Request a building plan

Last updated February 7, 2025

If you require a building plan for a building you own, you can get one through your borough. Find out what you need to do to get a building plan.

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You must go in person to a permit counter to submit your application. You can also designate someone else to represent you through power of attorney.

Once the building plan is located, you will be notified about the total cost and invited to pick up your documents. 

Processing time 

Your application will be processed within 15 to 30 days. However, processing times may be longer if you submit an application for several buildings.


The borough cannot provide: 

  • the building plan for a building constructed before 1922.
  • the plumbing plan for buildings with fewer than 10 dwellings


Search fee


Copying fee, on USB key (provided by the borough)


Copying fee, paper to paper

$0.25 per page

Printing fee

$0.45 per page

Required documents

If applicable:

  • Proof of ownership
  • Written authorization from the building owner

Show one form of photo ID from among the following options:

  • Citizenship card
  • Permanent resident card
  • Québec health insurance card
  • Passport in French or in English showing your date and place of birth
  • Driver’s license

Communication channels

In person

Point of service

555 Rue Chabanel Ouest
Suite 600
Montréal, QC H2N 2H8

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

You must go in person to a permit counter to submit your application. You can also designate someone else to represent you through power of attorney.

Once the building plan is located, you will be notified about the total cost and invited to pick up your documents. 


Your application will be processed within one week. 


The borough cannot provide:

  • the building plan for a building constructed before 1956
  • certain building plans for buildings constructed in the 1950s and 1960s
  • plumbing plans for buildings with less than 10 units, save for some exceptions.


Search fee


Copying fee, paper to paper


Required documents

If applicable :

  • Proof of ownership

Show one form of photo ID from among the following options:

  • Citizenship card
  • Permanent resident card
  • Québec health insurance card
  • Passport in French or in English showing your date and place of birth
  • Driver’s license

Communication channels

Permit counter


Point of service

7171 Rue Bombardier
Second floor
Montréal, QC H1J 2E9

Please go to the permit counter in Côte-des-Neiges–Notre-Dame-de-Grâce to get a building plan and a letter requesting an attestation of building history. You can also designate someone else to represent you through power of attorney.

Once the documents are located, you will be invited to collect them. 


Your request will be processed within 60 days for a building plan and 90 days for a letter requesting an attestation of building history.


The borough cannot provide:

  • Building plans for a construction prior to 1922
  • Plumbing plans for buildings with fewer than 10 units

In certain cases, there is no plan or the plan is illegible.



Research fees, building plan


Plan reproduction fee, paper format


Building history attestation letter



Required documents

If applicable:

  • Proof of ownership
  • Written authorization from the building owner
  • Request for attestation of building history
  • Request for search building plans

Show one form of photo ID from among the following options:

  • Citizenship card
  • Permanent resident card
  • Québec health insurance card
  • Passport in French or in English showing your date and place of birth
  • Driver’s license

Communication channels

In person

Point of service

5160 Boulevard Décarie
Montréal, QC H3X 2H9

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Go to the permit counter to file your request. You can also use a proxy to designate someone to act on your behalf. 

Once the building plan is located, you will be asked to come and collect your documents on CD. You can also request to have them sent to you by mail.


Your request will be processed within 2 to 10 days. 


The borough cannot provide building plans for a construction prior to 1922.

Search fee (taxes not included) : $50

Required documents

If applicable:

  • Proof of ownership
  • Written authorization from the building owner

Show one form of photo ID from among the following options:

  • Citizenship card
  • Permanent resident card
  • Québec health insurance card
  • Passport in French or in English showing your date and place of birth
  • Driver’s license

Communication channels

In person

Point of service

1800 Boulevard Saint-Joseph
Montréal, QC H8S 2N4

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Go to the permit counter to file your request. You can also use a proxy to designate someone to act on your behalf. Once the building plans have been located, you will be invited to pick up your documents. 


Your request will be processed within 10 to 15 days. However, it may take longer if your request concerns several buildings. 


The borough cannot provide plumbing plans.

Building plans

Reproduction costs

Hard copy

$2.10 / m2

Format: A0 booklet

$4.70 per booklet

Electronic copy

$6 + $6 for a copy on a CD or a USB drive

Required documents

If applicable:

  • Proof of ownership
  • Written authorization from the building owner

Show one form of photo ID from among the following options:

  • Citizenship card
  • Permanent resident card
  • Québec health insurance card
  • Passport in French or in English showing your date and place of birth
  • Driver’s license

Communication channels

In person

Point of service

55 Avenue Dupras
Montréal, QC H8R 4A8

By appointment only.

