Install a box or container for donations

Last updated February 23, 2024

Only charities can install a donation box. They must get authorization and meet certain criteria. Find out what to do.

Dimensions, identification and maintenance:  Find out which standards apply in your borough.

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You can install a box or container for donation on a private property, either in the back yard or on the side of the building.

Learn more

Permit counter


555 Rue Chabanel Ouest
Suite 600
Montréal, QC H2N 2H8

555 Rue Chabanel Ouest
Suite 600
Montréal, QC H2N 2H8

Permit counter


Installing a box or container for donation is not authorized within Anjou’s borough limits.

You must get an occupancy permit for commercial, industrial or professional activity before installing a box or container for donations on a private or commercial lot.

Boxes cannot be installed on vacant lots or public property.

If you are not the owner of the lot, you must have written authorization from the owner.


Maintenance of donation boxes and the land around them is the joint responsibility of the operator of the establishment and the operator of the donation box.


Processing fees:  $302

Required documents

  • Written authorization from the person who owns the lot if you yourself are not the owner


5160 Boulevard Décarie
Montréal, QC H3X 2H9

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

Information coming soon.

Charitable organizations may apply for a permit to install a charitable donation box.


Containers are permitted on commercial lots (unless a class c2 use is present) and on industrial lots on which a building is constructed.

The container must be installed:

  • More than 50 metres from a residential zone and/or a commercial zone where a class c2 use is authorized
  • More than 500 metres from any other authorized container
  • On a hard surface, and be integrated with a concrete bearing slab or be semi-submerged
  • Outside any “visibility triangle”: when a lot is at the intersection of two streets, no container can be placed there, as it would obstruct the visibility of motorists or passers-by.


It is permitted to install two containers for the same charity, side by side, on the same property.

Design requirements

The container must be:

  • Cylindrical in shape
  • Dark in colour and covered with wood-like material
  • Surrounded by plants

Fees (taxes included)

$50 per container


Once the permit is received, you must maintain the container in good condition.


The placard provided when the permit is issued must be displayed on the container.

Required documents

  • Estimated value of the proposed work, including fees and taxes
  • A copy of the requesting organization’s name and letters patent
  • Proof of the organization’s registration with the Canada Revenue Agency as a charity
  • Certificate of location including the number and location of containers
  • Written authorization from the owner of the building where the charitable donation box will be located
  • Proof of general liability insurance of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000), which clearly states that liability arising from the ownership of the charitable donation box is included (the name of the organization must appear on the proof of insurance)

Submit an application

In person

55 Avenue Dupras
Montréal, QC H8R 4A8

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.


Information coming soon.

Information coming soon.

You must get a permit before installing a donation box or container on a private or commercial lot.
It is prohibited to install a box or container for donations on vacant lots or on public property.


Maintaining the donation box and the lot itself is a shared responsibility between the operator of the lot and the charity that manages the donation box.


Review fee: $175.50 per box (taxes included)

Required documents

  • Written permission from the person who owns the lot if you are not its owner
  • Site plan that shows parking areas, sidewalks, building property lines, public rights-of-way, buildings, open spaces, and any other relevant information
  • Photographs of the site where the donation box will be installed

Submit an application

15795, boulevard Gouin Ouest
(on the 2nd floor, rear door of the citizen reception and public safety office)
Montréal, QC H9H 1C5

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

Charitable organizations can apply for a permit to install a container for donations.


Containers are authorized on commercial, institutional or industrial lots with buildings.

The container must be installed at least:

  • 1.5 m from a fire hydrant
  • 5 m from the road, if located at a intersection 
  • .75 m from the sidewalk, or from the curbside if there is no sidewalk

Containers must not be installed:

  • In front of a window or showcase
  • In a front yard
  • In a parking space


Containers may be authorized in a front yard if they are located at least 15 m from the setback and are supported by the building façade. The setback is the space between the property line and:

  • The sidewalk
  • The edge of the pavement or road, if there is no sidewalk

If the lot is bordered by more than one lane, the container can be located in another yard only if it is the main entrance.


  • The container must measure a maximum of 1.8 m wide by 1.8 m deep by 2.3 m high 
  • The opening must be located at least 1.25 m from ground level


The following information must be displayed on the container:

  • Name of the charitable organization, its address and phone number 
  • Charitable organization registration number issued by the Canada Revenue Agency


The person who received the permit must be sure that the container is in good condition at all times.

Fees (taxes included)

Permit: $309

Communication channels

By mail

6854 Rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal, QC H1N 1E1


You can receive authorization to install a donation container under certain conditions. Contact your permit counter for more information.


  • $674,50 per donation box
  • Free for a non-profit organization recognized by the Canada Revenue Agency and with head office located within the borough

Learn more

In person

4241 Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville
Montréal, QC H1H 1S4

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.


Installation of donation containers can be authorized under certain conditions. Contact your permit counter to find out if it’s possible to install one.

Communication channels

Permit counter


1431 Avenue Van Horne, 2nd floor
Montréal, QC H2V 1K9

Only one box per lot is allowed, and only in commercial, industrial and community sectors. 


  • The box cannot cover more than 3 square metres of ground space. 
  • The box must be installed on a level, even surface of concrete, asphalt, unistone or any other solid and safe foundation.  
  • The box must be positioned so that collection, maintenance and servicing operations are carried out 100% on private property.    

Boxes cannot be installed on:  

  • A plot measuring less than 3,000 square metres  
  • A vacant lot  
  • Land with an unoccupied building


  • Be made of painted metal or rigid high-density plastic  
  • The box must be equipped with a self-closing deposit hatch. A 
  • All other openings must be locked at all times except when picking up donations. 


