Install a fence/plant a hedge

Last updated March 25, 2025

Do you want to install a fence or plant a hedge on your lot? Is a hedge encroaching on the sidewalk? The setbacks, materials permitted and height limits are different for the front, rear and sides of the property. Permits are necessary in some boroughs.

Before beginning work, we recommend you contact thepermit counter for your borough.

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A permit is required in any of the following situations:

  • To install a fence composed of material or plant a hedge, if your building is located in a heritage area or on a heritage site, or if the building has a particular heritage status.
  • If the fence surrounds a swimming pool or a pond. In that case, the enclosure must meet the requirements of the by-law on fences.

When a permit is required, details on the model and characteristics must be specified and a location plan provided to ensure the project is in compliance.

In other cases, no permit is necessary. However, you must still comply with current regulations.
Snow fences are allowed from October 15 to April 15.


You must meet these criteria:

  • A fence may only be installed on private property.
  • If the fence encloses a basin (e.g. an in-ground pool) with walls no deeper than 1.2 m (4 ft.), it must be located at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) away from the edge of the basin. Note that the fence must remain on the property.
  • Where two public roads intersect, a visibility triangle must be kept clear for 7 m along each of the roads.
  • On public property, only hedges are allowed.

Access to public equipment

You must ensure that your hedge does not prevent access or visibility, from the sidewalk or the road, of any of the following elements:

  • Bus shelter
  • Emergency telephone
  • Fire department water connection unit (standpipe)
  • Fire hydrant
  • Mail box
  • Telephone booth
  • Underground transformer chambe
  • Other, similar public utility device or facility

Clearance of at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) must be left open on each side of such devices or facilities.

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For information about rules applicable in this situation, go to the Québec government’s Web site


Fences and hedges must meet these maximum height criteria:

  • Front (and also alongside boundaries starting at the facade of the building): 0.90 m (3 ft.)
  • In the rear and along the side boundaries: 2 m (6 ft. 6 in.); however, hedge heights are no longer regulated

Contact the permit counter to verify the rules applicable to your situation.



555 Rue Chabanel Ouest
Suite 600
Montréal, QC H2N 2H8


You do not need a permit to install a fence or plant a hedge. However, you must still comply with regulations.


You must comply with these criteria:

  • Your fence and the trunks of your hedge must be located at least 1 metre from the right-of-way of any public road
  • Fences must not encroach on the right-of-way of a public road
  • Your hedge may be located in the front yard and may encroach into the right-of-way
  • Ensure that your hedge or fence is always at least 1 m away from a sidewalk
  • Your fence or hedge must be located more than 1.5 m from a fire hydrant

Contact us for further information.

Snow fences

Snow fences are allowed from October 15 to April 15.

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For information about rules applicable in this situation, go to the Québec government’s Web site.


Fences and hedges must comply with these maximum height criteria:

  • Hedge in the front yard: 1 m tall
  • Fence or hedge in a secondary front yard, a side yard or a rear yard: 2 m tall
  • If your fencing project is related to a pool, specific mandatory heights and standards apply

Lot located at an intersection

If your lot is located at the intersection of two streets or is a through lot (transverse lot), you must maintain a space free of any hedge or fence, or limit their height to 1 metre, measured from the level of the street (see illustration).

This space is called a visibility triangle. Its purpose is to improve visibility for motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians in the intersection.

The fence must be a trellis type, so that it does not block views. A chain-link fence with slats is not considered to be a trellis-type fence.

Public property

A hedge located on public property adjacent to a property must be pruned regularly by the owner or occupant. It must be free of any obstruction and limited to the stipulated height.

Fence materials

The following materials are authorized:

  • Painted, stained or varnished wood (one colour only)
  • Manufactured metal, smooth finish and installed so as to prevent injury of any kind. Fences made of metal subject to rusting must be painted when needed.
  • Plastic, perforated or not


  • Concrete blocks
  • Chicken wire
  • Farm fence
  • Electrified fence
  • Non-rigid plastic material
  • Barbed wire, except in industrial zones where it is allowed
  • Particleboard or plywood panels
  • Non-enamelled sheet


  • Fences must be kept in good condition at all times
  • Fences made of metal subject to rusting must be painted when needed
  • Live hedges must be pruned regularly to comply with height limits

Commercial and industrial zones

Special rules apply in commercial, industrial and recreational zones. Before beginning work, we recommend you contact the permit department.




7171 Rue Bombardier
Second floor
Montréal, QC H1J 2E9


In general, you do not need a permit to install a fence or plant a hedge. However, a permit is required in any of the following situations:

  • Restoration, replacement, transformation, installation of a fence on a property within the Mount Royal Historic District
  • Installation of a brick fence or stone fence, when the main building is setback from neighbouring buildings
  • Installation of a fence or hedge of a height not exceeding rules on a:
    • The site of a sports centre, recreational centre or playground
    • The site of a gas station
    • The site of a childcare centre


You must comply with these criteria:

  • The fence must be at least 0.75 m (2 ft. 6 in.) from the sidewalk, or from the road edge if there is no sidewalk
  • If the fence encloses a basin (e.g. an in-ground pool) with walls no deeper than 1.2 m (4 ft.), it must be located at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) away from the water

Access to public equipment

You must ensure that your hedge does not prevent access or visibility, from the sidewalk or the road, of any of the following elements:

  • Bus shelter
  • Emergency telephone
  • Fire department water connection unit (standpipe)
  • Fire hydrant
  • Mail box
  • Telephone booth
  • Underground transformer chamber
  • Other, similar public utility device or facility

Clearance of at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) must be left open on each side of such devices or facilities.

