings | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with nine or more dwellings* | Large 240-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to buildings with nine or more dwellings is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2024. |
You are entitled to one bin per address or building.
Organization | Bin provided |
Non-profit organizations (NPO), schools, day care centres, businesses, companies* | Large 240-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to non-profit organizations (NPO), schools, day care centres, businesses and companies is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2024. |
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, small or large, please call 311.
Provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 45-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Completely empty your bin, place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
To get another bin, please contact 311.
We will take your contact information and the replacement bin will be delivered to your address.
For large bins, please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Wash your old bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
Residents et organizations
You are entitled to one 80-, 120- or 240-litre brown bin per address or building after your application is assessed and depending on available supply. This bin is used for the collection of kitchen scraps and green waste.
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, small or large, please call 311.
Provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) and its colour when you call.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days, between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Place the bin close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin or temporarily place your kitchen waste in paper bags and green waste in cardboard boxes.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
To get another bin, please contact 311.
We will take your contact information and the replacement bin will be delivered to your address.
Please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling when the new bin will be delivered.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin or temporarily place your kitchen waste in paper bags and green waste in cardboard boxes.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
Building | Bin provided |
Single-family home | Small 45-litre bin or large 120-litre bin |
Residential building with two to eight dwellings | Small 45-litre bin or large 120-litre bin |
Residential building with nine or more dwellings* | Large 240-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to buildings with nine or more dwellings is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2024. |
Organization | Bin provided |
Non-profit organizations (NPO), community centres, hospitals, schools | Small 45-litre bin, or large 120- or 240-litre bin |
Businesses, companies* | Small 45-litre bin, or large 120- or 240-litre bin |
* 720 litres maximum per address |
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, small or large:
- Please call 311, or
- Go in person to the Accès Montréal office, or
- E-mail us.
In order to have a 120- or 240-litre bin repaired, you must be an owner, building manager or concierge.
For large bins, please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you submit a request to have it repaired.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 45-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Place the bin upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
Small bin
To get your hands on this bin quickly, contact your éco-quartier to find out if the bins are available, then go there in person with a proof of residence (hydro bill, tax account):
- Éco-quartier Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve – Point of service Hochelaga-Maisonneuve
- Éco-quartier Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve - Point of service Mercier-Ouest
Once back at home, completely empty your old broken bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. Call 311 and ask for your broken bin to be picked up. It will be recycled.
Large bin
To request a 120- or 240-litre bin, you must be an owner, building manager or concierge.
- Please call 311, or
- E-mail us.
For large bins, please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
We will take your contact information and the borough will analyse your request.
If your request is approved, the bin will be delivered to your address.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling when the new bin will be delivered.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
You are entitled to one bin per address or building.
Building | Bin provided |
Single-family home | 45- or 80-litre bin |
Residential building with two to eight dwellings | 45- or 80-litre bin |
Residential building with nine or more dwellings* | Large 120- or 240-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to buildings with nine or more dwellings is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2025. |
Organization | Bin provided |
Non-profit organizations (NPO) and community centres | 45- or 80-litre bin |
Schools, businesses, companies* | Large 120- or 240-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to schools, businesses and companies is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2025. |
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, please call 311.
For a large bin, provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 45-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Place the bin upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
You can also place your food waste in the semi-underground containers located on Rue Jubinville, Rue Lapierre and Rue Matte (between Boulevard Maurice-Duplessis and Rue Pascal).
The final option is to place your food waste in the household garbage while awaiting your new bin.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
Small bin
To get another 45-litre bin right away:
- Go in person to the Accès Montréal office with proof of residence (hydro bill, tax account), or
- Contact your éco-quartier by telephone to find out if the bins are available, then go there in person with proof of residence (hydro bill, tax account):
Other sizes of bins
In order to get a 80-, 120- or 240-litre bin, please call 311.
To request a 240-litre wheeled bin, you must be an owner.
Please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
Your replacement bin will be delivered to your address.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling when the new bin will be delivered.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
You can also place your food waste in the semi-underground containers located on Rue Jubinville, Rue Lapierre and Rue Matte (between Boulevard Maurice-Duplessis and Rue Pascal).
The final option is to place your food waste in the household garbage while awaiting your new bin.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
You are entitled to one bin per address or building. Requests for more than one bin will be reviewed.
Building | Bin provided |
Single-family home | Small 45- or large 240-litre bin |
Residential building with two or more dwellings* | Small 45-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to buildings with nine or more dwellings is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2025. |
You are entitled to one bin per address or building. Requests for more than one bin will be reviewed.
Organization | Bac fourni |
Organizations, hospitals, schools, businesses, companies* | Small 45-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to organizations, hospitals, schools, businesses and companies is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2025. |
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, small or large, please call 311.