The following information must be displayed on the box:  

  • Company or charity name, address and phone number  
  • For a charity: The registration number issued by the Canada Revenue Agency

Find out more


13665 Boulevard de Pierrefonds
Montréal, QC H9A 2Z4


Donation collection boxes must be tied to an establishment such as a company, an institution or a place of workshop. Organizations that want to operate a donation box must be associated with an establishment that is already operating. The establishment must apply to have a “donation collection box” added to its occupancy permit for commercial, industrial or professional activity. Boxes cannot be installed on vacant lots or public property. 


Maintaining the donation box and surrounding lot is the joint responsibility of the operator of the establishment and the person who operates the donation box.

Fees (non taxable)

  • Adding a donation collection box to the occupancy certificate: $230
  • Having a box removed by the borough: $307
  • Storing a box: $10,25 per day

See also: How to get a permit or authorization certificate in RDP-PAT (in French)


Communication channels

Make an appointment


12090 Rue Notre-Dame Est
Montréal, QC H1B 2Z1


Information coming soon.


  • A maximum of two donation boxes are allowed per lot. 
  • The lot must belong to a business cluster or supermarket that occupies at least 1,000 square metres, a school or a place of worship. 
  • Boxes are allowed anywhere on the grounds, but they must be set up past the front setback of the building as designated in zoning regulations. 


The box must: 

  • Be made of painted metal or rigid high-density plastic 
  • Have the following maximum dimensions: 
    • Box on the ground: 1.5 metres wide, 1.5 metres long and 2 metres high
    • Semi-buried or buried box: 1.5 metres wide and 1.2 metres high for the above-ground portion 
  • Be installed on a solid and safe foundation 
  • Be properly maintained and free from rust, graffiti and other blemishes 


  • The parking lot on which the box is located must be the box’s point of access.  
  • The box must not reduce the number of parking spaces provided for the building nor encroach on the lot’s green spaces. 
  • The space around the box must be kept clean and free of clothing, trash or other debris.  


Taxes are included. 

Certificate of authorization cost: $276 per box 


Once you have received your certificate, you must keep the box and the space around it in good condition. 


The special poster you receive when your certificate is issued must be displayed on the box.


Required documents

  • Application form for a certificate of authorization to install a donation box 
  • Certificate of location that identifies the location of the box 
  • Data sheet for the box that shows its dimensions and height 
  • Estimated value of projected installation work, including all fees and taxes 
  • Copy of the company name and letters patent of the organization for which the application is being submitted 
  • Proof of the charity’s registration with the Canada Revenue Agency as a charitable organization 
  • Written authorization from the owner of the building where the box will be located  
  • Surface area of the host building 
  • Photo of the box location

Submit an application

777, boulevard Marcel-Laurin
Saint-Laurent, QC H4M 2M7

DAUSE - Division des permis

777 Boulevard Marcel-Laurin
Montréal, QC H4M 2M7

Charitable organizations that are registered with the Canada Revenue Agency can apply for a permit to install a clothing donation box.


  • A maximum of two boxes is authorized on commercial, industrial or community lots with buildings. Commercial and industrial buildings must have a ground surface of at least 2,000 m2.

The box must be:

  • Made of metal or hard plastic that is designed for the outdoors 
  • Supported by the building wall
  • Installed in a back yard or to the side of the building

The box must not be installed:

  • In the front yard
  • In a parking space
  • In a way that obstructs the door


  • The box must measure no more than 1.5 m wide by 1.5 m deep


The following information must be displayed on the box:

  • The name and phone number of the charitable organization
  • The sticker issued by the borough


The charitable organization must make sure that the box is properly maintained and has not rusted.

Fees (taxes included)

  • Sticker: $265

Communication channels


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


Charitable organizations must apply for a permit to installa clothing donation box.

You must get an occupancy permit for commercial, industrial or professional activity before installing a box or container for donations on a private or commercial lot.

If you are not the owner of the lot, you must have written authorization from the owner.


Clothing donation boxes are authorized for establishments with a floor area of at least 2000 m2 . Only one clothing donation box is authorized per lot.

The container must be installed at least:

  • 4 m from a front property line
  • 3 m from a side or rear property line
  • .75 m from the sidewalk, or from the curbside if there is no sidewalk


  • Above-ground box: Maximum width 1.5 m, maximum depth 1.5 m and maximum height 2.3 m
  • Semi-underground box: Maximum diameter 1.7 m, maximum height 1.2 m


Processing fees: $297

Required documents

  • Evaluation of the costs of the work
  • Certificate of location
  • A scale plan identifying the box for which the application is made
  • Written authorization from the person who owns the lot if you yourself are not the owner


4555 Rue de Verdun
Suite 109
Montréal, QC H4G 1M4

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.

Information coming soon.

Charitable organizations must apply for a permit to install a donation container. An occupancy permit for commercialactivityis required for each container.


  • A maximum of two containers is authorized on a commercial, institutional or industrial lot with buildings.
  • The container must be installed on a corner lot which front yard is at least 20 metres deep calculated between the building façade and the public public right-of-way.
  • The installation must allow the circulation of vehicles.
  • The stop at the container must be on private land.
  • The container must be more than 10 metres from the roadway curve at an intersection.


The container must have a maximum capacity of 4 cubic yards (3 cubic metres).


The following information must be displayed on the box:

  • Name, telephone number and email address of the charitable organization.


The charitable organization must ensure that the box is well maintained and is not rusty. 

Fees (taxes included)

Occupancy permit: $310

Communication channels

In person

405 Avenue Ogilvy
Suite 111
Montréal, QC H3N 1M3