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For further information, go to the Québec government’s Web site.


Fences must comply with these maximum height criteria:

  • In the front (and also including side boundaries starting at the facade of the building), the height must not exceed 0.90 m (3 ft.) In the rear and along the side boundaries, fence height cannot exceed 2 m (6 ft. 6 in.) However, fence height may be raised 70 cm (2 ft. 3 in.) if the additional area is at least 25 per cent perforated
  • Within the street right-of-way, only live hedges, with a maximum height of 0.90 m (3 ft.), are allowed (subject to other applicable conditions)

Hedges must comply with these maximum height criteria:

  • 0.90 m when situated less than 7 m from a street intersection, measured from the roadway border
  • 0.90 m when situated less than 3 m from the intersection of a parking lot drive way or a loading area drive and a public sidewalk or the roadway border if there is no sidewalk
  • 1.5 m in a front yard, subject to the above-mentioned provisions
  • No limit in other yards, for live hedges, subject to the above-mentioned conditions


Your hedge or fence may be composed of vegetative matter or one of the following materials:

  • Concrete
  • Wood
  • Brick
  • Chain-link (Frost-type)
  • Ornamental metal
  • Stone
  • Plastic
  • Vinyl

Permit fees

The analysis cost for a permit request varies as a function of the estimated work project cost. You must pay $9.80 for each $1000 amount of work.

No matter the cost of work, at a minimum you must pay:

  • $164,20 for an exclusively residential property
  • $482,50 for a commercial, industrial, institutional or mixed-use building

The cost estimate must include all expenses related to the work (e.g. plans, labour, equipment), taxes included. 

Additional fees may apply if your building, or the area in which it is located, is of heritage value or if it is subject to special architectural requirements.

Fees are not reimbursable.

Required documents

  • Certificate of location (2 copies)
  • Scaled project plan (2 copies)
  • Work cost estimate
  • Contact information for the contractor, if any

If the work is to take place in a co-ownership:

  • Letter of authorization from each co-owner, or a resolution from the co-ownership board

If you are a mandatory:

  • Power of attorney authorizing you to act on behalf of the owner



Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

5160 Boulevard Décarie
Montréal, QC H3X 2H9

Payment method

Click on the place to see accepted methods of payment.


You do not need a permit to install a fence or plant a hedge. However, you must still comply with regulations.


Fences, hedges and masonry walls must be located at least 1 m from the sidewalk or street edge.

For a corner lot, in the yard situated beside a street, fences, hedges and masonry walls must in no case encroach on the public road right-of-way. A 1-metre visibility triangle must be maintained. If this is the case for your lot, contact us for information about rules to be followed.

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For information about standards applicable in this situation, go to the Québec government’s Web site.


Fences must follow these maximum height criteria:

  • In the front yard: 1 m
  • for the rest of the lot: 1.8 m

Walls must comply with these maximum height criteria:

  •  1 m


Exceptions apply, including in industrial zones, residential zones adjacent to a commercial or industrial zone, and on lots located alongside Autoroute 20 between 37e Avenue and 54e Avenue.

Requirements are different for sports fields, childcare centres, rowhouses, semi-detached houses and vehicle businesses. 

Contact us for further information.


The following are authorized for fence construction:

  • Treated, painted, stained or varnished wood
  • Untreated wood, in the case of a rustic, split-rail fence
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), aluminum and materials composed of recycled plastic
  • Hot-dipped or vinyl-clad galvanized chain-link mesh, with or without slats, attached to horizontal and vertical posts
  • Pre-painted metal and enamelled steel
  • Painted wrought iron
  • Masonry (except for non-architectural concrete blocks) and stone

A wood fence must be made of planed, painted or weather-treated wood; split-rail fences are excepted.

The following cannot be attached to a fence or wall:

  • Shards of glass
  • Nails
  • Other cutting or slicing objects


Fences and walls must be maintained in good condition.

Snow fence

Only allowed for the protection of landscaping, between October 15 of one year and April 15 of the following year. 

Barbed wire

Barbed wire is permitted only along the top of fences taller than 1.8 m, in industrial zones, and around public utility infrastructure located in the public right-of-way.


Extension number 296

1800 Boulevard Saint-Joseph
Montréal, QC H8S 2N4


A permit is required to plant a hedge or install a fence or wall.


Fences, hedges and walls must be located along the lot boundaries and installed at least 61 cm from the sidewalk.

A hedge cannot prevent access to a fire hydrant. Clearance of at least 1.2 m must be left open on each side.

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For further information, go to the Québec government’s Web site.


Fences, hedges and walls must comply with these maximum height criteria: 

  • In the rear and along the side boundaries of a lot:
    • Fence: 1.83 m
    • Hedge: 2.40 m
    • Wall: 1 m
  • In the front (and also including side boundaries starting at the facade of the building):
    • 0.80 m
  • Lot located at an intersection, on the side of a main building from the back property line of the lot to the alignment with the front wall of the building:
    • Fence: 1.83 m
    • Hedge: 2.40 m


The following materials are authorized:

  • Wood: painted, planed, stained or varnished (can be left in natural state if a split-rail fence)
  • Metal: must be ornamental and safe to prevent any chance of injury
  • Polyvinyl chloride resin (PVC)


  • Chicken wire
  • Barbed wire
  • Metal wire mesh
  • Sheet metal


An authorization certificate costs $25.

