Get a permit to temporarily occupy public property for construction purposes

If you plan to carry out work and need to place a container on city property or install scaffolding that will encroach on the sidewalk, please remember that you require a permit to do so in Montréal. Find out how you can get a permit.

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In Ahuntsic-Cartierville, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if: 

You are an entrepreneur and you want to:

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • close off city property to carry out work

You are an individual and you want to:

  • Obstruct a bike path for a move
  • Place a container on public property

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.

Useful information

Your application will be processed within five business days. For construction sites that are managed by a contractor, the timeframe is 10 working days.

The permit is valid for a maximum duration of one month. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application

You are responsible for procuring and installing the necessary temporary signage during your occupation, between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m., prior to the start of the occupation. You must complete a signage installation form and submit it to the Agence de mobilité durable (AMD) at the following email address : .


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

To find out where parking stations are located, please see the Agence de mobilité durable (AMD) map.

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application

Temporary no-parking signs

You are responsible for purchasing the temporary sign and installing it 12 to 14 hours before your occupancy. Please note that only official signs, rented from a specialized company, are authorized. 

You must also complete the sign installation form below and transmit it to the Agence de mobilité durable (AMD).

Information request

All requests for specific information about the temporary occupancy of public property permits must be addressed to the Division de la mobilité et des déplacements of Ahuntsic-Cartierville:




Issuance of permit


Fee to modify a request presently under analysis


Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area from 100 to 299 m²

$1.85 (cost per m²)

Any area of 300 m² or more

$2.20 (cost per m²)

Width of the local street obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


Closing an alley


Fees for parking meters

Price per day

Places with parking pay stations

$33 or $39 depending on the sector

Installing cover on first pay station


Installing covers on pay stations

$6.15 per additional pay station

Removal of a pay station


Removal of a first pay station


Removal of pay stations

$80 per additional station

An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.


Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit

Communication channels

You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.

Point of service

555 Rue Chabanel Ouest
Suite 600
Montréal, QC H2N 2H8

During your visit, we will register the application.


In Anjou, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a contractor
  • obstruct off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application

Useful information

Your application will be processed within two business days.

The permit is valid for a maximum duration of one month. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application. You can obtain a maximum of three permits to temporarily occupy city property per year.


Taxes included

Permit issuance: $30

The following occupancy and obstruction fees (street closure, occupancy area and number of lanes obstructed) are added, for each day:

Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area of 100 m² or more

$1.30 (cost per m²)

*Only if the occupation does not encroach on the sidewalk or the street. Otherwise, the rate for the street and sidewalk surfaces will apply.

Width of the local street or artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a main street


Any other public roads, except alleyways


An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

The new permit may only be issued at most once more per year.


Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit

Communication channels


You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.


In Côte-des-Neiges-Notre-Dame-de-Grâce, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a contractor
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application

Useful information

Your application will be processed within five business days. 

The permit is valid for a maximum duration of one year. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application.


Taxes included

Issuance of permit : $45

Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area from 100 to 299 m²

$1.30 (cost per m²)

Any area of 300 m² or more

$1.80 (cost per m²)

*Only if the occupation does not encroach on the sidewalk or the street. Otherwise, the rate for the street and sidewalk surfaces will apply.

Width of the local street

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a main street


Closing an alley


Fees for parking meters

Price per day

Places without parking pay stations


Parking spaces for $3.10/hour with pay stations


Parking spaces for $3.60/hour with pay stations


Installing cover on first pay station


Installing covers on pay stations

$5 per additional pay station

Removal of a pay station


Removal of a first pay station


Removal of pay stations

$77 per additional station

An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit

Apply for a permit


You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.


In Lachine, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a contractor
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application

Useful information

Your application will be processed once payment has been made and all documents have been received and approved.

Your permit is valid for the duration that you requested. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application.


Taxes are not included.



Issuance of permit


Analysis fee


Fee to modify a request presently under analysis


Surface being occupied

Amount per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface


100 m² or more of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface

$1.50 (cost per m²)

Width of the local street obstructed

Amount per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Amount per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Amount per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


Fees for parking meters

Amount per day

Places with parking pay stations


Loss of revenue


Installing cover on first pay station


Installing covers on pay stations

$5 per additional pay station

Removal of a pay station


Removal of a first pay station


Removal of pay stations

$75 per additional station

An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit
  • Proof of liability insurance for $2 million

Communication channels

You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.

