Paint a mural on a private building
You need authorization from your borough to paint a mural on a residential or commercial building, or a building that belongs to an organization.
A mural is a work of art that is painted on the facade of a building.
The city offers support for the creation of outdoor murals. Before starting a mural project, consult the Mural Art Program.
My borough
No borough selected.
Before having a mural painted on a private building, you must contact the permit counter.
In many cases, a permit and the agreement of the urban advisory committee are required.
Organizations that would like to create a mural must contact the borough before January 27, 2025 to receive the mandatory mural art program form:
Learn more
Permit counter
Suite 600
Montréal, QC H2N 2H8
Creating, restoring or replacing a mural requires:
- An outdoor renovation permit, also known as a certificate of authorization
- Permission from the borough council
To get permission from the borough council, apply at the permit counter and attach the following documents to your application:
Required documents
- Letter of agreement between the building owner and the individual or corporation that has authorized the mural
- Images that show existing conditions of the site and building
- Sketch of the work or photo montage illustrating the project
- Certificate of authorization issued by the borough
Apply now
In person
Second floor
Montréal, QC H1J 2E9
Creating, restoring or replacing a mural requires permission from the borough council.
To get permission, visit the Accès Montréal office with all required documents and the completed form found below, write to us or send us an e-mail. Your application is free of charge.
Required documents
- Photos of the building (including the wall where the facade will be painted)
- Colour sketch of the mural
- Planned location for the mural
If applicable:
- Permit for temporary occupancy of public property if scaffolding must be put up on public property (sidewalk, park, lane, right-of-way) in order to access the wall where the mural will be painted
- Authorization from the borough’s Division des parcs if scaffolding will be put up alongside a park
If the mural includes sculpture that is integrated into the wall (bas-relief technique), the project must comply with the National Building Code of Canada and corresponding municipal legislation.
Apply now
Montréal, QC H3X 2H9
Inspecteur du domaine public, section graffiti
3rd floor
Montréal, QC H4B 2T4
Creating, restoring or replacing a mural requires a permit, also known as a certificate of authorization.
Eligible applicants
- Representatives of non-profit organizations that are recognized by the borough.
If you are the owner of a residential or commercial building, an artist, or someone who is simply interested in creating a mural project but who does not have a link with a recognized non-profit organization, contact your borough to find out more.
- Murals are not authorized on historic buildings.
- They cannot be painted on the primary facade of the building.
- Promotional or commercial messages and works of art are prohibited. This prohibition also applies to messages that contain hate speech or racial or sexual intolerance or are political, religious, insulting, aggressive, frightening or discriminatory in nature.
(non taxables)
- Creating a mural: $110
- Restoration and maintenance of a mural: $50
- Creation, restoration or maintenance of a mural, for a non-profit organization: No fee
Required documents
- Copy of a resolution from the borough council designating a representative to sign an agreement with the city
- A short portfolio of five works for each artist that will be involved
- A mockup of the mural
- Photos of the building in its environment, a front facing view and a photo montage of the wall with the sketch integrated into it
- Agreement with the wall owner that includes access authorization for city representatives
- Agreement with the artist
- A letter of engagement for each person who is participating in the project
Apply now
Direction culture, sports, loisirs et développement social de Lachine
Montréal, QC H8S 4B7
Information coming soon.
Find out about conditions to create a mural under the Plateau’s Muralité program (in French).
Before having a mural painted on a private building, you must get a permit, also known as a certificate of authorization.
If the building is is in a zone in which only residential uses are authorized or is a historic or significant building as defined in the urban planning by-law, your application must also be approved by the borough council.
- The work of art must not appear on the main entrance to the building.
- Promotional or commercial messages and works of art are prohibited. This prohibition also applies to messages that contain hate speech or racial or sexual intolerance or are political, religious, insulting, aggressive, frightening or discriminatory in nature.
- Regular fee: $122
- Fee if the occupant is age 65 or older: $61
- Fee for non-profit organizations: Free
Financial support program
Each year, the city organizes calls for projects as part of its mural art program.
Required documents
- Colour photo of the facade where the mural will be painted and a photo montage illustrating the project
- Explanation of the theme and presentation of the artist
If applicable
- Letter from the building owner authorizing you as representative, if you are not the owner of the building
- Resolution or signature of all co-owners, if the building is co-owned
Apply now
First floor
Montréal, QC H4C 2K4
Payment method
Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.
Before going to the permit counter, please write to to make an appointment.
First floor
Montréal, QC H4C 2K4
Methods of payment
- Postal money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”
- Cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal”
Please write your application number on the check. It will be provided to you by email upon receipt of your form.
Information coming soon.
Before undertaking your mural painting project, you must discuss it with the borough.
No permit is needed and there are no processing fees.
Learn more
In person
Montréal, QC H1N 1E1
Before undertaking a mural painting project, please see the mural art program, which is updated each year.
No permit is needed and there are no processing fees.
Before painting a mural on a private building, particularly if the mural is to be visible from the street, you must contact the permit counter.