Anticipate a wait of approximately two weeks if application is complete, before receipt of the authorization certificate.

Required documents

The following documents are required to assess your file:

  • Certificate of location
  • Drawing of location where element is to be added, including its height (sketched on the location certificate)
  • Description of materials to be used

If the work is to take place in a co-ownership:

  • Letter of authorization from each co-owner, or a resolution from the co-ownership board

If you are a mandatory

  • Power of attorney authorizing you to act on behalf of the owner

Communication channels

In person

55 Avenue Dupras
Montréal, QC H8R 4A8

By appointment only.


You do not need a permit to install a fence or plant a hedge.

However, authorization from the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec (MCCQ) and/or a ruling from the comité consultatif d’urbanisme (CCU, or urban planning consultation committee) may be required if your property is in one of the following situations:

  • It is located in the official Mont-Royal heritage site, in the protective area around a classified heritage property or in a cited heritage site
  • It is classified, cited or a large property of institutional character


You must comply with these criteria:

  • If the fence encloses a basin (e.g. an in-ground pool) with walls no deeper than 1.2 m (4 ft.), it must be located at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) away from the pond

The fence must be at least 0.75 m (2 ft. 6 in.) from the sidewalk, or from the road edge if there is no sidewalk. An exception applies when two existing buildings meet the following criteria:

  • They are located no more than 15 m from each other
  • They are located less than 0.75 m from the sidewalk, or if there is no sidewalk, from the road

A fence may also be installed in the continuation of the facade line of the building closest to the sidewalk or road.

Access to public equipment

You must ensure that your hedge does not prevent access or visibility, from the sidewalk or the road, of any of the following elements:

  • Bus shelter
  • Emergency telephone
  • Fire department water connection unit (standpipe)
  • Fire hydrant
  • Mail box
  • Telephone booth
  • Underground transformer chamber
  • Other, similar public utility device or facility

Clearance of at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) must be left open on each side of such devices or facilities.

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For information about rules applicable in this situation, go to the Québec government’s Web site.


Fences and hedges must comply with these maximum height criteria:

  • In the front (and also including side boundaries starting at the facade of the building): 0.90 m (3 ft.)
  • Where two public roads intersect, with a length of 7 m (23 ft) along each public road, measured from the intersection of the two sides of the fence: 0.90 m (3 ft.)
  • On any other part of the lot, for a fence: 2 m (6 ft. 6 in.)



  • Barbed wire (except along the top of a fence at least 2.5 m tall)
  • Glass or crockery shards, sharp pieces of metal and other similar rough or projecting material
  • Canvas or other supple material or fabric
  • Corrugated sheet metal or other metal (except for pre-painted or anodized aluminum, or the following kinds of steel: pre-painted, stainless, controlled-oxidation, galvanized, copper- or tin-clad)

Masonry bollards are also prohibited except to fence off:

  • An empty lot
  • A commercial parking lot without acquired rights or regulatory authorization
  • A lot containing accessory parking spaces of a vacant or demolished building if:
    • Each bollard weighs at least 100 kg and is no more than 1 m tall
    • Bollards are located no further than 1.75 m from one another and are connected together by a solid element, preventing them from being moved

Communication channels


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

201 Avenue Laurier Est
Fifth floor
Montréal, QC H2T 3E6


A fence (structure of materials) or a hedge is intended to screen or delimit a property or part of a property.

Your fence or hedge must meet the applicable standards of installation and materials.


Significant, heritage and exceptional value: If the fence is located on a property occupied by a significant building or in the front yard of a building located in an area of exceptional value, you must apply for a permit.


Regular fee: $95

This amount is not taxable and is non-refundable.

Reduced rate: 50 per cent reduction

To benefit from this reduction, you must be the owner of the building you occupy and be 65 years of age or older. Please show:

  • A piece of identification (health insurance card, driver’s licence).
  • Proof of residence and property ownership (tax account, hydro bill).

Cases involving swimming pools and spas

Under the laws and regulations governing residential swimming pool safety, a fence is required around pools and spas in certain cases. The fence must be indicated in the application for a certificate of authorization for a pool or spa.

Please check with the permit office to see if the project for your building or land requires additional procedures.

Dividing line between two lots

The city has no jurisdiction in this instance. To find out which standards apply to your situation, read this Government of Quebec web page.

Applicable standards 

For a fence:

  • Must not encroach on the public domain
  • Must be at least 75 cm from the sidewalk or roadway edge
  • Must be at least 1 m from public utility installations and pools (e.g. in-ground pool) with a wall height of less than 1.2 m
  • Must not exceed 2 m in height, if in the rear or along the side boundaries
  • Must not exceed 90 cm in height, if in the front
  • Must not exceed 30 cm if its lower wall or the base of its lower wall is built of masonry and is located:
    • In the front yard facing the building and including the main entrance
    • In the front yard and is at a distance of less than 5 m from the public right-of-way
    • At the intersection of two public rights-of-way, at a distance of 7 m from each
    • On a corner lot, in the common area of the two front yards.