You must submit your application at least two business days before the occupancy of public property starts.

Point of service

1800 Boulevard Saint-Joseph
Montréal, QC H8S 2N4

Go to your borough’s point of service with your documents.

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”


In LaSalle, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a contractor
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.

Useful information

Your application will be processed within five business days. The permit is valid for a maximum duration of one year. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application


Taxes included

Review fee: $25

The following occupancy and obstruction fees (street closure, occupancy area and number of lanes obstructed) are added, for each day:

Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area of 100 m² or more

$1.30 (cost per m²)

*Only if the occupation does not encroach on the sidewalk or the street. Otherwise, the rate for the street and sidewalk surfaces will apply.

Width of the local street or artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a main street


Any other public roads, except alleyways


An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Payment methods accepted

  • Cash (daily limit: $500)
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa), limit per transaction: $5000, from January 1, 2025
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”


Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit
  • Consentement municipal

Communication channels

You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.

55 Avenue Dupras
Montréal, QC H8R 4A8

Go to your borough’s point of service with your documents and completed form (in French).


In the Plateau-Mont-Royal, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a contractor
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application

Useful information

All applications must be received for review at least 10 working days before construction is scheduled to begin. With some exceptions, we guarantee a maximum processing time of 5 working days.

You must apply for a public property occupancy permit in addition to the permits for the type of work you plan to do (exterior renovation permits, commercial signs, tree felling, etc.).

As a permit holder, you are responsible for procuring and installing all temporary signage required during your occupancy, between 12 and 14 hours before the occupancy. You must complete a sign installation form and submit it to the Agence de mobilité durable (AMD).


Taxes non-included



Issuance of permit


Analysis fee


To extend or postpone occupancy for a permit that has already been issued, you must pay the permit issuance and evaluation fees again.

Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area from 100 to 299 m²

$2.25 (cost per m²)

Any area of 300 m² or more

$2.75 (cost per m²)

*Only if the occupation does not encroach on the sidewalk or the street. Otherwise, the rate for the street and sidewalk surfaces will apply.

Width of the local street obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


Closing an alley


Fees for parking meters

Price per day

Loss of revenue


Installing cover on first pay station


Installing covers on pay stations

$6.75 per additional pay station

Removal of a pay station


Removal of a first pay station


Removal of pay stations

$95.50 per additional station

An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer. If the temporary structure obstructs pedestrian or cyclist paths, it is mandatory to mark them and to allow a minimum width of 1.5 m per path.
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit

The borough does not supply the signage to be installed. The purchase or rental of signage from a private company, as well as its installation, are the responsibility of the applicant.

Communication channels


You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile. The name cannot be changed after the permit is issued.

If you have questions or are out of time to change or cancel your online licence, write to


In the Sud-Ouest, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application

Information request

All requests for specific information about the temporary occupancy of public property permits must be addressed to the Division des études techniques of Le Sud-Ouest by email:

Things to know

Please plan for a minimum of 10 working days for your application to be processed.

The permit is valid for a maximum duration of one year. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application.

Applications to modify or cancel a permit are only accepted if they are submitted before the permit expires.


Taxes included



Issuance of permit


Analysis fee


Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area from 100 to 299 m²

$2.50 (cost per m²)

Any area of 300 m² or more

$3.50 (cost per m²)

*Only if the occupation does not encroach on the sidewalk or the street. Otherwise, the rate for the street and sidewalk surfaces will apply.

Width of the local street obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


Fees for parking meters

Price per day

Installing cover on first pay station


Installing covers on pay stations

$6,50 per additional pay station

Removal of a pay station


Removal of a first pay station


Removal of pay stations

$80 per additional station

An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit

Communication channels

You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.

Point of service

815 Rue Bel-Air
First floor
Montréal, QC H4C 2K4

Go to your borough’s point of service with your documents.

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”


In l’Île-Bizard–Sainte-Geneviève, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a contractor
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application

Useful information

Your application will be processed within two business days.

The permit is valid for a maximum duration of one year. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application.


Taxes included



Issuance of permit

48.40 $

Analysis fee

54 $

Fee to modify a request

30.30 $

Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area from 100 to 299 m²

$2.10 (cost per m²)

Any area of 300 m² or more

$2.50 (cost per m²)

*Only if the occupation does not encroach on the sidewalk or the street. Otherwise, the rate for the street and sidewalk surfaces will apply.