For large bins, please provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 45-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Place the bin upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can freeze your food waste or ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
Small bin
To get your hands on this bin immediately, go in person to the cour de services with proof of residence (hydro bill, tax account).
Bring your broken, unrepairable bin with you.
Large bin
To reserve a 240-litre bin, call 311.
We will let you know when the bin is ready. You will need to pick it up at the cour de service.
What can you do with a broken, unrepairable bin? You have two options:
- Bring it to the municipal service yard when you pick up the new one.
- Ask 311 to pick it up when you call.
Please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
Until you pick up your replacement bin
You can freeze your food waste or ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Once you’ve picked up your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
Residents and organizations
You are entitled to one 80-, 120- or 240-litre rolling brown bin per address or building, pending the review carried out by our environment team.
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, small or large, please call 311.
Provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles that are part of the bodyd are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Place the bin upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin or use paper bags temporarily.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
To get another bin, small or large, please contact 311.
Please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
The replacement bin will be delivered to your address.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling when the new bin will be delivered.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin or use paper bags temporarily.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
If you would like to exchange the bin you received for one in a different size, contact the Pierrefonds-Roxboro Éco-quartier.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
You are entitled to one bin per address or building.
Building | Bin provided |
Single-family home | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with two to eight dwellings | Small 45-litre bin or large 240-litre bin |
Residential building with nine or more dwellings* | Large 240-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to buildings with nine or more dwellings is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2024. |
After review and approval by the Accès Montréal office, you are entitled to one of the two sizes mentioned below.
Organization | Bin provided |
Non-profit organization (NPO), hospital, school, business, company | Small 45-litre bin or large 240-litre bin |
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, please call 311.
For large bins, provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 45-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Empty the bin completely. It must be visible and accessible at all times, in the front yard or the side yard.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
To request a replacement bin:
- Contact 311, or
- Send us an e-mail, or
- Go in person to one of the two Accès Montréal offices:
For large bins, please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
One of our teams will analyze your request. If it is accepted, the bin will be delivered to your address a few weeks later.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
You are entitled to one bin per address or building.
Building | Bin provided |
Single-family home | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with two to eight dwellings | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with nine or more dwellings | Large 240-litre bin |
You are entitled to one bin per address or building.
Organization | Bin provided |
Non-profit organizations (NPO), community centres | Small 45-litre bin |
Schools, hospitals, businesses, companies | Large 240-litre bin |
2. Have a bin repaired
Please complete this form (in French) to have a 45- or 240-litre bin repaired (or any other size previously supplied). Your request will be handled by our partner, the éco-quartier.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 45-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Place the bin upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
The 45-litre brown bins are on order.
They will be delivered to the borough in a few weeks.
Small bin
To get your hands on another bin immediately, go in person to the Accès Montréal Office with proof of residence (hydro bill, tax account).
At the counter, also request to have your broken bin collected at your home.
Once back at home, completely empty your old broken bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. Our teams will collect it for recycling.
If you have not submitted a request to have your broken bin collected through the Accès Montréal office, you can contact 311.
Large bin
Please complete this form (in French). Your request will be handled by our partner, the éco-quartier.
The replacement bin will be delivered to your address.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
If you want to change the bin you received for another bin format, contact the Pierrefonds-Roxboro éco-quartier. You’ll need to bring the bin you want to exchange to get a new one.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
You are entitled to one bin per address or building for your organic materials, such as kitchen scraps and green waste.
Building | Bin provided |
Single-family home | Small 80-litre bin |
Residential building with two or more dwellings | Small 80-litre bin |
The distribution of brown bins to organizations, hospitals, schools, businesses and companies is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2025.
Organization | Bin provided |
Organizations, hospitals, schools, businesses, companies | Small 80-litre bin |
2. Have a bin repaired
Please call 311.
Provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
Your bin will be repaired at home if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to get your bin
You can keep using your bin. We will call you to confirm when your bin will be repaired.
Repaired bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
To request another bin, please contact 311.
Please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
The replacement bin will be delivered at your address. We will call you to confirm when your bin will be delivered.
On the day of the delivery, place your old bin close to the front wall, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Find out which bin size you are entitled to and how to request it.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
Depending on the needs and the number of dwellings in your building, one or several bins will be supplied per address or building among these models:
- Small 45-litre bin
- Large 120-litre bin
- Large 240-litre bin
Depending on the needs, one or several bins will be supplied per address or building among these models:
- Small 45-litre bin
- Large 120-litre bin
- Large 240-litre bin
Distribution is limited to a maximum of 720 litres (three 240-litre bins).
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, small or large:
- Contact your éco-quartier, or
- Call 311.