For a hedge:

  • Must not exceed 3.5 m in height
  • Must not exceed 90 cm, if it is:
    • In the front yard of the facade including the main entrance
    • In the front yard and is less than 5 m from the public right-of-way
    • At the intersection of two public rights-of-way, at a distance of 7 m from each
    • On a corner lot, in the common area of the two front yards.

Prohibited materials

  • Sheet metal, except pre-painted or anodized aluminum, pre-painted, stainless or controlled oxidation, galvanized or tin-plated steel, copper or tin
  • Canvas or other fabric or flexible material
  • Barbed wire
  • Shards of glass or earthenware, sharp pieces of metal or other similar materials, placed in a protruding or jagged position
  • Removable masonry or concrete bollards
  • Any material that is not sound and solid
  • Any materials not designed for exterior use or of unfinished appearance.

In the case of an area of exceptional value, on the grounds of a significant or heritage building, the following materials are also prohibited: 

  • Aluminum whose components are not welded
  • Chain link, except for a yard serving an industrial use
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC).

Learn more

815 Rue Bel-Air
First floor
Montréal, QC H4C 2K4


You need a permit to install, construct or modify a fence or a wall. 

No permit is needed for a hedge


You must comply with these criteria:

  • Fences, walls and entryways must not encroach on a road right-of-way
  • Hedges cannot be located within 60 cm of a road right-of-way

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For further information, go to the Québec government’s Web site.

Height and width

Fences, hedges and walls must comply with these maximum height criteria:

  • In the front setback, for fences and walls: 1.2 m
  • Between the front setback and the rear lot boundary, for fences and walls: 1.85 m
  • For an entryway:
    • 2.45 m high
    • Between 3.5 m and 8 m wide

Hedges must comply with these maximum height criteria: 

  • In the front setback: 1.2 m
  • Between the front setback and the rear lot boundary, no set height limit

Exceptions exist for corner and transverse lots, and other uses. Contact us for further information.


Your hedge or fence may be composed of vegetative matter or one of the following materials:

  • Concrete
  • Wood
  • Brick
  • Chain-link (Frost-type)
  • Ornamental metal
  • Stone
  • Plastic
  • Vinyl

Architectural implementation and integration plan

Applications must comply in certain areas:

  • Secteur de valeur exceptionnelle (area of exceptional value) and buildings of heritage value
  • The Parcours riverain and its related streets
  • Lots along Lac des Deux-Montagnes and Rivière des Prairies.

For these particular cases, contact the Division Urbanisme, Permis et Inspections at 514-620-6607.

Permit fees

Minimum cost for an authorization certificate is $120.30, not taxable.

Required documents

The following documents are required to assess your file:

  • Certificate of location (showing location of proposed fence)
  • Contractor’s estimate
  • Details about the fence (type and height)

If the work is to take place in a co-ownership:

  • Letter of authorization from each co-owner, or a resolution from the co-ownership board

If you are a mandatory:

  • Power of attorney authorizing you to act on behalf of the owner


Communication channels



15795, boulevard Gouin Ouest
(on the 2nd floor, rear door of the citizen reception and public safety office)
Montréal, QC H9H 1C5



You must comply with these criteria:

  • The fence must be at least 0.75 m (2 ft. 6 in.) from the sidewalk, or from the road edge if there is no sidewalk
  • If the fence encloses a basin (e.g. an in-ground pool) with walls no deeper than 1.2 m (4 ft.), it must be located at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) away from the pond

Access to public equipment

You must ensure that your hedge does not prevent access or visibility, from the sidewalk or the road, of any of the following elements:

  • Bus shelter
  • Emergency telephone
  • Fire department water connection unit (standpipe)
  • Fire hydrant
  • Mail box
  • Telephone booth
  • Underground transformer chamber
  • Other, similar public utility device or facility

Clearance of at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) must be left open on each side of such devices or facilities.

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For information about rules applicable in this situation, go to the Québec government’s Web site.


Fence and hedge height must comply with the following criteria:

  • In the front (and also including side boundaries starting at the facade of the building), the height must not exceed 0.90 m (3 ft.)
  • In the rear and along the side boundaries, fence height cannot exceed 2 m (6 ft. 6 in). However, hedge heights are no longer regulated
  • Where two public roads intersect, fences/hedges cannot be taller than 0.90 m (3 ft.), with a length of 7 m (23 ft) along each public road, measured from the intersection of the two sides of the fence

Mandatory fences

Fences are required for the following:

  • A scrap yard (in an industrial area)
  • A swimming pool or a spa (fence made of rigid materials)
  • A private lot on which work that is a danger to public safety is carried out
  • An empty lot

Communication channels



6854 Rue Sherbrooke Est
Montréal, QC H1N 1E1


You need a permit to install, construct or modify a fence or a wall. 

No permit is needed for a hedge, except in the Boulevard Gouin area.


The location of a fence, wall or hedge must comply with the following conditions:

  • Must not prevent unobstructed access, nor hide the view, from a sidewalk or the road, of a fire hydrant or a fire department water connection unit (standpipe). Clearance of at least 1.5 m must be left open
  • Clearance of at least 0.5 m from the sidewalk or road edge if there is no sidewalk, must be complied with
  • The visibility triangle must be maintained

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. View the standards set out in the Civil Code of Québec.


Fences, hedges and walls must comply with these maximum height criteria:

  • Front setback: 0.90 m
  • Secondary front setback (height facing secondary road): 1.52 m
  • Rear and side yards and setbacks: 2.15 m for fences and walls and 2.75 m for hedges

For multi-family buildings at a street corner, the permitted height for fences, walls and hedges 0.90 m in the secondary front setback. Heights for rear and side yards and setbacks are unchanged.