Width of the local or artery street obstructed

Price per day

3 m ou moins (1 voie)


Entre 3 et 6 m (2 voies)


Entre 6 et 9 m (3 voies)


Entre 9 et 12 m (4 voies)


Width of the street obstructed, other than local or artery street *

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


* Plus surface fees

Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a main or a local street


Other street

361.10 $

An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit

Communication channels

You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.

Sécurité publique

15795 boul. Gouin O.
Montréal, QC H9H 1C5

Rendez-vous au point de service de votre arrondissement avec vos documents.


In Mercier–Hochelaga-Maisonneuve, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a contractor
  • close off city property to carry out work 

Signage is not provided. It is the responsibility of the permit applicant.

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.

Useful information

Your application will be processed within two to five business days.

The permit is valid for a maximum of one year, depending on the duration stated on the permit. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

No-parking signs

You are responsible for obtaining and installing the necessary temporary signs between twelve and fourteen hours prior to your occupancy. Please note that only official signs, rented from a specialized company, are authorized. 

You must also complete the sign installation form below and submit it to the Agence de mobilité durable (AMD).

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application


Taxes non-included



Issuance of permit


Analysis fee


Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area from 100 to 299 m²

$2.16 (cost per m²)

Any area of 300 m² or more

$2.39 (cost per m²)

*Only if the occupation does not encroach on the sidewalk or the street. Otherwise, the rate for the street and sidewalk surfaces will apply.

Width of the local street obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


Closing an alley


Fees for parking meters

Price per day

Places with parking pay stations


Installing cover on first pay station


Installing covers on pay stations

$6.22 per additional pay station

Removal of a pay station


Removal of a first pay station


Removal of pay stations

$82.74 per additional station

An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit
  • Form for installing no-parking signs


Communication channels


You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.

If you need help, please write to


In Montréal-Nord, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a contractor
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application

Any inquiries regarding a permit to temporarily occupy public property for construction purposes should be directed to

Useful information

Your application will be processed within two to five business days.

The permit is valid for a maximum duration of one year. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application.


Taxes are not included.

Issuance of permit: $44.50

Extension fees : $44.50

Fee for each on-street parking space used : $44 per day

Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area of 100 m² or more

$2.36 (cost per m²)

*Only if the occupation does not encroach on the sidewalk or the street. Otherwise, the rate for the street and sidewalk surfaces will apply.

Width of the local street obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


Closing an alley


An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit

Communication channels


You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.


In Outremont, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a contractor
  • reserve a parking place for moving purposes
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period.

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application

There is no charge for a permit during a move. However, fees are applicable to compensate for the loss of revenue related to a paid space (parking meter).

Useful information

Your application will be processed within five business days.

The permit is valid for a maximum duration of one year. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application.



Issuance of permit


Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area from 100 to 299 m²

$3.38 (cost per m²)

Any area of 300 m² or more

$5.62 (cost per m²)

*Only if the occupation does not encroach on the sidewalk or the street. Otherwise, the rate for the street and sidewalk surfaces will apply.

Width of the local street obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


Closing an alley


Fees for parking meters

Price per day

Installing cover on first pay station


Installing covers on pay stations

$6.76 per additional pay station

Removal of a pay station


Removal of a first pay station


Removal of pay stations

$84.40 per additional station

An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit

Communication channels

You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.

Point of service

1431 Avenue Van Horne, 2nd floor
Montréal, QC H2V 1K9

Go to your borough’s point of service with your documents.

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”


In Pierrefonds-Roxboro, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes for: 

  • temporary closure of a public road to traffic due to construction
  • the presence of equipment or materials on the roadway, sidewalk or in the
  • the installation of devices, banners, scaffolding, construction fences, etc.

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.

You must apply for your permit at least 5 working days prior to the works.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application


Taxes included



Issuance of permit


Analysis fee


Fee to modify a request presently under analysis


Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area from 100 to 299 m²

$1.30 (cost per m²)

Any area of 300 m² or more

$1.55 (cost per m²)

Width of the local street obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


Closing an alley


An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Plan indicating the location of the works
  • Proof of civil liability insurance
  • Power of attorney from the owner, if necessary
  • Diagram for the temporary occupation of public property

Communication channels


You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.