For a large bin, provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 45-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Place the bin upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. Your éco-quartier will call you to confirm when your bin will be delivered.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
If you are waiting for a large bin to be repaired, you can also go in person to the éco-quartier to get a temporary 45-litre brown bin. Please call the éco-quartier beforehand to check if any bins are available.
Repaired bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
Small bin
To get a replacement bin:
- Contact your éco-quartier to find out if the bins are available, then go there in person with a proof of residence (hydro bill, tax account) and your broken bin, empty, for an exchange.
Donnez-nous le numéro de série (inscrit sur le côté du bac) au moment de l’appel.
The team will take your contact information and the bin will be delivered to your address a few weeks later.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
You are entitled to one bin per address or building.
Building | Bin provided |
Single-family home | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with two to eight dwellings | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with nine or more dwellings* | Large 240-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to buildings with nine or more dwellings is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2025. |
You are entitled to one bin per address or building.
Organization | Bin provided |
Non-profit organizations (NPO), schools, businesses, companies* | Large 240-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to organizations, schools, hospitals, businesses and companies is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2025. |
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, small or large, please call 311.
For a large bin, provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 45-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down on your property, outside the fence and close to the sidewalk.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
45-litre small bin
To get your hands on another bin quickly, call the Maison de l’environnement de Verdun to make sure the bins are available then go in person with a proof of residence (hydro bill, tax account).
If you are unable to go in person, please contact 311. We will take your contact information and the replacement bin will be delivered to your address.
Large bin
To get another 240-litre bin, please contact 311.
The bin will be delivered to your address.
Provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
While waiting for replacement
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down on your property, outside the fence and close to the sidewalk. it will be collected for recycling.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
Depending on the needs and the number of dwellings in your building, one or several small or large bins will be supplied per address or building among these models:
- Small 45-litre bin
- Large 120-litre bin
- Large 240-litre bin
The distribution of brown bins to buildings with nine or more dwellings is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2025.
You are entitled to one or several bins per address or building among these models:
- Small 45-litre bin
- Large 120-litre bin
- Large 240-litre bin
Distribution is limited to a maximum of 720 litres (three 240-litre bins).
The distribution of brown bins to organizations is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2025.
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, small or large:
- Call 311, or
- Send us a message with your name, phone number, address and bin size to
For a large bin, provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin).
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 45-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Place the bin upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
45-litre brown bins are currently being ordered. They will be available in a few week.
Small bin
To request a 45-litre bin:
- Call 311, or
- Send us a message with your name, phone number, address and desired bin size to
- Visit one of the following points of service with proof of your address (electricity bill or tax account statement):
Large bin
To request a 120- or 240-litre bin:
- Call 311, or
- Send us a message with your name, phone number, address and desired bin size to
We will take your contact information and the bin will be delivered to your address.
For large bins, please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin).
While waiting for the replacement bin
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
Determine the size of your bin and find out how to submit a request to have it repaired.
1. Check the size of the bin
Please view the bin models to see the colours and sizes of the bins.
Then check what you are entitled to below.
You are entitled to one bin per address or building.
Building | Bin provided |
Single-family home | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with two to eight dwellings | Small 45-litre bin |
Residential building with nine or more dwellings* | Small 45-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to buildings with nine or more dwellings is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2025. |
Organization | Bin provided |
Organizations, schools, hospitals, businesses, companies* | Small 45-litre bin |
*The distribution of brown bins to organizations, schools, hospitals, businesses and companies is underway and will continue on a gradual basis until 2025. |
2. Have a bin repaired
In order to have a bin repaired, small or large, please call 311.
For large bins, provide us with the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
Your bin will be repaired at home within 10 business days if the following parts are broken:
- lid cap and lid rod
- lid
- catch
- rod
- wheel*
*The wheels of 45-litre bins are not repairable.
The bin is not repairable if the plastic body or the handles are broken, worn down, cracked or melted. If that is the case, we can replace your bin.
While waiting to have your bin repaired
Place the bin upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Repaired bin
A door hanger placed on the bin indicates that it has been repaired.
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it on the bin again so that it is always clearly identified.
3. Replace a non-repairable bin
To get another bin, small or large, please contact 311.
To request a 120- or 240-litre bin, you must be an owner, building manager or concierge.
For large bins, please provide the serial number (shown on the side of the bin) when you call.
While waiting for the replacement bin
Completely empty your old bin and place it upside down close to the front wall of the building, outside the fence. It will be collected for recycling when the new bin will be delivered.
You can ask your neighbour to share their bin temporarily.
Once you have your bin
Use a marker to write your address on the bin. If the address fades over time, write it again so that it is always clearly identified.
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