For lots on a slope, fences, walls and hedges must be installed in levels and must not exceed the maximum height by more than 150 mm. Height is measured from the centre of each level.


For fences, the following materials are authorized:

  • Wood
  • Metal
  • Polyvinyl chloride resin (PVC)
  • Other composite materials

For walls, the following materials are authorized:

  • Brick
  • Stone masonry
  • Bricks or prefabricated concrete imitating stone

Hedges must have persistent leaves, i.e. foliage that remains throughout the year.


Note the following exceptions:

  • Metal, PVC and composite fencing must be ornamental
  • Only metal fences are authorized for corner lots, transverse corner lots for multi-family housing and seniors’ housing. They can be combined with hedges or masonry bases
  • At least 30 per cent of the surface of fences and walls installed in the main and secondary front setbacks must be open
  • If a decorative wall base is combined with an ornamental fence in the main or secondary front setback, the wall portion cannot be more than one third (1/3) of the maximum permitted height

The following are prohibited:

  • Electrified and barbed wire fencing, and any iron wire fence except for chain-link are prohibited in residential zones
  • Chain-link fences are prohibited in the main and secondary front setbacks

Additional exceptions apply in commercial zones, industrial zones and between two zones of different land uses. Contact the borough for more information.

Maintenance of fences, walls and hedges

Fences, walls and hedges must be maintained in good condition at all times.

Wood fences must be protected with paint or opaque stain, except for split-rail fences which are permitted without special treatment. 

Hedges must be pruned to comply with height limits stipulated in regulations.

Required documents

  • Certificate of location with sketch showing where fence or wall is to be installed
  • Installation specifications or copy of contractor’s contract with technical details (height and materials)
  • Evaluation of total work cost

If you are a mandatory:

  • Power of attorney authorizing you to act on behalf of the owner

Communication channels


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

4241 Place de l'Hôtel-de-Ville
Montréal, QC H1H 1S4


You need a permit to install a fence or wall, or plant a hedge. 


Hedges and retaining walls must be located on private property at a distance of at least 60 cm from the street right-of-way.

Fences and hedges are not authorized in a setback. Exceptions apply to:

  • Fences and hedges located along alleys and running diagonally toward the intersection of two streets: allowed up to 40 cm from the sidewalk
  • Hedges located along the side property boundary
  • Certain transverse lots

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For further information, go to the Québec government’s Web site.

Rules to follow

You must comply with these criteria:

  • Maximum height of fences, walls and hedges is 2 m
  • Fences must be painted or stained with an opaque colour
  • Wood and metal fences must have openings
  • Barbed wire is prohibited in residential land use zones
  • Additional requirements must be complied with when a swimming pool is installed on the lot

Permit fees

The cost of a permit application varies as a function of the estimated work project cost. You must pay $9.80 for each $1000 amount of work. No matter the work cost, at a minimum you must pay:

  • $164.20 for an exclusively residential property
  • $482.50 for a commercial, industrial, institutional or mixed-use property

The cost estimate must include all expenses related to the work (e.g. plans, labour, equipment), taxes included. 

Additional fees may apply if your building, or the area in which it is located, is of heritage value or if it is subject to special architectural requirements.

Fees are not reimbursable.

See also: The cost of a renovation permit

Communication channels



1431 Avenue Van Horne, 2nd floor
Montréal, QC H2V 1K9

You need a permit to install, modify, replace or relocate a fence or retaining wall.

No permit is needed to plant or remove a hedge.


A fence or wall must be installed at:

  • A minimum distance of 1.5 m from the sidewalk, edge or bicycle path
  • A minimum distance of 1.5 m from a fire hydrant
  • A minimum distance of 2 m from the roadway

If your lot is located at the intersection of two streets or at a double intersection, you must be sure to maintain the visibility triangle clear of any obstacle at a height above 1 m.

Under no circumstances may a fence or wall be erected on city property.

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For further information, go to the Québec government’s Web site.


Fences and walls other than retaining walls must comply with these maximum height criteria: 

  • In a front yard: 1.2 m
  • In the setbacks and the back and side yards: 2 m


When the depth of the front yard is more than 15 m, the maximum authorized fence height is 1.6 m. However, it must be comprised of ornamental wrought iron and masonry pillars distanced at least 2.5 m apart.

Fences installed on a retaining wall must extend down to the lowest ground level, to conceal the wall.

If the rear yard of the property is adjacent to a street:

  • There must be a fence or a conifer hedge in the rear yard.
  • The fence must be in chain-link, with no more than 20 per cent of its surface being open.
  • The fence or conifer hedge must be at least 1.85 m tall.

Particular rules apply for:

  • Multi-family housing located adjacent to a lot with a single-family house
  • Commercial, industrial and recreational properties

Contact us for details about the criteria to follow.


For fences, the following materials are authorized:

  • Concrete, wood or metal for the posts supporting the fence
  • Ornamental metal assembly, such as wrought iron, welded iron or aluminium, cast iron assembly
  • Tempered-glass panels
  • Natural wood split-rails, not planed
  • Wood planks and shingles
  • Steel or aluminum wire mesh, with a frame comprised of a tubular traverse element
  • Trellis of wood or polyvinyl chloride resin slats
  • Polyvinyl chloride resin (PVC)

For a wall, the following materials are authorized:

  • Fieldstone, cut-stone or brick masonry; split-face, grooved or architectural concrete block
  • Perpend masonry or non-architectural concrete block, provided that the entire surface is covered in cement parging or acrylic parging, or moulded-concrete decorative elements

Concrete can be used for foundations or the top of a wall or pillar. Moulded-concrete decorative elements can be inserted.