In Rivière-des-Prairies–Pointe-aux-Trembles, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a contractor
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application


Taxes included



Issuance of permit


Analysis fee


Fee to modify a request presently under analysis


Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, street, sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Any back sidewalk, street, sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface from 100 to 299 m2

$2 (cost per m²)

Any back sidewalk, street, sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface of 300 m2 or more

$2.20 (cost per m²)

Width of the local street obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


Closing an alley


An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit



You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.


In Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a moving truck or a tool truck
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.

Useful information

All applications must be received at least ten business days prior to the start of the work, to allow time for analysis. Some applications may be processed shortly before the occupancy period, even if they were received several weeks in advance. However, in general, the maximum processing time is five working days.

The permit is valid for a maximum duration of one year. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application

Any inquiries regarding an invoice should be directed to only after the invoice has been received.



Issuance of permit


Analysis fee


Fee to modify a request presently under analysis


Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area of 100 m² or more

$3 (cost per m²)

*Only if the occupation does not encroach on the sidewalk or the street. Otherwise, the rate for the street and sidewalk surfaces will apply.

Width of the local street obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


Closing an alley


Fees for parking meters

Price per day

Loss of revenue

12 times the hourly rate shown on the parking terminal

Installing cover on first pay station


Installing covers on pay stations

$9 per additional pay station

Removal of a pay station


Removal of a first pay station


Removal of pay stations


An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan that is signed and sealed by an engineer (if public property is obstructed, temporary pedestrian and bicycle corridors with boundary markers must be installed, with a minimum width of 1.5 m)
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit

The borough does not provide the signage to be installed. The applicant is responsible for purchasing or renting the signs from a private company, as well as installing the signs.

Communication channels

You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.

5650 Rue D'Iberville
Second floor
Montréal, QC H2G 2B3

Go to your borough’s point of service with your documents.

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

For additional information or follow-up on an application, to extend, change or cancel a permit, write to us.


In Saint-Laurent, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a contractor
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application

Useful information

Your application will be processed within five business days.

The permit is valid for a maximum duration of one year. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application.


Issuance of permit : $60

Occupancy and obstruction fees (street closing and per number of lanes closed) are charged in addition to the cost of the permit, per day:

Surface being occupied

Price per day

Back sidewalk or lane


Up to 49 m² of a street


From 50 to 99 m² of a street


More than 100 m² of a street

$3 (cost per m²)

Width of the local street

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Fees for closure and obstruction are cumulative.

Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


Closing an other public property


An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit

Communication channels


You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.


In Saint-Léonard, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a contractor
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application

Useful information

  • You must apply 10 working days before the scheduled date of the work
  • You need to get a permit to occupy public property in addition to the permits you need to carry out your work (permit for exterior renovations, landscaping, tree cutting, etc.).
  • You will be responsible for snow removal and for access to the various collections that will be affected by your occupancy of public property.


Taxes included



Issuance of permit


Analysis fee


Fee to modify a request presently under analysis


Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


100 m² or more of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*

$1.90 (cost per m²)

Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


50 m² or more of a street or sidewalk

$1.90 (cost per m²)

*Only if the occupation does not encroach on the sidewalk or the street. Otherwise, the rate for the street and sidewalk surfaces will apply.

Width of the local street obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit

Communication channels

You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.


In Verdun, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.

Useful information

The online application form must be completed and signed.

You must send your application at least two working days before construction begins.

Please note that our offices close at 12:30 p.m. on Fridays. If you plan to start construction on a Monday, you must submit your application no later than Wednesday of the week before.

The permit is valid for a maximum of one year. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application.

In Verdun, when work is carried out by a contractor, we ask that the contractor, not the client, complete the permit application.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application


Taxes included



Issuance of permit


Analysis fee


Fee to modify a request presently under analysis


Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area from 100 to 299 m²

$1.90 (cost per m²)

Any area of 300 m² or more

$2.20 (cost per m²)

*Only if the occupation does not encroach on the sidewalk or the street. Otherwise, the rate for the street and sidewalk surfaces will apply.

Width of the local street obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


Closing an other public property


Fees for parking meters

Price per day

Loss of revenue


Installing cover on first parking station


Installing covers on parking stations

$5.58 per additional parking station

Removal of a pay station


Removal of a first parking station


Removal of parking stations

$83.70 per additional station

An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Supporting documents for your permit application

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit

Install temporary no-parking signs

You are responsible for procuring and installing temporary traffic signs 12 to 14 hours before construction begins. You can get official signs from a specialized company or from your contractor. 