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Go to the permit counter to file your request. You can also use a proxy to designate someone to act on your behalf. Once the documents have been located, the borough will send them to you by e-mail or will contact you to come pick them up. 


Your request will be processed within 15 business days.


The borough cannot provide:

  • Building plans for a construction prior to 1922
  • Plumbing plans for buildings with fewer than 10 units

Search fee: $78


Required documents

If applicable:

  • Proof of ownership
  • Written authorization from the building owner

Show one form of photo ID from among the following options:

  • Citizenship card
  • Permanent resident card
  • Québec health insurance card
  • Passport in French or in English showing your date and place of birth
  • Driver’s license

Communication channels

Point of service

201 Avenue Laurier Est
Fifth floor
Montréal, QC H2T 3E6

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Division des permis et inspections

201 Avenue Laurier Est
Fifth floor
Montréal, QC H2T 3E6

Please complete the form and send it by postal mail, along with a cheque for $75 (payable to “Ville de Montréal”) and the power of attorney to search for the building plan.

In Le Sud-Ouest, you must submit an access to documents application to get a building plan.

Go to the borough hall to file your request. Once the building plans have been located, you will be invited to pick up your documents.


Your application will be processed within 20 to 30 days. The timeframe may be longer if you submit an application for several buildings.

Copying fees


Paper copy


Pdf copy



Communication channels

Point of service

15795, boulevard Gouin Ouest
(on the 2nd floor, rear door of the citizen reception and public safety office)
Montréal, QC H9H 1C5

15795, boulevard Gouin Ouest
Montréal, QC H9H 1C5

Bring your documents and completed form (Formulaire de demande d’accès à l’information - in French) to your borough’s point of service.

Join your documents and completed form (Formulaire de demande d’accès à l’information - in French)..


To file your request, you must complete and send us by e-mail the form provided below.

If you are not the owner of the property to which the request applies, a power of attorney will be required.

Your request will be processed within 15 to 30 days. Once the building plans have been located, you will be able to retrieve them according to the chosen transmission method.


The following types of documents are not available:

  • Building plans for a construction prior to 1922
  • Plumbing plans for buildings with fewer than 10 units

Fees (taxes not included)

Research fee


Submitting plans by e-mail or cloud computing


Submitting plans on a USB flash drive (to be picked up on site)



For more information or to make a request

6854 Rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal, QC H1N 1E1

For a building plan, you can request access to borough documents.

You can submit your application in person at the permit counter or by e-mail. Once the building plan is found, it will be sent to you by e-mail (free of charge) or in paper format (please see the fee below).


The borough cannot provide:

  • Building plans for a construction prior to 1909
  • Plumbing plans for buildings with fewer than 10 units

Reproduction fee


Paper format



Required documents

You must provide:

  • Owners: proof of ownership (municipal or school tax bill) and identification
  • Representatives / proxies: written authorization from the owner of the building or business (power of attorney or resolution) and identification

Show one form of photo ID from among the following options:

  • Citizenship card
  • Permanent resident card
  • Québec health insurance card
  • Passport in French or in English showing your date and place of birth
  • Driver’s license

Communication channels

Point of service

1431 Avenue Van Horne, 2nd floor
Montréal, QC H2V 1K9

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Bring the required supporting documents with you.

Please send the completed form by e-mail and the requested supporting documents.

Go to the permit counter to file your request, or send it by e-mail. Once the building plans have been located, you will be invited to pick up your documents. 


Your request will be processed within 20 to 30 days.

Reproduction costs


Paper format


USB drive


Required documents

If applicable:

  • Proof of ownership
  • Written authorization from the building owner

Show one form of photo ID from among the following options:

  • Citizenship card
  • Permanent resident card
  • Québec health insurance card
  • Passport in French or in English showing your date and place of birth
  • Driver’s license

Communication channels

In person

Point of service

13665 Boulevard de Pierrefonds
Montréal, QC H9A 2Z4

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

You can submit your application via the online form (in French) or by mail. You can also designate someone else to represent you through power of attorney. Once the building plan has been located, it will be sent to you by email. 


Your request will be processed within 20 days.


You can get a building plan free of charge.