No part of wall foundations above 40 cm from the finished ground line can be visible from the street frontage.


Fences, masonry walls and supporting walls must be maintained in good condition.

Permit fees

Application analysis fees are $65, taxes included. They are not refundable.

Required documents

  • Certificate of location
  • Photo and manufacturer’s details (installation rules, measurements, material, style)
  • Estimate and work costs
  • Location of projected work (use your certificate to identify the location of your fence, as well as height, length and other measurements).

If the work is to take place in a co-ownership:

  • Letter of authorization from each co-owner, or a resolution from the co-ownership board

If you are a mandatory:

  • Power of attorney authorizing you to act on behalf of the owner


13665 Boulevard de Pierrefonds
Montréal, QC H9A 2Z4


You do not need a permit to install a fence or plant a hedge. However, you must still comply with regulations.


You must comply with these criteria:

  • The fence must be at least 0.75 m (2 ft. 6 in.) from the sidewalk, or from the road edge if there is no sidewalk
  • If the fence encloses a basin (e.g. an in-ground pool) with walls no deeper than 1.2 m (4 ft.), it must be located at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) away from the pond

Public property

Installation of a fence is prohibited on public property (street, sidewalk, street setback, etc.). The borough requires the relocation or removal of all fences that illegally encroach on the public domain, giving priority since 2015 to cases involving a safety issue and the presence of underground infrastructures.

However, a hedge can be located on public property at any of the following locations:

  • In the right-of-way of a public road (space between the front yard lot boundary and the sidewalk; or if no sidewalk, from the edge of the road paving). In this case, the maximum height is 0.90 m (3 ft.).
  • In the right-of-way of an unused, unpaved alley. In this case there is no height limit.

You must ensure that your hedge does not prevent access or visibility, from the sidewalk or the road, for any of the following elements:

  • Telephone booth
  • Emergency telephone
  • Underground transformer chamber
  • Fire hydrant
  • Mail box
  • Bus shelter
  • Fire department water connection unit (standpipe)
  • Other, similar public utility device or facility 

Clearance of at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) must be left open on each side of such devices or facilities.

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For further information, go to the Québec government’s Web site.


Fences must follow comply with these maximum height criteria: 

  • In the front (and also including side boundaries starting at the facade of the building): 0.90 m (3 ft.)
  • In the rear and along the side boundaries: 2 m (6 ft. 6 in)

Hedges must comply with these maximum height criteria:

  • In the front (and also including side boundaries starting at the facade of the building), the height must not exceed 0.90 m (3 ft.);
  • Elsewhere on the lot, hedge height is not limited.


Particular rules apply for lots:

  • Located at the intersection of two public roads (corner lot)
  • Located between two public roads (transverse lot)
  • Facing Rue Notre-Dame Est
  • Facing Boulevard Gouin Est

Contact the borough for more information.


The following materials are prohibited:

  • Concrete bollards (exceptions apply)
  • Barbed wire
  • Glass shards and sharp pieces of metal
  • Canvas or other fabric
  • Corrugated sheet metal (exceptions apply)
  • Any other material that is not safe or solid

Fences must be maintained in good condition and hedges must be pruned as needed.

Communication channels



12090 Rue Notre-Dame Est
Montréal, QC H1B 2Z1


You do not need a permit to install a fence or plant a hedge. However, you must still comply with regulations.


You must comply with these criteria:

  • The fence must be at least 0.75 m (2 ft. 6 in.) from the sidewalk, or from the road edge if there is no sidewalk
  • If the fence encloses a basin (e.g. an in-ground pool) with walls no deeper than 1.2 m (4 ft.), it must be located at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) away from the pond

Access to public equipment

You must ensure that your hedge does not prevent access or visibility, from the sidewalk or the road, of any of the following elements:

  • Bus shelter
  • Emergency telephone
  • Fire department water connection unit (standpipe)
  • Fire hydrant
  • Mail box
  • Telephone booth
  • Underground transformer chamber
  • Other, similar public utility device or facility

Clearance of at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) must be left open on each side of such devices or facilities.

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For further information, go to the Québec government’s Web site.


Fences must comply with these maximum height criteria:

  • In the front (and also including side boundaries starting at the facade of the building): 0.90 m (3 ft.)
  • In the rear and along the side boundaries: 2 m (6 ft. 6 in.)
  • In the rear yard, the fence can be raised 0.5 m if at least 25 per cent of that area is open (trellis type)

Hedge heights must comply with the following criteria:

  • In the front (and also including side boundaries starting at the facade of the building): 0.90 m (3 ft.)
  • Elsewhere on the lot: 3.5 m (11.5 ft.)


Your hedge or fence may be composed of vegetative matter or one of the following materials:

  • Concrete
  • Wood
  • Brick
  • Chain-link (Frost-type)
  • Ornamental metal
  • Stone
  • Plastic
  • Vinyl


  • Masonry bollards
  • Barbed wire
  • Glass shards
  • Canvas or other fabric
  • Sheet metal
  • Any other material that is not safe or solid

The following materials are prohibited in front yards:

  • Aluminum, except for fences with welded joints
  • Unstained or unvarnished wood
  • Chain-link
  • Polyvinyl chloride (PVC)

Fences must be maintained and hedges must be pruned to comply with maximum authorized heights.