You must also complete and sign the sign installation form below. Once the signs have been installed, send it by e-mail to the Agence de mobilité durable (AMD) and to your borough (


Communication channels


You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.

A permit application can only be submitted online. If you need accommodation, send us an e-mail.


In Ville-Marie, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a contractor
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application


Taxes included



Issuance of permit


Analysis fee


Fee to modify a request presently under analysis


Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area from 100 to 299 m²

$1.85 (cost per m²)

Any area of 300 m² or more

$2.38 (cost per m²)

*Only if the occupation does not encroach on the sidewalk or the street. Otherwise, the rate for the street and sidewalk surfaces will apply.

Width of the local street obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


Closing an alley


Fees for parking meters

Price per day

Loss of revenue


Installing cover on first pay station


Installing covers on pay stations

$6 per additional pay station

Removal of a pay station


Removal of a first pay station


Removal of pay stations

$84 per additional station

An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Things to know

You must apply for your permit at least 10 working days prior to the works.

The permit is valid for a maximum duration of one year. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application.

You must apply for a permit to occupy public property, in addition to any other permits you need for the work you are doing (outdoor renovation permit, commercial sign permit or tree felling permit…).

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, bicycle, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit

Communication channels

You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.

Please allow up to five business days for a response to your e-mail.


In Villeray–Saint-Michel–Parc-Extension, you must obtain a permit to temporarily occupy city property for construction purposes if you would like to: 

  • install any of the following on city property: temporary shelters, construction fencing, containers, scaffolding, a debris chute
  • place equipment, materials or debris on city property
  • reserve a parking space for a contractor
  • close off city property to carry out work 

City property includes streets, alleys, sidewalks, bike paths, medians, public squares and parks.


Rates vary based on the location, the total area of the occupancy, whether or not there are parking meters and the duration of the work. The city will send you an invoice by postal mail around two weeks after the occupancy period. 

If your occupancy lasts several months, you will receive a new invoice each month.

If you are applying on behalf of an organization, the invoice will be sent to the address that appears in the organization’s profile.

If there are parking meters in the work zone, a fee will be added to your bill to cover the costs of:

  • covering (hooding) parking meters
  • removing parking meters
  • loss of parking revenues

Change or cancellation 

 If you apply online, you can use your account to: 

  • Cancel your application
  • Change your application 
  • Cancel your permit 
  • Change the period of occupancy for your permit 

For more information about fees and deadlines, please see: Public property occupancy permit: Change or cancel an application


Taxes non-included



Issuance of permit


Analysis fee


Fee to modify a request presently under analysis


Surface being occupied

Price per day

Up to 99 m² of a back sidewalk, alley or unpaved surface*


Up to 49 m² of a street or sidewalk


From 50 to 99 m² of a street or sidewalk


Any area from 100 to 299 m²

$2.10 (cost per m²)

Any area of 300 m² or more

$2.30 (cost per m²)

*Only if the occupation does not encroach on the sidewalk or the street. Otherwise, the rate for the street and sidewalk surfaces will apply.

Width of the local street obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Width of the artery obstructed

Price per day

Three metres wide and under (one lane)


Between three and six metres (two lanes)


Between six and nine metres (three lanes)


Between nine and 12 metres wide (four lanes)


Closure fee

Price per day

Closing a local street


Closing a main street


Closing an alley


Fees for parking meters

Price per day

Places with parking pay stations


Installing cover on first pay station


Installing covers on pay stations

$6 per additional pay station

Removal of a pay station


Removal of a first pay station


Removal of pay stations

$79 per additional station

An estimation of the permit’s cost will be available in the summary of your online application. You’ll also find the details of your invoice in your permit, which is available in your account.

Things to know

If you need to close or obstruct a street for construction, you must submit your permit application at least five working days before construction begins.

In all other cases, you must submit your permit at least two working days before construction begins.

Your permit is valid for the duration that you requested. If you would like to extend it, you must submit a new application.

Required documents

If applicable, you may have to provide a copy of the following supporting documents:

  • Signage or detour plan (pedestrian, car, bus or priority vehicles) that is signed and sealed by an engineer
  • Cutting permit
  • Excavation permit

Applications for permits to obstruct a bike lane must be accompanied by a signage plan.

Communication channels


You need an account to use this service. 

If you are applying on behalf of an organization (business, agency, self-employed person, etc.), you must have an organization profile.

If you have questions, write to