For your application to be processed, you will need:
- A conversion permit
- A favourable opinion from the urban planning advisory committee
- Permission from the borough council
Required documents
- Photos of the facade and wall where the mural is to be painted
- Letter explaining why you want to have a mural painted
- Certificate of location for the building
- Quote for the costs of painting the mural
Learn more
Permit counter
Montréal, QC H2V 1K9
Payment method
Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.
Works and messages of a promotional or commercial nature are prohibited.
Learn more
Montréal, QC H9A 2Z4
Information coming soon.
The construction, restoration or replacement of a mural requires the borough’s permission.
In the case of a mural painted on private property with low visibility (for example, on the wall of a garage in an alley), no specific permit is necessary. However, you must have permission from the owner and plan preparation and maintenance of the mural wall jointly with them. If you plan to close or obstruct public property to complete the mural, you must also get a temporary occupancy permit from the borough.
Murals can be painted anywhere in the borough, except:
- On a building of historic interest, a large institutional building, a place of worship of interest or a building located in an area of exceptional value within the meaning of the Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie urban planning by-law (01-279).
- On the site of a classified historic building or a declared, classified or cited historic site or a cited historic building within the meaning of the Cultural Heritage Act (R.S.Q., c. P-9.002).
- On a facade where the main entrance of a building is located (Rosemont–La Petite-Patrie urban planning by-law 01-279).
You can locate historic areas and buildings outlined in dotted lines on this map (in French).
Required documents
- Photograph(s) showing the existing conditions of the wall
- Sketch of the work and/or a photographic montage showing the primary or definitive version of the mural
- Ground occupancy plan, including the safety measures to delineate the mural-painting zone and the numbers of parking meters to be capped, if applicable
- Letter of authorization from the owner of the building (legal or natural person) authorizing the mural and attesting to ongoing maintenance after the initial maintenance period determined by the artist
- Proof of liability insurance of a minimum of $3 million that shows the dates of mural painting and the address of the building
- If an elevation platform is required for the mural, attach a copy of the artists’ operating permit
- Any other relevant document, depending on the nature of the project, showing expertise in executing the mural
For a high visibility mural installed on private property for which no temporary occupancy permit for private property is required, please complete the form and attach the following documents:
- Photograph(s) showing the existing conditions of the wall
- Sketch of the work and/or a photographic montage showing the primary or definitive version of the mural
- Letter of authorization from the owner of the building (legal or natural person) authorizing the mural and attesting to ongoing maintenance after the initial maintenance period determined by the artist
Communication channels
Your application must be submitted at least 1 month before the scheduled completion date of the mural and may take up to 3 months to process depending on the complexity of the file.
Allow additional time for a mural with a projection element or requiring the installation of permanent elements on a building that could be subject to a study by the borough’s permits division.
To get the borough’s approval, complete the form and submit all documents.
Information coming soon.
Before undertaking a mural painting project, you must discuss it with the borough.
Learn more
In person
Montréal, QC H1R 3B1
Information coming soon.
Communication channels
By e-mail
Voici les informations à fournir :
- Nom de l’artiste et courte biographie (intention artistique, thématique ainsi que les produits utilisés)
- Adresse du bâtiment
- Autorisation écrite du propriétaire
- Organisme impliqué, le cas échéant
- Photo-montage de l’0euvre sur le bâtiment
- Toutes autres informations pertinentes pour la compréhension du projet
Programme d’art mural
Pour obtenir une lettre d’appui de l’arrondissement et déposer un projet au Programme d’art mural de la Ville de Montréal, faites parvenir votre demande au moins 2 semaines avant la date limite du programme.
Specific permission from the borough is not required to paint a mural on the wall of a building.
An authorization may be required under the Cultural Heritage Act if the building is located in a declared, classified and cited historic site or if it is a classified or cited historic building. Check the “Patrimoine” (“Heritage”) layer of this interactive map (in French).
Applicable standards
Here are the exceptions that are provided for in the borough’s urban planning by-law:
- A mural may be painted on all walls except on a stone or masonry facade (brick, composite stone, block or concrete panel) facing a public road or on a wall facing a front yard.
- A mural can be painted on the other exterior walls as a wall at the lot line (side wall or back wall) or a wall facing an alley.
- A mural cannot be painted on a building on the list of buildings of historic interest. Check the “Patrimoine” (“Heritage”) layer of this interactive map (in French).
- A mural cannot be used as a commercial sign or advertising sign.
This illustration can help you visualize what is allowed or not allowed:
Best practices
- Avoid masonry walls with openings or multiple architectural details.
- If possible, use walls on property lines, which are often blind walls.
- Use good quality exterior paints that resist fading.
- Leave a paint-free space around the mural to let the masonry breathe.
You must:
- Never use offensive content in a mural
- Check whether the work is protected by copyright
- Get authorization from the owner of the building.
Financial support program
The Mural Art Program (in French) aims to create exterior murals that are visible, creative and integrated into their context. The program has three components:
- Creating high visibility murals
- Creating neighborhood murals
- Adding murals to the municipal public art collection
By phone
Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311
Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For questions or to apply for financial support:
Before undertaking a mural painting project, vous devez obtenir l’autorisation du conseil d’arrondissement.
No permit is needed and there are no processing fees.
Learn more
In person
Suite 111
Montréal, QC H3N 1M3
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