By phone


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.


You do not need a permit to install a fence or plant a hedge. However, you must still comply with regulations.


A fence or wall must be located:

  • Inside the property line
  • At least 1.5 m (4 ft. 11 in.) from the sidewalk, or from the road edge if there is no sidewalk
  • At least 1.2 m (3 ft. 11 in.) from a fire hydrant

A hedge must be:

  • At least 1.5 m (4 ft. 11 in.) from the sidewalk, or from the road edge if there is no sidewalk
  • At least 1.2 m (3 ft. 11 in.) from a fire hydrant
  • Pruned so as to leave a minimum distance of 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) between the foliage and the sidewalk

At intersections, a visibility triangle, providing clear views of streets and alleys, must be maintained.

Access to public equipment

You must ensure that your hedge does not prevent access or visibility, from the sidewalk or the road, of any of the following elements:

  • Bus shelter
  • Emergency telephone
  • Fire department water connection unit (standpipe)
  • Fire hydrant
  • Mail box
  • Telephone booth
  • Underground transformer chamber
  • Other, similar public utility device or facility

Clearance of at least 1.2 m (3 ft. 11 in.) must be left open on each side of such devices or facilities.

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For further information, go to the Québec government’s Web site.


For houses and businesses, compliance with the following maximum heights is required: 

  • Fences and walls:
    • Front yard: 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.)
    • Rear and side yards: 1.85 m (about 6 ft.)
  • Hedges:
    • Front yard: 1.5 m (4 ft. 11 in.)
    • Rear and side yards: 2.4 m (about 8 ft)
    • When they separate two rear yards: 2.7 m (8.5 ft.)

For schools (from prekindergarten to non-university post-secondary), in a side or rear yard: 2.5 m (8 ft. 2 in.)

For sport fields, in a side or rear yard: 5 m.

A fence or wall must be within property boundaries and never closer than 1.5 m (4 ft. 11 in.) to a sidewalk.


The following are authorized for a fence:

  • Planed, treated, painted, varnished or stained wood, with posts spaced no more than 3 m apart in order to provide solidity
  • Iron mesh
  • Machined metal
  • Manufactured, enamelled or corrugated panels
  • Polymer (plastic)

In the Bois-Franc and Nouveau Saint-Laurent sectors:

  • Wood is prohibited
  • In a front yard: white or forest-green ornamental iron
  • In a side or rear yard:
    • Iron mesh (Frost-type)
    • PVC
    • Aluminum or PVC trellis
    • Uniform colour, such as white, black or forest green
    • Ornamental iron fences must be white or forest green

For lots with a commercial or service establishment located beside a residential zone, a fence lined by a hedge is mandatory.



Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

777, boulevard Marcel-Laurin
Saint-Laurent, QC H4M 2M7


You do not need a permit to install a fence or plant a hedge. However, you must still comply with regulations.


You must ensure that:

  • A minimum distance of 1.05 m from the centre of any fire hydrant is maintained
  • Fences, hedges and walls are not located within a setback

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For information about rules applicable in this situation, go to the Québec government’s Web site.


Compliance with the following maximum height criteria is required in residential areas: 

  • In a front yard:
    • Hedge, fence or wall: 90 cm (3 ft.)
    • Hedge located along the boundary of a front yard and the side or rear yard of a different property: 1.80 m (about 6 ft.)
  • In a side or rear yard:
    • Hedge: 2.45 m (8 ft.)
    • Fence or wall: 1.80 m (about 6 ft.)

Particular situations

Particular rules apply for:

  • Non-residential establishments and those located in an industrial area
  • When a lot occupied by a business or industry is adjacent to a residential lot, or would be if there were not a traffic road between the two
  • Exterior storage space
  • When a lot occupied by a heavy commercial, public utility or industrial land use is located beside a residential lot, library, school, health care facility, childcare centre, place of worship, etc.
  • Spaces on a corner lot (visibility triangle). Any obstacle more than 1 metre in height is prohibited inside the visibility triangle.

Contact us for additional information.

Mandatory fences

A safety fence must be installed around a swimming pool to protect access. The fence must be fixed, not removable.


The following types of fences are authorized:

  • Planed, painted, varnished or stained wood; untreated wood in the case of a rustic fence
  • Chain-link, galvanized chain or covered in a plasticized material
  • Ornamental metal and metal with a finish to prevent injury: metal subject to rust must be painted
  • Polyvinyl chloride resin (PVC)

The following materials are prohibited:

  • Chicken wire
  • Barbed wire, except in industrial zone and under certain conditions
  • Sheet metal


All fences must be maintained in good condition, at all times. They must retain their original qualities, both structural and aesthetic.

Communication channels


Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

8400 Boulevard Lacordaire
Montréal, QC H1R 3B1


You do not need a permit to install a fence or wall, or plant a hedge. However, you must still comply with regulations.


  • You must maintain a distance of at least 45 cm between the fence or hedge and the inner sidewalk edge, in the right-of-way of a public road
  • You must not place a fence, hedge or wall directly on a property line which borders:
    • A roadway
    • A park, green space or public utility element (electric pole, lines, underground conduit, etc.)