Required documents

If applicable:

  • Proof of ownership
  • Written authorization from the building owner

Show one form of photo ID from among the following options:

  • Citizenship card
  • Permanent resident card
  • Québec health insurance card
  • Passport in French or in English showing your date and place of birth
  • Driver’s license

Communication channels

Go to the permit counter to file your request. Once the building plans have been located, documents will be sent to you by e-mail. Plans can also be reproduced in paper format or saved to a USB drive, but you will need to come in person to the permit counter and pay applicable reproduction fees as well as plan search fees.


The borough cannot provide:

  • Building plans for a construction prior to 1922
  • Plumbing plans for buildings with fewer than 10 units


Research fee


Fees to send documents by e-mail


Plan reproduction fee, on USB drive



Required documents

If applicable:

  • Proof of ownership
  • Written authorization from the building owner

Show one form of photo ID from among the following options:

  • Permanent resident card
  • Québec health insurance card
  • Passport in French or in English showing your date and place of birth
  • Driver’s license

Communication channels

Point of service

5650 Rue D'Iberville
Second floor
Montréal, QC H2G 2B3

Bring your documents and completed form (in French) to your borough’s point of service.

Payment methods accepted

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

Point of service

5650 Rue D'Iberville
Second floor
Montréal, QC H2G 2B3

Send your form shown above, documents and payment.

Go to the permit counter to file your request. Once the building plans have been located, you will be invited to pick up your documents.


The borough cannot provide plumbing plans for buildings with fewer than 10 units.

Required documents

If applicable:

  • Proof of ownership
  • Written authorization from the building owner

Show one form of photo ID from among the following options:

  • Citizenship card
  • Permanent resident card
  • Québec health insurance card
  • Passport in French or in English showing your date and place of birth
  • Driver’s license

Communication channels

In person

Point of service

777, boulevard Marcel-Laurin
Saint-Laurent, QC H4M 2M7

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

To request a building plan, go to the Accès Montréal office where you will fill out a form, or contact our team by e-mail.


Your request will be processed within 20 days.


The borough cannot provide plumbing plans.


Reproduction fee


Paper format


Electronic version


Required documents

If applicable:

  • Proof of ownership
  • Written authorization from the building owner

Communication channels

8400 Boulevard Lacordaire
Montréal, QC H1R 3B1

Bring your documents and completed form (in French) to your borough’s point of service.

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”

In Verdun, you must submit an access to documents application to get a building plan.

You must contact the Division des permis et des inspections to get a plan.

To submit an application, you must be a building owner or have written authorization (power of attorney) from the owner. 

Research fees, which are paid in advance, are non-reimbursable, even if no building plan is found.

Processing time 

Your application will be processed within 6 to 8 weeks. 


The borough cannot provide the building plan for a building constructed before 1922.


Research fee


Plan reproduction fee

$3 per image

The documents will be sent by e-mail (WeTransfer).


Required documents

If applicable:

  • Proof of ownership
  • Written authorization from the building owner
  • Application form (in French)

Show one form of photo ID from among the following options:

  • Citizenship card
  • Permanent resident card
  • Québec health insurance card
  • Passport in French or in English showing your date and place of birth
  • Driver’s license

Communication channels

Point de service

800 Boulevard De Maisonneuve Est
Ground floor
Montréal, QC H2L 4L8

Submit the completed form (in French) at the Accès Montréal reception desk on the ground floor, along with a cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal,” in an envelope addressed to Ms. Sandra Nenes, Division des permis et des inspections.

Division des permis et des inspections

800 Boulevard De Maisonneuve Est
ground floor
Montréal, QC H2L 4L8

Send the completed form (in French), along with a cheque payable to “Ville de Montréal,” in an envelope addressed to Ms. Sandra Nenes, Division des permis et des inspections.

Go to the permit counter to file your request. Once the building plans have been located, it will be sent to you by email.


Your request will be processed within 15 to 20 days. 


The borough cannot provide:

  • Building plans for a construction prior to 1922
  • Plumbing plans for buildings with fewer than 10 units


Research fee : $59

The search fees are non-refundable, whether or not documents are found.

Required documents

If applicable:

  • Proof of ownership
  • Written authorization from the building owner

Show one form of photo ID from among the following options:

  • Citizenship card
  • Permanent resident card
  • Québec health insurance card
  • Passport in French or in English showing your date and place of birth
  • Driver’s license

Communication channels

In person

Point of service

405 Avenue Ogilvy
Suite 111
Montréal, QC H3N 1M3

Payment methods accepted:

  • Cash
  • Debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa)
  • Cheque or money order payable to “Ville de Montréal”