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For information about rules applicable in this situation, go to the Québec government’s Web site.


Your hedge or fence may be composed of vegetative matter or one of the following materials:

  • Wrought iron
  • Welded aluminium
  • Ornamental galvanized steel
  • Assembled ornamental iron
  • Painted or stained planed wood, except for the Nuns’ Island neighbourhood
  • Chain link, except for the Nuns’ Island neighbourhood


Fences, masonry walls and hedges must comply with these maximum height criteria:

  • In a front yard: 
    • Fence: 1.20 m
    • Hedge: 1.85 m
    • A fence located less than 10 m from the front boundary of a lot: 1.85 m
  • In a side or rear yard: 
    • Fence and masonry walls: 1.85 m
    • Hedge: no height limit

Create a sight triangle in your yard 

If your lot is located at the intersection of two streets or at a double intersection, you must maintain a space free of any hedge or fence (unless less than 1 metre) from the street level.

This space is called a visibility triangle. It ensures motorists, cyclists and pedestrians have proper visibility at the intersection.

The side of the triangle must be 6 m, measured from the intersection point within the sidewalk curb, or if there is no sidewalk, from the inner border of the concrete.



Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

4555 Rue de Verdun
Suite 109
Montréal, QC H4G 1M4


You need a permit to install a fence in a front yard.

No permit is needed to:

  • Install a fence in a rear or side yard
  • Plant a hedge


You must comply with these criteria:

  • The fence must be at least 0.3 m (1 ft.) from the sidewalk, or from the road edge if there is no sidewalk
  • If the fence encloses a basin (e.g. an in-ground pool) with walls no deeper than 1.2 m (4 ft.), it must be located at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) away from the pond

Access to public equipment

You must ensure that your hedge does not prevent access or visibility, from the sidewalk or the road, of any of the following elements:

  • Telephone booth
  • Emergency telephone
  • Underground transformer chamber
  • Fire hydrant
  • Mail box
  • Bus shelter
  • Fire department water connection unit (standpipe)
  • Other, similar public utility device or facility 

Clearance of at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) must be left open on each side of such devices or facilities.

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For information about standards applicable in this situation, go to the Québec government’s Web site.


Fences must comply with these maximum height criteria:

  • In a front yard: 1 m
  • In any other part of the lot: 2 m


The following are permitted

  • Clay brick
  • Wrought iron
  • Stone

For other yards, material such as wood or metallic mesh may be accepted. Contact the borough for more information.


Fences must be maintained in good condition. They must be repaired or replaced when needed.

Permit fees

The landscaping authorization certificate costs $121.

Required documents

  • Certificate of location
  • Drawing at a scale of at least 1:200 indicating the location of the fence and materials used

If the work is to take place in a co-ownership:

  • Letter of authorization from each co-owner, or a resolution from the co-ownership board

If you are a mandatory:

  • Power of attorney authorizing you to act on behalf of the owner



Outside of Montréal: 514-872-0311

Monday to Friday: From 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday and public holidays: From 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

800 Boulevard De Maisonneuve Est
ground floor
Montréal, QC H2L 4L8


You do not need a permit to install a fence or plant a hedge. However, you must still comply with regulations.


You must comply with these criteria:

  • The fence must be at least 0.75 m (2 ft. 6 in.) from the sidewalk, or from the road edge if there is no sidewalk
  • If the fence encloses a basin (e.g. an in-ground pool) with walls no deeper than 1.2 m (4 ft.), it must be located at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) away from the pond

Access to public equipment

You must ensure that your hedge does not prevent access or visibility, from the sidewalk or the road, of any of the following elements:

  • Bus shelter
  • Emergency telephone
  • Fire department water connection unit (standpipe)
  • Fire hydrant
  • Mail box
  • Telephone booth
  • Underground transformer chamber
  • Other, similar public utility device or facility

Clearance of at least 1 m (3 ft. 3 in.) must be left open on each side of such devices or facilities.

Dividing line between two lots

The city does not have any jurisdiction in this situation. For information about rules applicable in this situation, go to the Québec government’s Web site.


Fence and hedge height must comply with the following criteria:

  • In the front (and also alongside boundaries starting at the facade of the building), the height must not exceed 0.90 m (3 ft.)
  • In the rear and along the side boundaries, fence height cannot exceed 2 m (6 ft. 6 in.)
  • Where two public roads intersect, fences/hedges cannot be taller than 0.90 m (3 ft.), with a length of 7 m (23 ft) along each public road, measured from the intersection of the two sides of the fence


The following materials are prohibited for the construction or repair of a fence:

  • Masonry bollards
  • Barbed wire
  • Glass or crockery shards, sharp pieces of metal and other similar rough or projecting material
  • Canvas or other supple material or fabric, fireproof or not
  • Corrugated sheet or other sheet metal, except for:
    • pre-painted or anodized aluminum
    • pre-painted, stainless, controlled-oxidation, galvanized, copper- or tin-clad steel
    • copper
    • tin
  • Any material that is not safe or solid

Fences must be maintained in good condition; they must be repaired or replaced when needed. Live hedges must be pruned regularly to comply with height limits stipulated in the regulation.

Exceptions apply to properties of heritage value. Contact the borough for more information.

Communication channels

Permit counter


405 Avenue Ogilvy
Suite 111
Montréal, QC H3N 1M3
